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Familiarisation is a Distraction and Diversion. It is based on Summoning and was released on 16 February 2010. To start this Distraction and Diversion the player has to talk to Pikkupstix in Taverley, who can teach players the art of Summoning. Pikkupstix needs players to go to the spirit plane, the home of all Summoning creatures, and gather resources from it, from which the druids create spirit shards. The player has to find the one currently active small Summoning obelisk and mentally project themselves into the spirit plane. Pikkupstix will tell the player he has an apprentice, Pikkenmix, who knows which small Summoning obelisk is currently active. The player has to find the small obelisk and enter the spirit plane with the help of Pikkenmix. There, assuming the shape of a Summoning familiar, they need to gather as many piles of raw shards as possible while avoiding certain other familiars. An obelisk will only remain active for 20 minutes after which it will become inactive. The active obelisk changes every two hours. Participation in this Distraction and Diversion is limited to once a week.

(Note: if you happen to see an active obelisk before you've spoken to Pikkupstix about it, you can go ahead and talk to Pikkenmix and enter the spirit plane.)

Familiarisation has no requirements, not even the Wolf Whistle quest which is an introduction to Summoning. However it would be of benefit to complete the quests Fishing Contest, Underground Pass, Heroes' Quest, Lost City, and partial completion of Lunar Diplomacy and Eadgar's Ruse. These quests grant access to a greater number of Summoning obelisks, any of which could become the next active obelisk.

NOTE: Since the obelisk changes every 2 hours, and only stays active for 20 minutes, it is most likely that there is no obelisk active at the time. The best way to find an active obelisk is to hop through different worlds until you find one where there is an active obelisk.

Travel to Taverley

Pikkupstix is in the Summoning shop in Taverley.


Familiarisation gameplay.

While playing you will be summoned as a random familiar and will have to hunt around for raw shards. The game will end when one of the following occurs:

  1. You have collected 60 raw shards
  2. Your mental focus reaches 0.
  3. You have been there for 20 minutes.

As soon as you enter the spirit plane, there will be two types of familiars opposed to your form that will instantly recognise you as an enemy within their plane of existence. The longer you remain within the spirit plane, more types of familiars will start to see through your disguise and recognise you as an imposter. If you pass too close to any familiars that will recognise you (these are depicted at the top of the screen) they will drain some of your mental focus and your presence within the spirit plane will weaken.

Your level of focus is tracked by the bar on the left-hand side of the screen. When this has completely worn down, you will lose focus and your consciousness will return to your body on RuneScape, next to Pikkenmix, exactly where you last parked it, along with as many piles of raw shards as you managed to collect. Your current level of mental focus can also roughly be gauged by the colour draining from your form in the spirit plane. Mental projection like this takes a lot of effort, so you will only be able to stay in the spirit plane for a maximum of twenty minutes from when you first entered, and your run energy will very rapidly drain. That is, unless the native familiars cause you to lose focus or if you find all sixty piles of raw shards first.


Run energy decreases very quickly as a Familiar. You can gain a great advantage by taking a dip in the Salt-water Spring in the Oo'glog Spa if you have completed As a First Resort... This will give you unlimited run energy for a short while. In this case, you can basically disregard your hunters and run continuously, gaining the shards; you will collect your limit long before your focus runs out.

Don't run about randomly, try to develop an effective pattern, such as circling the outskirts and collecting all shards in sight, then finish with the centre area. This will help ensure you don't miss any, and get forced to randomly run around looking. Also remember that you have more than enough time to get the maximum number of shards (60), so take your time and avoid all your opponents shown at the top of the screen (more important to those without infinite run energy).

Another helpful strategy is to play in fullscreen or resizable mode, instead of fixed. This allows the player to see a greater area and possibly more shards and familiars.

Obelisk Location

Hint to Pikkenmix's location, as given by Pikkupstix Pikkenmix's location Map
I expect off somewhere relaxing. He's been quite busy lately.

There are currently no active obelisks.

An obelisk will only remain active for around twenty minutes.

A new obelisk becomes active roughly once every 3 hours.

