Will Oakfeller

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Will Oakfeller
Release date 31 January 2012 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? No
Location Troll Warzone
Sells items? Will Oakfeller's Woodcutting Supplies Shop
Gender Male
Examine A master lumberjack.
Notable features Woodcutting tutor, Shop owner

Will Oakfeller is the Woodcutting skill tutor for the Troll Warzone tutorial. He sells basic Woodcutting items in his shop.


File:Will Oakfeller's Woodcutting Supplies Shop stock.png

Item Number
in Stock
sold at
bought at
GE Resell
Bronze hatchet Bronze hatchet 10 16 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". 200
Iron hatchet Iron hatchet 10 56 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". −440
Steel hatchet Steel hatchet 10 200 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". −1,510


  • His surname comes from the fact that he is a woodcutter.
  • When speaking to him after finishing the Taverley tasks he refers to the player as if they were a male even if they are a female.
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