Miniquests are similar to quests and subquests in that they are groups of interrelated tasks that can be completed for rewards such as items, skills, experience; however, no quest points are given and miniquests are somewhat short compared to regular quests. Like quests, miniquests may be done only once, as opposed to activities, which can be played many times. Many of these mini-quests are hidden updates and are not shown on the update page. Having completed all miniquests is one of the requirements for the Completionist cape.
Name of Miniquest Requirements Rewards How to Start Members only? Abyss Completed Rune Mysteries quest. Unlocks Abyss, Runecrafting pouches, 1000 Runecrafting experience Talk to the Mage of Zamorak at the end of the River Lum in the Wilderness (Level 5). Yes Balloon Transport System Completed Enlightened Journey quest. Unlocks additional routes on the Balloon Transport System and gives 2000 Firemaking experience. Travel from Entrana to the desired destination. Yes Bar Crawl None. Unlocks Barbarian Outpost. Talk to a Barbarian Guard outside the Barbarian Outpost. Yes Barbarian Training See Barbarian Training requirements. Unlocks Barbarian skills . Talk to Otto Godblessed, located in his house near the Baxtorian Falls. Yes Capers Completed Buyers and Cellars quest. Unlocks:
Thieving Guild Version 2,
Thieving Guild Version 3,
Thieving Guild Version 4.
Talk to Lightfingers in the Thieves' Guild. Yes Desert Slayer Dungeon Completed Smoking Kills quest. 70 Slayer Gaining 4,000 Slayer experience. Enter a barrier on the lowest level of Pollnivneach Slayer Dungeon Yes Enchanted key Completed Making History and Meeting History quests. See Enchanted Key rewards. Check the Enchanted key to see if it is heating up. Yes The Curse of Zaros Started Desert Treasure quest. The Ghostly robes. Talk to the Mysterious ghost (Valdez) near Glarial's Tomb. Yes Goblin High Priest Completed Land of the Goblins quest. Started Desert Treasure quest. Gaining 13,750 Prayer XP. Talk to Hopespear. Yes Hunt for Surok Completed What Lies Below quest. 5,000 Slayer XP, ability to slay Bork and wear Dagon'hai hat, robe top and bottom. Speak to Surok by the statue of Saradomin, east of Varrock. Yes Knight Waves Training Grounds Completed King's Ransom quest. 20,000 XP in Attack, Defence, and Strength. The ability to change their respawn location to Camelot and access to 2 new Prayers: Chivalry and Piety. Go to the top floor of Camelot Castle. Yes The Lair of Tarn Razorlor Completed Haunted Mine quest and have 40 Slayer. Gaining 5,000 Slayer XP and the ability to create a Salve amulet (e). Talk to Odovokar the Banker in the Abandoned Mine. Yes Mogre None. Ability to slay Mogres (With 32 Slayer). Speak to Skippy located south east of the town of Rimmington. Yes Fur 'n' Seek Wishlist Completed Fur 'n' Seek, see article for more requirements and recommendations. Bonesack(e) OR Ram Skull Helm(e), 10,000 Slayer XP & 7,000 Prayer XP, ability to fight the Skeletal Horror once a week for additional experience. Read the wishlist on the Odd Old Man's shack after the completion of Fur 'n' Seek. Yes Rag and Bone Man Wishlist Completed Rag and Bone Man See page Read the wishlist on the Odd Old Man's shack after the completion of Rag and Bone Man Yes Purple cat Completed Swept Away quest. The ability to turn cats purple. Talk to Wendy. No, but you must be a member to claim the reward Returning Clarence Started Back to my Roots quest. 10,000 Magic XP, 200 Blood runes and 100 Law runes. Go to the Magic Guild and ring the bell to make Zavistic Rarve come out. Talk to him to start the mini-quest. Yes Rogue Trader Rune Mysteries, The Feud or Itchlarin's Little Helper Runes at cheaper prices than normal Desert outfits Menaphite clothing Defensive, and Offensive Blackjacks Magic Carpet rides at discounted prices
Talking to Ali Morrisane Yes Scabarites Notes Completed Dealing with Scabaras quest. Receiving 10,000 coins and the Scabarite Notes. Talk to the Head Archaeologist at the Archaeologist camp to start the miniquest. Yes The General's Shadow Completed Fight Arena and The Curse of Zaros, Started Desert Treasure quest. The Shadow Sword and gaining 2,000 Slayer XP. Speak to the Ghost near Rellekka house portal while wearing a Ghostspeak amulet and Ring of visibility. Yes Sheep Shearer None. 2000 coins and 125 Crafting experience. Speak to Fred the Farmer in Lumbridge. No Stronghold of Player Safety None. 10,000 coins, Safety Gloves, Safety First emote and 2 antique lamps that give 500 xp each. Enter the Stronghold of Player Safety. No Stronghold of Security Have recovery questions set (formerly); None 4 new emotes, 10,000 coins and a choice of Fancy boots or Fighting boots.
Enter the Stronghold of Security in Gunnarsgrunn. No Thalassus Completed Deadliest Catch quest. 46660 Hunter experience. Speak to Jones in the Fishing Guild after Deadliest Catch. Yes Upgrading the Ivandis Flail Completed Legacy of Seergaze quest. Imbues the Ivandis flail with an extra invisible bonus against the Vyrewatch. Complete the Legacy of Seergaze quest. Yes Varrock Museum None (Requires The Dig Site to complete) Experience in Mining , Crafting , Hunter , Prayer , Slayer and Smithing , some exp lamps, ability to enchat Digsite Pendants. Speak to a Natural Historian. Yes Witch's Potion None. 325 Magic experience. Speak to Hetty in Rimmington. No