Spirit sigil

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Spirit sigil
Release date 15 September 2008 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? Yes
Equipable? Not until added to shield
Stacks? No
High Alch 450,000 coins
Low Alch 300,000 coins
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A sigil marked with (arcane/divine/elysian/spectral) signs.
Weight 0 kg
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This article is about the four items that modify Spirit shields. For other uses, see Sigil.
A Divine sigil.
A Divine sigil.

Spirit sigils are items which can be added to a Blessed spirit shield to modify its abilities. There are four different sigils:

All 4 sigils are rare drops from the Corporeal Beast, which can only be fought after the quest Summer's End is completed.

Attaching a sigil to a Blessed spirit shield requires level 90 Prayer and level 85 Smithing.

The Grand Exchange prices of sigils are not calculated based on the prices they are traded at; rather, they are the price of the corresponding completed spirit shield minus the price of a blessed spirit shield. This can cause seemingly illogical phenomena, such as the sigils falling in price when blessed spirit shields rise by the same amount, if spirit shields stay the same; however, this system allows the price of the far more commonly traded completed spirit shields to be calculated based on actual trades, and thus this is the best system.


Icon Item Price ItemId Last updated
Arcane sigil 59895796 13746 12:13, November 18, 2012 (UTC)
Elysian sigil 259798340 13750 09:08, November 18, 2012 (UTC)
Divine sigil 470705564 13748 08:00, November 18, 2012 (UTC)
Spectral sigil 20674147 13752 07:58, November 18, 2012 (UTC)

Template:Spirit shield