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ScapeRune was discontinued from RuneScape after an update.
"Evil Bob's Island" redirects here. For the music track, see Evil Bob's Island (music track).
A map of Evil Bob's island
A player on ScapeRune

ScapeRune is an area consisting so far of an island and prison, either of which players may be taken to by the "Evil Bob" random event. Some speculate that ScapeRune may be a parallel opposite of Gielinor which makes perfect sense seeing as how "ScapeRune" is just "RuneScape" with the words swapped. There is also more evidence of ScapeRune being the opposite of RuneScape.

Getting there

The player is accosted by Evil Bob, the evil twin of Bob the Jagex Cat. With a "meow" from Evil Bob and a "No... what? Nooooooooooooo!" from the player, you will arrive at Evil Bob's island. If you shout "Aaaarrrrgh!" instead, you arrive in the prison. After you get teleported to ScapeRune, a message in the chat window will state "Welcome to ScapeRune". When you return, another message appears in the chat window that says "Welcome back to RuneScape." It appears that Evil Bob's Island is located North East of the northeastern most part of the map.


The fishing spot
The uncooking pot

A fishing net may be collected from the beach between the fishing areas, but will not be kept on leaving the island. Catch the correct "fishlike thing" as told by the Servant and use the uncooking pot to make it raw. Talk to Bob and he will eat it if it was caught from the correct area. If you use a cooked fish on the uncooking pot you will get the message "Your Uncooking skill must be at least level <level required to cook the fish> before you can do that." Using a raw fish on the pot will result in "This is already raw".

If the fish was caught from an incorrect area, Bob will eat it, then say it is disgusting. Each time you feed Bob an incorrect fish, it will take one more fish to get him to fall asleep, and you must keep going to the slave and catching fish to uncook and feed to Bob. For example, if you feed Bob one incorrect fish, it will take 2 correct fish to get him to fall asleep. Making 2 mistakes will require 3 fish to lull him to sleep, and so on.

When the fish has been consumed, Bob falls asleep and the player must escape through the portal.

When you leave, you make a raspberry emote at the sleeping Evil Bob shouting "Be seeing you!", and then you teleport back to where you were before the random event. In one of the postbags from the hedge, Evil Bob gives some insight into the land of ScapeRune. Instead of goblins fighting and bickering, they constantly agree and compliment each other. (e.g. "Splendid tie!", "You are completely right!"). Also, there is a ScapeRune version of the Evil Chicken, the cheery old chicken. According to Evil Bob, he makes you "want to swallow a hairball and enjoy it."


Originally, on getting to the island, the player was only able to speak cat and required an "amulet of manspeak" from a chest in order to talk to the slaves. While this was an example of Jagex humour based on the amulet of catspeak, it was not obvious to players who knew nothing about cats. Now, if you ask Evil Bob how he can talk to you, he'll tell you that he is wearing an amulet of humanspeak, quite contrary to what it was like then, where you had to get it. This also adds in another piece of Jagex humour on the amulet of catspeak in RuneScape. In ScapeRune, Evil Bob is wearing an amulet to talk to humans, attempting to teach the human slaves catspeak, while in RuneScape, humans use the amulet of catspeak, attempting to teach cats humanspeak.

Originally four fish (of the correct variety) were required to leave, Then two, although many believe that it is required that only one fish needs to be caught to leave in the past year, many players have since recorded having to have to catch two fish since the New Combat Beta.


In the Prison random event, Evil Bob's presence is only implied
Prison Pete in prison
Prison Pete in prison
The Falador Party Room compared with the ScapeRune Prison.

Evil Bob can also teleport players to a prison, where they must speak to Prison Pete in order to discover how to escape. To escape, players must pull a lever that will tell them which type of Balloon Animal to pop in order to find a key. The animals are randomly selected, and the same one can be picked twice.

The "return key" option, the default action for the key, walks directly toward Prison Pete, with no attempt to navigate around obstructions.

There appears to be a total of 21 balloon animals. Every animal contains a Prison key, but players must pop the correct one in order to open the barrier. If you pop a wrong one, you have to try again, and you restart with needing three keys. After getting three correct keys, you are free to escape with Prison Pete, and you will be returned to where they were and rewarded a Random event gift.

It should be noted that the prison is most likely the opposite of the Party Room in Falador. Most noticeably, the floor designs are the same, both areas involve bursting balloons and pulling levers, and they both contain an NPC with "Pete" in his name. Even the surrounding buildings bear a resemblance to the Falador area. These similarities have given rise to the speculation that every location in Gielinor (The normal world of RuneScape) also has a version in ScapeRune. Prison Pete is almost exactly the opposite from Party Pete, the former having a gloomy disposition, no hair and glasses-less sunken eyes, the latter having a cheery disposition, an afro and sunglasses, etc.


The Spirit Realm

Main article: Spirit Realm

The Spirit Realm is discovered during the Spirit of Summer quest. In many ways it is similar to ScapeRune in that many things are opposite of the Wilderness in RuneScape. For example, filling a bucket in the real world empties a bucket in the Spirit Realm which is similar in effect to "Uncooking" fish on Evil Bob's Island.

Music unlocked


  • If a player happens to have a cooked fish in their inventory and attempts to uncook it, they will find that they are unable to do so due to a lack of an "Uncooking" skill.
File:Uncooking Level.png
The message retrieved when attempting to uncook a piece of food.
  • After Evil Bob falls asleep, if a player talks to the slave the player has the option to say, "But I love you!" - to which the slave replies, "Our love can never be, sweet username." This is a reference to the Shakespearean tragedy Romeo and Juliet. However, only male characters have this option.
  • A player's lines to Evil Bob "I'm not a prisoner, I'm a free man" and "Be seeing you!" are references to the 1960s British TV drama, The Prisoner, where the hero was held by unknown powers and had a catch phrase "I am not a number, I am a free man". Additionally, other references to this TV show can be found when asking Evil Bob, "What's it all about?" A player will say, "I will not make any deals with you. I'm a human. I will not be pushed, numbered, meowed at, teleported or enslaved. My life is my own." In the beginning of the TV series, the Prisoner said, "I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own."
  • King Awowogei of Ape Atoll references ScapeRune in a Postbag from the Hedge, proclaiming, "Curse you all, curse you all to ScapeRune!" This is in reference to the line "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!" from the film Planet of the Apes.
  • If a player has a slash or a double slash in their chatbox (commonly to prepare for typing a message to a friends or clan chat) the message of "No... what? Noooooooooooo!" will be sent to the friends or clan chat.
  • If you try to use high alchemy on ScapeRune, it will say "You didn't come here to do that!"