File:Obelisk location Home.png
A dungeon of beasts that crawl near the barbarians. Inside the Rellekka Slayer Dungeon File:Rellaka slay obelisk.png
A camp with a catapult nearby. Obelisk near Tyras Camp File:Obelisk Location Tyras Camp.png
A farming patch, castle, dock, etc. Obelisk on Etceteria File:Obelisk Location Etceteria.png
A rotten town south of a corrupted, shady village. Obelisk north of Burgh de Rott File:Obelisk Location Burgh de Rott.png
Near ever-flagging war. Obelisk near Castle Wars File:Obelisk Location castle wars.png
A place that is Mostly Harmless. On the island of Mos Le'Harmless File:Obelisk location Mos Le'Harmless.png
A large cave dwelling, full of bustling, small people with pickaxes. I see...a bank! East of the bank in Keldagrim File:Obelisk location Keldagrim.png
A large cave dwelling, full of bustling, small people with pickaxes. I see...a boat! South of the bank in Keldagrim File:Obelisk location Keldagrim South.png
A place where doors talk. First Level, Stronghold of Security, at entrance File:Obelisk location stronghold.png
Beneath a huge tree. Obelisk under Grand Tree at Tree Gnome Stronghold File:Obelisk location grand tree.png
Between a temple and a lycanthropic town. The obelisk south of slayer tower File:Slayer tower obelisk.png
Beware the spider's bite, beneath a rocky city. Obelisk by the Deadly red spiders in Varrock Sewers File:Obelisk Location Varrock sewers.png
Beneath a garden where creatures dig under the earth. Falador park, Moles' Lair. Remember to take a light source. File:Fallyobby.png
I spoke to a tree within sight of people crossing a log. Obelisk near the agility course of the Tree Gnome Stronghold File:Obelisk tree gnome stronghold.png
I hope the tortured souls in the jail use the chapel. -or- I hope the poor souls in the prison are allowed in. The obelisk near the Chapel East of Rimmington, west of the Port Sarim jail File:Port-sarim-obelisk.png
If there's blood on the sand, a victor emerges. The obelisk near the Duel Arena Entrance, south of the Fire Runecrafting altar File:Obelisk location Duel Arena.png
I hope the villagers' defences hold against those zombies. The obelisk in Shilo Village File:Obelisk location shilo village.png
Near the Heroic Fountain. Obelisk under the Heroes' Guild south of Burthorpe File:Heroes' Guild small obelisk map location.png
Northern barbarians have a cosy home. Obelisk south of Rellekka. File:Obelisk location Rellekka.png
North of the city of sickness. Obelisk near the Combat Training Camp File:Obelisk Location Combat training camp.png
Next to a bridge south of great expanses of danger Obelisk at Edgeville bridge File:Obelisk Location edgeville.png
Near a village of long eared people. Obelisk at Lletya entrance File:Lletya obelisk png.png
North of a fountain of green. Obelisk north of the Ectofuntus Ectofuntus Obelisk
Pass through to thirst. Obelisk by the Shantay Pass File:Obelisk Location Desert.png
Purple rippling near flying rugs. Obelisk near the Pollnivneach house portal File:Obelisk location Pollnivneach.png
Seaside infested with Barbarians. Obelisk north of Barbarian Outpost File:Barbassaultobelisk.png
South of the city of sickness. Obelisk near the Khazard Battlefield File:Battlefield.png
South of a market village. Obelisk south of Draynor Village File:Obelisk Location Draynor.png
Sun, sand, freshly-picked fruit and pretty music. Obelisk near the musician in Catherby File:Obelisk location catherby.png
Surrounded by Heroes, Chaos and games. Near Burthorpe altar and Heroes guild File:Heroes obelisk.png
Surrounded by jungle, with a Mithril near. Obelisk just north-west of the nature altar on Karamja File:Obelisk location Karamja.png
The land of the moon people. / Place of the moon people. Obelisk outside the city gates on Lunar Isle File:Moonclan-obelisk.png
The lava talks, and the rocks walk. Obelisk directly south of the Tzhaar city furnace File:Obelisk location Tzhaar.png
The stench of fish is strong here. Obelisk near Fishing Guild bank File:Obelisk Location fishing guild.png
Under White City, Through Scorpions. Under Falador in the Dwarven Mine File:Obelisk location Dwarven mines.png
Within sight of a fishing boat. Obelisk near Port Khazard File:Unavngivet2.png
What a magical land ..in spite of the talking sheep. Lost city of Zanaris File:Zanaris obelisk.png
Yes it is ... no it's not. Yeah, 'tis so! The obelisk on Neitiznot or Jatizso File:Neitiznot Obelisk.png
You must dodge the rocks to reach the summit. Obelisk at Trollheim File:Trollheim map.png
Travel through demons and dwarves of chaos, but mind the axes! Obelisk just South of the Blue Dragons in Taverley Dungeon File:Obelisk Location Taverley Dungeon.png

He's near some monkeys, I hope they don't fall in the volcano. or

A cheeky monkey and....Oh, my! I hope that volcano doesn't explode.

