Sacred clay pickaxe

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This article is about the reward item purchased with Stealing Creation points for use outside of the minigame. For the pickaxes used inside the minigame, see Pickaxe (Stealing Creation).
Sacred clay pickaxe
Sacred Clay Pickaxe
Release date 11 November 2008 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Value 21,333 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 20 Stealing Creation Points
(Rewards Mystic)
Examine Your sacred clay tool has transformed into a pickaxe.
Weight 2 kg
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The Sacred clay pickaxe is obtained from the Morphic tool (costing 20 Stealing Creation points). It is the 8th pickaxe released in the game, the one before it being the Inferno adze. This pickaxe gives double experience while mining.

Starting at 100% charge, its charge decreases as experience for using it is given. At 0% charge, the pickaxe crumbles to dust (dust being no item). It can be reverted back to a morphic tool without losing any charge and then changed into any morphic item (this loses no charge).

Sacred clay pickaxe mines at the same speed as Rune pickaxe or Inferno adze.

Hover over image for type A player wielding a sacred clay pickaxe.
A player wielding a sacred clay pickaxe.
 Attack bonus
+4 -2 +2 0 0
 Defence bonus
0 +1 0 0 0
Other bonuses Slot

+5 0 0% 0
FastInterval: 3.0 seconds

Experience Bonus

Rocks Regular XP Sacred Clay XP Ores per pickaxe Total XP per pickaxe / Bonus EXP
Pure essence 5 10 1,400 14,000 / 7,000
Copper 17.5 35 428 14,980 / 7,490
Tin 17.5 35 428 14,980 / 7,490
Iron 35 70 214 14,980 / 7,490
Silver 40 80 200 16,000 / 8,000
Coal 50 100 150 15,000 / 7,500
Sandstone 30, 40, 50, or 60 60, 80, 100, or 120 N/A N/A / N/A
Gold 65 130 116 15,080 / 7,540
Gemstone 65 130 124 15,973 / 7,986
Granite 50, 60, 75 100, 120, 150 About 136 About 15,000 / 7,500
Mithril 80 160 94 15,040 / 7,520
Adamant 95 190 84 15,870 / 7,935
Runite 125 250 61

15,250 / 7,625

  • When you mine Sandstone or Granite how much experience is received depends on which amount (1 kg, 2 kg, 5 kg or 10 kg for Sandstone and 500g, 2 kg or 5 kg for Granite) you mine.

While using it inside the Lava Flow Mine, double XP is gained as well. The normal amount of xp obtained in the LFM, is 100 when using the 50% flow rate segments.

Lava Flow Mine XP (50% flow rate) Total XP per pickaxe
Pickaxe 200

15,030 - 1/2 of this is extra XP (needs verifying)

15,357 - using Golden Mining Suit

Pickaxe + Penance Horn 300 22,545 - 1/3 of this is extra XP from the pickaxe (needs verifying)

When ores are mined with a Sacred Clay Pickaxe, the experience gained is doubled, with a few exceptions(see below)

  • Daeyalt, Elemental, Lunar ore and 'Perfect' gold ore can be mined but give no experience bonuses.
  • Rubium cannot be mined with the Sacred clay pickaxe.
  • If you get no bonus experience, this does not count as a "use" of the pickaxe - no charge is used up.
  • Using a Sacred Clay Pickaxe in a Clan Citadel does not yield any bonus experience.
    File:SCP Mining.png
    A player mining for Coal using a Sacred Clay Pickaxe.


  • At one time, you would get no bonus experience when having a Rune pickaxe in your inventory. You would not mine with the Sacred clay pickaxe but with your rune pickaxe.
  • On the day of its release it could not auto mine pure essence, requiring the user to repeatedly click the essence.
  • Since December, Jagex has changed its bonus exp, giving in total double exp per ore.
  • At one time, the pickaxe, along with all morphic/volatile tools, would not degrade with each use, but degrade with each morph. They would have 10 charges.
  • Some players believe that it is good mining experience to mine shooting stars with the sacred pickaxe. In fact, when using a morphic tool on a shooting star, you gain a total of 16530 experience before your pickaxe crumbles.
  • The pickaxe itself has two separate heads, in relation to the normal pickaxe having a single head.
  • When used in conjunction with a filled or partially filled Penance Horn, a player will earn 3x the experience that they normally would, while both the pickaxe and horn drain at their respective rate.
  • When wearing Varrock armour, when you mine two ores at once the first ore you receive gives the double experience, the second gives the regular amount of experience.
  • On the few days after its release, it displayed no animation while mining and had the same strength as a Bronze pickaxe. This was quickly fixed.

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