Nature rune running

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Nature rune running (also known as nature running or nat running) is the interaction between two groups of players - crafters, who create Nature runes (level 44 Runecrafting required for single runes; level 91 required for double runes) and runners, who bring pure essence to the crafters at the nature altar.

Both parties benefit in different ways. The runecrafters gain fast, free experience, while the runners get their essence turned into single or double Nature runes. Since nature runes are one of the most expensive runes due to their use in the High Level Alchemy spell, effective nature running methods can allow a player to make a large amount of money. The nearest bank to the Nature altar, Shilo Village, is quite far away, and as a result, players have developed several quicker methods for running essence to the nature altar.

The official nature rune running world is world 36.


Example of nature running equipment - nature tiara, spottier cape, penance gloves, and boots of lightness.


Other requirements

There are no skill or quest requirements for runners. Crafters must have a minimum Runecrafting skill level of 44 if they are offering single nature rune running, whereas crafters must have a minimum Runecrafting skill level of 91 if they are offering double rune running. Nature rune running can be used by very low combat level players, however there is only one safe method, tablets.

Standard Practice

World 36, with runners lined up waiting behind crafters in gold Canifis robes.

World 36 is the officially designated world for Nature rune running. Crafters in world 36 generally wear yellow-gold Canifis robes and stand next to the nature altar. Runners are expected to line up behind one of the crafters, and wait their turn. Generally the runner will give the crafter pure essence, receiving two nature runes per essence given.

Guidelines for runners

  • For those using pouches, it is recommended to split your number of pure essence into two or more roughly equal batches. Crafters will generally refuse to trade less than 9 pure essence at a time.
  • Runners are expected to line up behind their chosen crafter.
  • When using the trading system, the majority of the world 36 rune crafters only have 27 open inventory slots at any one time, so runners should bring only 27 essence if they are not using pouches.
  • Runners have no standard uniform, but should refrain from wearing mostly yellow or they may be mistaken for a crafter, which could refuse them service.
  • Runners should leave the line as soon as they have traded with a crafter, so the crafter can trade the next runner.
  • Runners should wait for there to be space in front of them before moving up in the line.
A trade between a runner and a crafter.

The math

The calculations use real-time prices from the Grand Exchange Market Watch. For more information, see Grand Exchange Market Watch/Runecrafting.

This example assumes that the Runner is carrying 25 Pure essence to the Runecrafter, and the Runecrafter is able to craft two nature runes per essence.

  • 25 Pure essence at Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each costs Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.
  • 50 nature runes at Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". each are worth Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.
  • For a total profit of Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.

Selling nature runes

Nature runes are always in demand, due to their use in casting High Level Alchemy. While market price is constantly fluctuating, Nature runes currently sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins in the Grand Exchange. The table below shows the profit runecrafters can make in nature running.

Runecrafting Multiplier Runecrafter Level Mining your own pure essence Buying pure essence
Profit per trip with 25 pure essence Profit per trip with 28 pure essence Profit with 1000 Pure essence Profit per trip with 25 pure essence Profit per trip with 28 pure essence Profit with 1000 Pure essence
1x 44+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
2x 91+ Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator. Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Methods of transport




Using the nature altar tablet to teleport right outside the altar. These can be purchased from the The Great Orb Project. This is by far the fastest method, though it does require considerable time to obtain the tablets.



Start at Lumbridge. Head to the glider in Al Kharid, and go to Karamja. Head north-west and cross the log before heading to the nature altar.



Start at Dorgesh-Kaan. Use the Dorgesh-Kaan - Keldagrim Train System to head to Keldagrim. Head out of Keldagrim and head further north to the Rellekka Hunter area. Head into the Eagle caves there. Once at the Eagles' Peak Dungeon, ride the Karamja Eagle to Karamja. Then head out of the Jade Vine area and head north until you find a log. Cross the log and finally enter the Nature Altar. Then using the Dorgesh-kaan sphere teleport back to Dorgesh-Kaan.

The Abyss



The Abyss is the most popular method, since it is a very fast way of reaching the nature altar; however, there is a risk element involved in its use, and cautious players may prefer to use these methods instead. The danger comes from potential player-killers in the wilderness that must be passed through to reach the entrance to the Abyss.