Top of Karamja Volcano. File:Obelisk Location Karamja Volcano.png
Near a cave with knights and worms. Just north-west of the Port Sarim lodestone.
Please add an image


In the Spirit Realm, your mental energy will be drained by other spirits, depending on your form in the Spirit Realm.

If you stay in the Spirit Realm for a time, more spirits will try to drain your energy. A message appears warning you of this and a picture of the spirit appears at the top of your screen. A maximum of six types of spirits would hunt the player.

These are the spirits that will always hunt you, from the beginning of the game.

Your form Opposing creature #1 Opposing creature #2
Thorny snail Barker toad Desert wyrm
Compost mound Geyser titan War tortoise
Giant chinchompa Hydra Karamthulhu overlord
Void spinner Obsidian golem Vampyre bat
Evil turnip Compost mound Thorny snail
Spirit coraxatrice Spirit kyatt Spirit larupia
Spirit larupia Spirit wolf Void ravager
Stranger plant Pack yak Ravenous locust
Adamant minotaur Forge regent Lava titan
Giant ent Beaver Fire titan
Ice titan Pyrelord Spirit tz-kih
Pack yak Albino rat Spirit cobra


Once you have completed your time in the spirit plane you have the chance to gear up for your triple charm reward by going back to Pikkupstix or Pikkenmix.

If you choose ingredients, you'll receive a Box of summoning ingredients of items that can be used to infuse pouches. What items you receive, and in what quantity, is based upon how many piles of raw shards you managed to collect from the spirit plane.

If you choose triple charms, for up to the next forty minutes of in-game time, any charm drops that you receive (including Obsidian and Abyssal Charms, but NOT Talon beast charms ) will be tripled. Each shard collected is worth 40 seconds, and the total time is rounded to the nearest minute. You will receive a warning at 5 and at 1 minute before your time runs out. Charms received from killing Bork or Ork Legions will not be tripled nor will the charm reward from a mystery box.

If you enter the spirit plane again before taking your reward, you will only be able to keep a maximum of thirty piles of raw shards from your previous trip. Therefore if you already have gathered a substantial amount of shards (60 or close to that amount) , it is more efficient to collect your reward, rather than wasting time on this again.

Remember that you can only help and claim a reward one week after your "last participation".

Maximising Charms

Players who choose triple charms should begin killing monsters with high frequency charm drops, such as waterfiends. Before claiming your reward, make sure you prepared with necessary items such as armour, teleports, food and potions, so that minimal time is spent banking or gearing up.

For more information see the charm gathering and obtaining charms sections.



The animation glitch
File:Stranger in familiarisation.png
The stranger in the familiar plane.
  • This is the first Distraction and Diversion that you get to play outside your avatar, although you can play outside your avatar in certain quests.
  • On the week of the game's release, the message when players logged in was "Stuck in a minigame or quest? Familiarise yourself with the Game Guide for playing hints."
  • When it was first released, people who went into the Spirit Plane would experience a graphical glitch where their character used the animations of a familiar without actually being transformed, and then a couple of minutes later they would become a familiar as normal. This was fixed very quickly.
  • Occasionally there is a shard or two that is not obtainable which is stuck between bushes and trees
  • The druid and his apprentice, Pikkupstix and Pikkenmix, respectively, are possible references to the Asterix the Gaul series of books in which the characters have Gaulish names based on popular terms. These names are puns on pick up sticks and pick 'n' mix.
  • While doing Desert Treasure, the stranger can appear and attack you. You will fight with the same strength and accuracy as the weapon and the same defence as the armour you had when you entered the familiar plane but you will stay in familiar form while fighting.
  • If talking to Pikkenmix about the obelisk when it's active and then, after the obelisk turns inactive and without leaving the conversation, ask him if the player can help, the druid will tell him/her that he/she has already helped him this week even if the player has not ever done this D&D.
  • During the "More Loot = More W00t" event from the 12th November to the 14th November 2011, the triple charm bonus would multiply with the double drop bonus (in select areas) allowing one to get 6 times the standard amount of charms. For example, killing Fire giants in the Chaos tunnels would get you 6 charms instead of the standard one charm per drop.
