Read the wishlist on the shack after the completion of the quest.
Members only:
Official difficulty:
The Odd Old Man will reward you for finding any other bones - there is a Wishlist you can click on behind him to see the list of bones he requires. This section is much longer, requires you to kill many different types of creature, including slayer monsters.
Very Long
Level 78 (Note: May be completed with 73-77 Slayer through the use of a Wild pie)
Level 55 (Note: Not needed, but recommended for Kyatt)
The wishlist is an 'extra' quest that is given by the Odd Old Man. This does not need to be completed to wear the Quest Cape. The Skeletal Horror fight at the end, however, unlocks a new song which is required for the Completionist Cape
The full list is:
1. Foot bone of a large ape-like creature
2. Sabre-like teeth
3. Long, sharp claws
4. Fibula bone of the third leg of an adult three-legged creature
5. Hand bone
6. Neck bone
7. Shoulder bone
8. Spine of a giant snake
9. Pelvis of a four-legged, magic-casting water creature that dwells in caves
The wishlist on the shack is also listed in the quest log for Fur 'n' Seek. As each bone is obtained, the following is added after its listing: (I have an unprepared one with me.) If item is banked, the sentence changes to (I have an unprepared one in my bank.). All acquired dragon tail-bones are also listed. As each bone is prepared with vinegar and fire, the word 'unprepared' is removed. As each bone is given to the Odd Old Man, that quest log entry is removed.
For the dragon tail-bones, an additional line is added below the entry: Tail-bone of 9 different members of the dragon family. I have an unprepared (name of dragon) tail-bone with me. After each prepared tail-bone is given to the Odd Old Man, the entry changes to (Name of dragon) tail-bone with a line through the name. The number decreases for each bone given to the Odd Old Man.
Note: To check which dragon tail-bones have yet to be handed in, check the Fur 'n' Seek quest journal.
None of the bone drops are 100%, but they are fairly common.
No more than 40 kills should be required for any special bone.
The monsters you need to kill are mentioned on the wishlist.
There are 20 bones to collect for the wishlist.
There is 1 other non-bone item to collect for the wishlist.
Found in Brimhaven Dungeon, in the northern courtyard of Ghorrock (during and after The Temple at Senntisten), and in Kuradal's Dungeon (requires a steel dragon assignment from Kuradal).
Green dragons are found in several places in the Wilderness and in the Chaos Tunnels. Brutal green dragons are found on the lower section of the Ancient Cavern.
Found at the end of the Fremennik Slayer Dungeon. If you're completing the wishlist without level 78 Slayer, be sure to take some boost to fulfill the Slayer requirement.
Travel method: Teleport to Brimhaven (using amulet of glory), teleport to your house if it is located in Brimhaven, or take a boat-ride for 30gp from Ardougne (free with Ring of charos (a) or use Karamja Gloves 3 mine teleport and pay for the travel cart.
Tactics: Once in the dungeon, you can kill the moss giants which are located near the front of the dungeons. Once you venture further in, you can then kill the bronze, iron, steel and red dragons. It is recommended that you use melee and prayer potions, since it can be difficult to range the red dragons safely. You should then go deeper into the dungeon and kill the three metal dragons located here.
Tactics: It is recommended to first switch on protect from melee and kill the Big snake on Crash Island. Then, continue towards Ape Atoll and attack the monkey guard using protect from melee and a high-hitting weapon.
Travel method: Use your Enchanted lyre to teleport to Rellekka (or house teleport) and walk east to the caves. Players can get there via the Fairy ring. (Code: A-J-R). The Slayer ring teleport to the Rellekka slayer caves also can be used very effectively.
Tactics: Before entering the caves, ensure that you pay Lalli 1000gp for the golden fleece. Lalli is located near the golden apple tree. Upon venturing into the caves, it is recommended to bring Black dragon hide here and range the turoth and use a strong melee weapon against the aquanite.
Travel methods: Players can get there via the Fairy ring (Code: C-K-S). Players can teleport to Canifis using the Ancient Magicks spell Kharyrll Teleport. Walk from Varrock. Using a Slayer ring and teleport to the tower. Empty ectophial and walk west from Port Phasmatys.
Tactics: Once you are on Mos Le'Harmless, walk out of the main town and head south-west until you reach the caves and kill a cave horror. If you don't need to fight the cave horror (because you plan to fight a Monkey Guard), then you can skip this step and proceed to the slayer tower and kill the crawling hands, which are extremely easy to kill.
Travel method: Use a Games necklace and teleport to Clan Wars. Wilderness Obelisk
Tactics: Decent armour and food are vital to survive from pkers. An anti-dragon shield or dragonfire shield is essential. Teleport to clan wars and kill the hill giants (if you need to) nearby in level 20 wilderness. Then walk slightly north-east and kill the green dragons located nearby. You can then walk north and head to Red dragon isle if you need to kill a red dragon. It is strongly recommended to fight Red Dragons at Brimhaven Dungeon. Green dragons can be replaced with Brutal green dragons in the trip to the Ancient Cavern to kill the Mithril dragon.
Items: Dragonfire shield/Anti-dragon shield, decent food and armour, a strong weapon, prayer potions, ranging potions/super sets (depending on your method for killing mithril dragons), teleport for emergencies.
Travel method: Teleport to barbarian assault using a Games necklace
Tactics: Teleport to barbarian assault and run south to the whirlpool, and jump into it to enter the Ancient Cavern. Drink any potions you need and descend the steps into the main area. If you have not killed a green dragon during the wilderness section (which is not recommended), kill the brutal green dragons until you obtain the green-dragon-tail-bone, and then ascend the steps to the south of the way you entered and kill a mithril dragon
After you have obtained and polished all the bones (using the method File:All Fur n seek bones.pngAll the bones ready for the Odd Old Manfrom Rag and Bone Man), the old man will summon a Skeletal horror, a level 320 monster, to the platform North-East of him. (Note: You do not need to add the Golden Fleece to a pot of vinegar.) (Note: You must have completed the Rag and Bone Man wish list before the Skeletal Horror is spawned. If you have not, you must do the other wish list before you can kill it. )
The monster loses bones as you battle it. You must quickly collect these bones and bury them to weaken the monster. If you don't collect them, the fallen bones crawl back to the monster and restore its life. Use the Protect from Magic prayer and you should have no trouble with it.
After defeating the monster, you will have finished the miniquest, and can talk to the Odd Old Man to receive your reward.
After the miniquest, the Skeletal horror can be fought again once every week after the last battle, giving 1,250 Slayer Experience, and 1,000 Prayer Experience after each fight.
The examine text for Long, sharp claws used to incorrectly read, "These needs a good polish."
On a double loot weekend it is possible to attain two of any bone drop by one of the monsters in god wars dungeon.
It is possible to obtain more than one Foot bone from Jungle Horrors.