Any player who enters The Abyss is skulled and drained of all prayer points. The dwarven army axe or inferno adze assists in getting past the obstacles, as it doubles as both a hatchet and a pickaxe. Armour such as dragonhide is recommended to help protect from the abyssal monsters.

The forinthry bracelet will prevent a player from being skulled on entry to the Abyss, but will crumble to dust after 5 uses.

Optional: You might also want to bring teleport to house runes or tabs if you have a glory amulet in your house as it will provide unlimited teleports and may drastically speed up the process for those that cannot buy multiple glory amulets due to lack of money.

General store


  • Noted pure essence (however many natures you plan to make)
  • At least 2 coins for every essence you have.


To begin, go to the general store just south of the isthmus between Brimhaven and Karamja itself. This is south of Brimhaven Dungeon. Use your noted essence with the shopkeeper, and unnote how many you need. She will unnote them for a cheap price of 2 coins per essence. Do NOT sell and buy back from the store as they will charge 157 coins for every essence you buy back. Walk south-east through Tai Bwo Wannai Village and an abandoned mine to the nature altar ruins, enter the altar, and craft your runes. Walk back to the general store and repeat as desired. Note that there is a tribesman at the mine who is aggressive if you are under 62 combat and is equipped with poison. This method of nature running has the fewest requirements, but the distance which must be traveled between the store and altar is long, and it requires extra gold on hand (this is now easier with the introduction of the money pouch). The gold is gained back from profit from selling your nature runes.

Shilo Village



This method starts in the Shilo Village bank. You must leave the bank, after drinking any energy potions you wish to, and pass through the gates, and the cart. You should run west, along the south border of the city, until you are at its south west corner. From there, you should run North-West, until you cross the bridge, then run north east, to the west edge of the city.

If you are under level 63, you should run along the edge of the city, within about 2 squares, so as to avoid the danger of being poisoned by the lone tribesman, stationed near the mines. Otherwise, it is recommended that you run about 10 squares north, and then east until you are at the altar.

There is a Drummer just outside the south-west corner of Shilo Village to restore run energy for free.

Players with Karamja gloves 3/4 may wish to wear them, so they can teleport back to Shilo Village quickly.

Fairy rings



The fairy ring code CKR can be used to access a fairy ring west of the nature altar. The distance between the ring and the altar is about 30% shorter than the one between the altar and Shilo Village. Players should access Zanaris by whatever means is most expedient, then travel between the Edgeville bank (using the fairy ring code DKR), the main ring, the nature altar, and back again. Alternatively, the player can use the bank in Zanaris. Banking at Zanaris is slightly slower, but has the advantage of only using the fairy ring once. The only danger along this route are several Jungle Spiders, who are a minimal threat medium-level players or higher.

Oo'Glog and fairy rings


  • Completed A Fairy Tale Part I and started A Fairy Tale Part II to the point where you use the fairy rings
  • Completed As a First Resort...
  • Dramen Staff or Lunar Staff (Not required with A Fairy Tale Part III completed)


  • High Agility Level (although as you will receive unlimited energy for a while after refreshing, it is not as important.)

The Fairy Ring codes CKR and AKS are used to access the fairy rings, one west of the nature altar, and the other north of Oo'glog. Start by going to Oo'glog. When you reach Oo'glog go to the salt water spring and jump in. Get out and you will have unlimited run for a certain amount of time depending on your agility level. Exit Oo'glog using the shortcut available to the north east of the Salt Water Spring. Run north to the fairy rings and transport to Zanaris. Then go to the fairy rings to the west of the nature altar using code CKR. Once you run out of unlimited run energy repeat the process.

Using spirit graahks

File:Graahk Nature Routes.png
The northern route (red) is the fastest of the two routes.


  • 57 summoning

Using rings of duelling or a Ring of kinship or a Tokkul-Zo (Need to be charged for teleport access) a reward from the quest The Elder Kiln and a spirit graahk, interact with the graahk, and choose to teleport. Run east, and you will soon arrive at the nature altar. Profit per hour is about 800,000 - 950,000 coins. Template:Rune running