Slang dictionary/C

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Abbreviation Meaning
C(number 1-6)

Complexity (Dungeoneering); usually refers to either Complexity 1 or 6. Can also refer to the class of clay, resources or sacred clay objects in Stealing Creation, up to 5.

CA Chaos altar temple (popular for clan player killing).
Cammy, Cam Camelot
CHop, Clhp Clan Hopping, meaning to join a clan and quit then join another one and quit.
Cathy, Cath Catherby
Cav, cavvy's Cavalier hats
Cball Cannonball
Cb, Cb lvl, Cbt Combat (level)
CC Clan Camp; Clan chat; before Clan Chat was implemented, for Player killing in the old Wilderness it meant "change channel" or world, teams changing worlds commonly used this, e.g. "Cc 17". Can also refer to a Christmas cracker.
CCB Chaotic crossbow
CDBF Chaos Dwarf Battlefield, the location of Chaos dwarf hand cannoneers.
Chins, chinning Chinchompas, or the act of hunting/using chinchompas.
Charges Refers to the charges in the Fist of Guthix minigame.
Citi, Cita Clan Citadels
Cnoob A high-level player who acts like a Noob; a Jagex moderator's normal player account.
Claws , D Claw(s) Dragon claws
CL, clost Connection lost. The more commonly used term is D/C; see the D section.
Clue Clue scroll
Clueing Attempting to get a Clue scroll for a period of time, or doing a Treasure trail.
Clwars, clw Clan Wars
Cls Chaotic longsword
Cm, C maul , Maul Chaotic maul
Cma Corrupted Morrigan's throwing axe
Cmb, Combat Combat (level)
Comp/Compl Completionist cape
Con, Cons Construction, Constitution, Confidence trick.
Corp, CB Corporeal Beast
CS CoinShare, Customer support, Clue scroll.
Ct, Cts Chaos Tunnels
Cr, Crapier Chaotic rapier
Crash Stealing a person or group's kills at a multicombat boss (like God Wars Dungeon, Tormented demons, Dagannoth Kings).
Crys Crystal
CW, CWA, cwars

Castle Wars, Clan Wars, change worlds (CW).
