(Redirected from Towns)
Locations are places that players may visit, such as cities and towns, but may also refer to places unreachable by players, such as the castle in A Tail of Two Cats.
The regions of RuneScape. (cap) marks a capital. (c) means it's a city. (v) means village. (l) means that the location isn't a town. (F2P) marks a free-to-play location in a mostly members only region.
- Falador (c) (cap)
- Burthorpe (c)
- Goblin Village (v)
- Port Sarim (v)
- Mudskipper Point (l)
- Rimmington (v)
- Taverley (v)
- Dwarven Mine (v)
- Varrock (c) (cap)
- Digsite (l)
- Draynor Village (v)
- Edgeville (v)
- Gunnarsgrunn (v)
- Lumbridge (c)
- Silvarea (v)
- Dorgesh-Kaan (c)
Kandarin (m)
- East Ardougne (c) (cap)
- West Ardougne (v)
- Catherby (v)
- Eagle's Peak (l)
- Hemenster (v)
- Piscatoris Fishing Colony (v)
- Port Khazard (v)
- Seers' Village (v)
- Tree Gnome Stronghold (c)
- Tree Gnome Village (v)
- Witchaven (v)
- Yanille (c)
Fremennik Regions (m)
- Rellekka (c) (cap)
- Barbarian Outpost (v)
- Lighthouse (l)
- Mountain Camp (l)
- Daemonheim (c) (F2P)
- Netiznot (v)
- Jatizso (v)
Morytania (m)
- Darkmeyer (c)(cap)
- Meiyerditch (c)
- Burgh de Rott (v)
- Canifis (v)
- Mort Myre Swamp (l)
- Mort'ton (v)
- Port Phasmatys (v)
- Haunted woods (l)
Kharidian Desert (m)
- Al Kharid (c) (F2P)
- Desert Camps (l)
- Nardah (v)
- Pollnivneach (v)
- Sophanem (v) (cap)
- Uzer (l)
- Menaphos (v) (not yet open)
Karamja (m)
- Shilo Village (v) (cap)
- Brimhaven (v)
- Cairn Isle (l)
- Kharazi Jungle (l)
- Musa Point (v) (F2P)
- Ship yard (l)
- Tai Bwo Wannai (v)
- TzHaar city (c)
Feldip Hills (m)
Troll Country (m)
- Troll Stronghold (v)
- Death Plateau (v)
- Ice Path (l)
- God Wars Dungeon (l)
- Glacor Cave (l)
- Trollheim (v) (cap)
- Trollweiss Mountain (l)
- Keldagrim (c)
Tirannwn (m)
- Elf Camp (l)
- Isafdar (l)
- Lletya (v)
- Tyras Camp (l)
- Priffdinas (c) (cap) (not yet open)
Wilderness (no cap)
- Bandit Camp (l)
- Bone Yard (l)
- Wilderness Volcano (l)
- Red dragon isle (l)
- Lava maze (l)
- Dark Warriors' Fortress (l)
- Rogue's Castle (l)
- Mage Arena (l)
- Pirates' Hideout (l)
- Scorpion Pit (l)
- Wilderness Agility Course (l)
- Ape Atoll (m)
- Braindeath Island (m)
- Cairn Isle (m)
- Crandor
- Dragontooth Island (m)
- Entrana (m)
- Fishing Platform (m)
- Harmony Island (m)
- Iceberg (m)
- Jatizso (m)
- Lunar Isle (m)
- Miscellania and Etceteria (m)
- Mos'Le Harmless (m)
- Neitiznot (m)
- Void Knight Outpost (m)
- Waterbirth Island (m)
These particular sites are either underground or a different dimension.
- The Abyss
- Cosmic Plane (m)
- Dream World (m)
- Enchanted Valley (m)
- Fisher Realm (m)
- Fremennik spiritual realm (m)
- Gorak Plane (m)
- Kethsi (m)
- Killerwatt plane (m)
- Primordial Realm (m)
- Puro-Puro (m)
- Rune Essence Mine
- ScapeRune
- Spirit Realm (m)
- Zanaris (m)
- The Void (Only ever seen by a few players, however the location is confirmed by Jagex.)
Unknown locations
These are places that have been mentioned but never seen or accessed by a player.