Albertus Black

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Return to Canifis article This article or section contains information only featured in the RuneScape novel Return to Canifis, which is generally considered canon.

Albertus Black is a scientist who worked alongside Ebenezer. He lives in Ebenezer's old house in Varrock along with Sally.

When an embassy is sent to Morytania in a bid to stop the Wyrd and recover the taken children, Albertus chooses to accompany them in Ebenezer's place, as Ebenezer is too ill to go. Whilst in Canifis, he breaks the terms of the embassy by offering himself in the place of Pia and Jack, thus interfering in the governance of Canifis. He, along with the rest of the embassy, is captured and taken to Lord Draken's castle. He attempts to leave with the Myreque via a balloon, but does not survive the journey back over the River Salve.

When his body is being transported back to Varrock, the escort is attacked and his body stolen. After this, he haunts Varrock palace, acting with Papelford to attack Castimir and Arisha and kill servants in the palace, including Lucretia and his widow Sally. When Papelford launches an undead attack on King Botolph's Tower, Albertus goes to the room where Felicity is being guarded. He wounds Gideon Gleeman and snatches Felicity, revealing to his old friend Ebenezer that Tenebra turned him into a vampire. He offers to turn Ebenezer into one too, but when he refuses he takes Felicity and leaves Ebenezer to be crushed in the collapsing tower.

Ebenezer kills the seven children, including Felicity, under the Patedomus temple, destroying the sanctity of the river. When Theodore and Lord Despaard arrive, he taunts them, but his ignorance about vampyrism ultimately lead to his downfall, after he is attacked by Theodore, Despaard, Drezel and Martin, wielding garlic, and Castimir, who burns him, Drezel and Martin hold him down as Despaard hammers down the stake, killing him.