Slang dictionary/D

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Abbreviation Meaning
D/Drag (weapon/armour name) Dragon. Applies to the dragon two-handed sword (D2h), dragon battleaxe (Dba), dragon boots (Dboots), dragon hatchet (Dhatchet, Daxe), dragon chainbody (Dchain), dragon pickaxe (Dpick), dragon full helm (Dfh, Dfull), dragon helm (Dmed), dragon platelegs (Dlegs), dragon plateskirt (Dskirt), dragon longsword (Dlong), dragon platebody (Dplate, Dpl8).
D2H Dragon two-handed sword
Da, Duely Duel Arena, ring of duelling
Dag, Dagg, Daggy Dagannoth, dagger
Dbones Dragon bones
DD Dragon dagger, death dot (see below), dragon defender (more commonly known as ddef)
DD+, DDP+ Dragon dagger extra poisoned; sometimes mistakenly used instead of DDP++
DDH Death dot heal.
DDP Dragon dagger poisoned
DDS, DDP++ Dragon dagger super poisoned
DDSing, DDSer, DDS Duelling by using 4 Dragon dagger (p++)special attacks then switching to another weapon, usually an Abyssal whip. A person who uses this tactic is often called a DDSer.
Death dot, DD A multicombat player killing tactic where a number of players stand on the same square, making them appear as one player on the minimap.
De Dead end, usually used in Dungeoneering.
Denk Dead end, no key, a term used in Dungeoneering stating that there is no key in a recently-reached dead end room.
Dewk Dead end, with key, a term used in Dungeoneering stating that there is a key in a recently-reached dead end room.
Def Defence, Defender
Def noob, Defence noob Insult directed towards players with high Defence or players who wear armour (particularly in free-to-play worlds where dealing damage through armour is much more difficult than it is in pay-to-play worlds). Usually used in the context of PvP.
Def tank, Defence tank Player with a Defence level of upwards of 90 or higher. Usually a player who is not pure and has Defence as one of their highest combat skills.
Dfs Dragonfire shield, sometimes erroneously used for Anti-dragon shield
DGN Dragon-Granite noob. A pejorative term used to describe one who wears a dragon med helm, granite body, and dragon platelegs or a skirt, partly because they are commonly worn by combat bots.
Dh axe Dharok's Greataxe
D hide, D'hide Dragon hide
Dharok'ing, Dh'ing Getting one's life points as low as possible while in full Dharok's to maximise damage inflicted in battle. Often accompanied with Protection prayers.
Divine, Divy, Div Divine spirit shield
DK Dorgesh-Kaan
DK, DKs Dagannoth Kings
DL Darklight
DM/Dm Deathmatch
Dp Drop party, drop potential, death potential, door partner (to get past the doors in the Waterbirth Island Dungeon).
Dino Short for dinosaur. Used to refer to the Bovimastyx.
Drag Dragon, either the type of armour or the monster
DS Dragon spear, Double shot (mainly used in reference to the dark bow and magic shortbow), dragon scimitar
D scimmy, D scim, Dragon scimmy Dragon scimitar
DT Desert Treasure, Dominion Tower
Dning, Dung, Dungy, Dungeon, Dunge, Dg, Dunging Dungeoneering
Dusties, Dusts Dust devils
Dwf Dark Warriors' Fortress
