The Tale of the Muspah/Quick guide

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This is the quick guide for the quest The Tale of the Muspah; for the more in-depth version click here.


Start point: Talk to Erjolf, who can be found north-east of Rellekka, at a cave entrance halfway up the snow-covered mountain path Talk to Erjolf, who can be found north-east of Rellekka, at a cave entrance halfway up the snow-covered mountain path
Members only: Yes
Official difficulty: Novice Novice
Description: None
Length: Medium
  • Level 6
  • Level 8
  • Level 10
  • Level 10
Items required:

Recommended Items:

  • Quest kit (contains several required items in a single inventory slot)
  • To avoid dehydration in the desert south of Shantay Pass, at least one of:
  • each of these will lighten the load for longer runs:

to get to the desert you can use one of these

  • Slayer ring (quick teleport to the desert)
  • Broomstick (must be enchanted to teleport to the Sorceress's Garden)
  • A Ring of Kinship can also be used to teleport to Daemonheim (from there a boat can be taken to Al-Kharid)
  • An Amulet of Glory can be used to teleport to Al Kharid
  • A modified house tab can bring you to Pollnivneach (after Love Story quest)
Enemies to defeat: None

Getting Started

  • Talk to Erjolf on the mountain Northeast of Rellekka.
  • Follow him into the cave.
  • Click on the rock near him to cross the river.
  • Enter the Cave.
  • Talk to Erjolf.
  • Ask him about his progress and offer to help.

Rafts of Fire

  • Take some Driftwood and use a Knife on it.
  • The cave is navigable by jumping on the flat rocks. Use a spade on a mound of snow by each cave water exit to block the east, west, and south streams. Use the spade again to unblock the streams. The lit rafts will melt the icicles when pushed near them.
    • Below is a table to help complete the room.
Side of frozen armour to melt Blocked streams Unblocked streams Notes Image
East side West and East South You have to set 5 rafts quickly alight from the northern stream of the cave, a few paces west of the northern flat rock. Light them on a spot that, when they float south, they end up across the east side of the frozen armour and are blocked from leaving the cave by a rock. Make sure the south stream is unblocked and the west/east streams are blocked. The Eastern side of the mound being melted.
North side West and East South You have to set 3 rafts alight from the northwest edge of the cave. Light them on 3 spots that, when they float south, they end up on the north side of the frozen armour. Make sure the south stream is unblocked and the west/east streams are blocked. The Northern side of the mound being melted.
South side East and South West You have to set 4 rafts quickly alight from the southeast edge of the cave. Light them on a spot that, when they float west, they end up across the south side of the frozen armour. Make sure to unblock the west stream. Block east and south streams. The Southern side of the mound being melted.
West side West and South East You have to set 2 rafts alight from the western edges of the cave. Light them on 2 spots that, when they float east, they end up on the west side of the frozen armour. Make sure the east stream is unblocked and the west and south streams are blocked. The Western side of the mound being melted.
  • Talk to Erjolf.

The Monster in Ice

  • Exit the cave and go North.
  • Climb the stairs and go North until the Natural historian is seen. Talk to him.
  • Describe the monster by saying the following:
1)It's yellow.
2)It has four arms.
3)It has no legs, like a snail.
4)It has spikes, which run down its spine.
5)It has a spiky tail, with vicious spines.
6)It has pincers, like a crab.
File:Sand Pile Location.png
Location of the sand pile.

The Muspah's True Form

  • Head back to the muspah cave.
  • Mine all the sapphire rocks in cave if you haven't already done so.
  • Cross the raft bridge and right-click the ice block and click "bore sapphires" then enchant the sapphires.
  • Talk to the Muspah.


  • Talk to Erjolf just outside the chamber.
  • Go to the Northwestern side of the Rellekka Hunter area.
  • Click on the log and make a canoe.
  • Travel on the canoe.
  • Go South and talk to Jhallan.
  • Go to the south-east path behind him and follow that to the end. Go West at the three-way then at the T-junction, go South.
  • At the end of the path, talk to Jhallan.
  • Bore the sapphires around him and enchant them.

Finishing Up

  • Exit the cave and take the canoe back.
  • Talk to Erjolf.
  • Quest complete!