Mystic robe bottom

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Mystic robe bottom
Release date 26 January 2005 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Lendable? Yes
Equipable? Yes
Stacks? No
High Alch 48,000 coins
Low Alch 32,000 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price 80,000 coins
Examine The lower half of a magical robe.
Weight Unknown
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A Mystic robe bottom is magic armour worn in the legwear slot. It comes in blue, white, black, and the special enchanted version, but all offer the same bonuses. All mystic robe bottoms require 40 Magic and 20 Defence to wear. The blue mystic robe bottom can be bought from the Wizards' Guild in Yanille or as a drop from the Corporeal Beast, which requires completion of Summer's End. The light can be bought from other players or rarely dropped by Turoths, which require 55 slayer to kill. The dark Mystic robe bottom can be bought from other players or rarely dropped by Aberrant Spectres which require level 60 slayer to kill.

Hover over image for type A player wearing a mystic robe bottom (blue), accompanied by the rest of the mystic robes set.
A player wearing a mystic robe bottom (blue), accompanied by the rest of the mystic robes set.
 Attack bonus
0 0 0 +15 0
 Defence bonus
0 0 0 +15 0
Other bonuses Slot

0 0 0% 0

Dropping monsters

Mystic robe bottom (blue)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Corporeal Beast 785 1 2Common
WildyWyrm 382 , 562 1 2Common

Mystic robe bottom (dark)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Aberrant spectre 96 1 4Rare
WildyWyrm 382 , 562 1 4Rare
Dragon impling Not applicable 1 (hunter) 5Very rare

Mystic robe bottom (light)

Monster Combat level Quantity Rarity
Turoth 83,85,87,88,89 1 4Rare
Dragon impling Not applicable 1 (hunter) 5Very rare

See also

Template:Mystic robes

fi:Mystic robe bottom