Armies of Gielinor

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Armies of Gielinor article This article or section contains information about a character, creature, event or location which is only featured in the FunOrb game Armies of Gielinor. The Armies of Gielinor game is generally considered canon.
Armies of Gielinor


Armies of Gielinor is a FunOrb turn-based strategy game based on the RuneScape world, set in the time of the God Wars.

Players summon fighting units from the RuneScape world, including a King Black Dragon, which despite being the most powerful unit in the game is available even to non-members. These are used to fight other players, with up to 8 different players per game. There are 75 distinct units, although the most a player can have available during a single game is 41. Members can play Rated games, which can earn them runes to buy additional fighting units, gods, equipment and prestige coats of arms.


Armies of Gielinor is a turn based strategy game involving the interaction of units on a square grid. Players start with a Barbarian Chieftain, which is able to capture buildings, the most important being a nearby portal. Once a portal has been captured, the player is able to summon units using Mana. Units are used to fight the other players. Many units are aligned with a particular god, and require the player to have a suitably high favour to summon them. Favour is increased by summoning a unit of the highest level possible for that god. There are also neutral units, which can be summoned if the player has a high enough favour with any god, or by creating neutral units. The aim of the game is to fulfill one of three victory conditions, before any of the other players. These victory conditions are:

  1. Defeat all opponents (by capturing all their portals and killing all their units).
  2. Accumulate the maximum victory points for the level.
  3. Accumulate the most victory points when the turn limit expires.

Victory points are gained each turn, based on the number of villages, portals and towers the player has. Villages give 25 victory points, portals give 50 victory points and towers give 75 victory points. However, if an enemy player places a unit on top of theses structures, the amount of Mana and victory points they yield is halved. A small amount of victory points is also given to the players at the start of the game, based on the turn order. This is 25 victory points for each player that has a turn before the player.

This game also has keyboard shortcuts such as pressing SPACE to cycle through units as well as going right to where the action is, and ENTER lights up units that haven't moved yet.


All music tracks as been altered for Armies of Gielinor.

Principality (Misthalin Maps), Tzhaar! (Kharidian Desert Maps), Poles Apart (Frozen Wastes Maps), Dead Quiet (Morytania Maps), Legion (Lobby), and Attack 1-6 (Ingame Battle Scene)

Campaign Music:

The Other Side, Soul Wars, Zamorak Zoo, The Terrible Tower, The Sound of Guthix, Strength of Saradomin, Brain Battle, Fight or Flight, Kingdom, Venture2



  • Units in Armies of Gielinor have different strength than their RuneScape counterparts have. For example, Paladins are level 68 in RuneScape, yet they only have 10 Strength while the Black Knight, with only level 33 has 25 Strength. However, its possible for them to have weakened or strengthened over the years.
  • This is the only game that has ever topped Arcanists as most popular game in FunOrb.
  • The Crystalline Shapeshifter is the only unit that is only featured in Armies of Gielinor. However, it is possible that it will be a future update with the new elf quests.
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