Combat Stats

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The Equipment Stats interface (Click for greater detail)

Equipment Stats (often referred to as equipment bonuses, or simply stats or bonuses) are bonuses found in the Worn Equipment section of the interface which are determined by the equipment a player is wearing. Equipment bonuses are split into three categories: Attack bonus, Defence bonus, and Other bonuses.

All armour and weapons give a value for each bonus, with the strongest equipment giving the highest bonuses. Equipment bonuses, combined with a player's levels in combat skills and their chosen attack style are formulated into the calculations made by RuneScape in relatively short amounts of time which determine the amount of damage is inflicted and received in return, as well as consistency in dealing damage.

Equipping armour.
Unequipping armour.

Equipment bonuses are highly important to certain aspects of RuneScape such as player killing in Wilderness and fighting in the Duel Arena for large stakes because players will put large amounts of time into determining what combination of equipment will give them the best chance of success. The Equipment Stats interface will have a darker tint when the player is in a darker room, such as a cave.

Attack bonuses

Main article: Attack types

While in combat, a player's Attack bonus in the Attack type of their chosen Attack style, compared to their opponent's Defence bonus in that attack style, determines how likely the player is to hit. In short, a higher Attack bonus in a particular style increases the chances of dealing damage to an opponent.

Corresponding with the five different attack styles, the five Attack bonuses are:

  • Stab
  • Slash
  • Crush
  • Magic
  • Ranged

Defence bonuses

Bonuses to defence serve to protect combatants from damage. The higher the defence bonus in a particular style, the lower the chance of taking damage from an attack of that style.

As the defence bonuses correspond with the eight attack bonuses, there are nine defence bonuses; one for each attack style, three for Damage soaking, and an extra which protects against Summoned Creatures. A higher bonus thus lowers the chance of being dealt damage by NPCs or players using the particular attack style, plus lowering the average amount of damage dealt when it connects.

The nine Defence bonuses are:

  • Stab
  • Slash
  • Crush
  • Magic
  • Ranged
  • Summoning
  • Absorb Melee
  • Absorb Magic
  • Absorb Range

Other bonuses

  • Strength: (colloquially str bonus) Two stats affect a player's maximum melee hit: their strength level (see Strength) and their equipment's strength bonus. The two of them calculated together result in the players max hit. See maximum melee hit for the formula used to calculate max hit.
  • A player with level 75 strength with a strength bonus of 0 would have a max hit of 90, but the same player with a strength bonus of +105.0 would have a max hit of 220. This is a clear illustration of why strong weapons are effective: the higher the strength bonus, the higher the maximum hit.
  • Ranged Strength: This stat that affects the maximum hit that a player can do with range. Only ranged ammunition (arrows, bolts, javelins, etc.), the Crystal bow (Doesn't use ammunition), Slings (No ammunition), and the Zaryte bow (also doesn't have ammunition) have this bonus. Gem tipped bolts have a slightly higher ranged strength than un-tipped bolts (ex. Bronze bolts have a ranged strength of 10.0 while opal tipped bronze bolts have a ranged strength of 14.0).
  • Prayer: Decreases the drain rate of prayers, or the amount of time a prayer takes to drain 10 prayer points. A prayer bonus of +15 will add 50% extra time to the use of all prayers, and a bonus of +30 will cut the drain rate for every prayer in half (meaning points will last twice as long). See prayer bonus.
  • Magic Damage: A percentage bonus found on some staffs and other equipment. Items, such as the Ancient Staff, will give you a percentage bonus to your damage. In this example, the Ancient Staff will give you a 10% magic damage bonus, making the max hit of a spell such as Ice Barrage 330 LP, versus 300 normally. You can also get a percentage increase to your magic damage if your magic level is boosted beyond its actual level (by drinking potions, for example). The percentage increase can be calculated by taking the number of levels you have boosted and then multiplying it by 3. For example, the extreme magic potion gives 21% extra magic damage, which is 7 boosted levels multiplied by 3. As the boost to your magic level reduces, so will this percentage decrease.

Equipment weight

Main article: Weight

The total weight (in kilograms) of the equipment worn is shown at the bottom of the interface. Weight influences how fast the Run energy decreases, and can be reduced by weight-reducing items, such as Boots of Lightness, Penance gloves, Spotted, Spottier cape, Agile legs and Agile top.

Bank Op And Equip Screen Update

File:Bank equip screen button.png
The button to the equipment screen from the bank.

The Bank Op And Equip Screen Update (BOAESU) was an update to allow a person to equip, and compare item stats without leaving the bank window. With this update also came along the item's damage absorption rates.

Precise information of wieldable items can be viewed.


  • Depending on a player's hairstyle and headgear, a player's hair can appear to be coming out from the back of their headgear when viewing themselves within the Equipment Stats interface.
  • There is a glitch when you remove worn items and bank them, the weight shown would be the same, despite the actual weight changing.
  • There is a glitch when you click the Equipment Stats interface while performing an emote, you won't be able to remove or equip any gear.
    File:Resting equipment stats.png
    The rest glitch.
  • There is a rest glitch found by resting and then opening up the Equipment Stats interface. This will cause you to stand up but your character still rests in the Equipment Stats interface. It was first noticed on 23 November 2010 and has not been patched.