Clan Citadel

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"Citadel" redirects here. For Mother Mallum's base of operations, see Slug Citadel.
The portal of the Clan Citadel.

Clan Citadels were released on 26 July 2011 to clans who have five or more subscribing members. They were first introduced in a teaser on the RuneScape homepage.

A clan member's citadel can be accessed by using the portal in the Clan Camp area south of Falador . There are dozens of hotspots for players and their Clans to make their own. Of these hotspots, a maximum of seven are skill-related, allowing players and their clans to train skills together. Although the experience received will be slightly lower than would be received on the surface of RuneScape, skilling there will contribute to the maintenance of the citadel, allowing players and clans to upgrade it from tier one to tier seven. As the citadel gets upgraded, players and clans gain access to better customization options and even more hotspots. Contribute enough to the weekly upkeep of the citadel and players will have access to a clan ring, which will give a temporary 1.5x multiplier in certain skill tasks about RuneScape. Clan Citadel guards walk around and guard the main gate.

Each clan can gather in many areas of their Clan Citadel – in meeting rooms, a senate, a party room – but the centrepiece is the clan battlefield. This offers players and their clan a large area to battle together or face-off against other clans, and a full-blown Battlefield Editor to create combat situations or minigames.

When Free-to-play players enter the teleport portal, they find themselves in a cutscene showing them around a completed clan citadel.


Citadels were first introduced in a teaser on the RuneScape homepage. In the news post announcing the impending update, The RuneScape Team stated that the update will be members only and claimed that Clan Citadels would be very customizable and would be tiered. It also showed that clan members would have to collect resources to build them.


Up high in the sky, a place awaits....

Clan Citadels are castles in the sky that are clan homes. Resources collected by clan members can be spent to upgrade and customise the citadel. There are meeting rooms, party rooms, and clan battlefields, which host combat games. Members of other clans may visit different citadels, although based on the security settings they may be restricted.


The Citadel creation ritual

To open a citadel, five clanmates with membership must go to the Clan Camp and talk to Avalani by the portal. The players will take part in a ritual that opens a citadel for your clan in your logo and colours (Be sure to dismiss any followers before beginning or the ritual will not begin). To reach the citadel, any clan member with membership can use the portal to teleport there. Within the citadel, there are certain places in which you can freely teleport around by using the map.

If a clan ever falls below four members, the citadel can no longer be accessed. The clock will continue to tick and use resources for upkeep.

If not enough players visit the citadel and it degrades it takes 5 FULL clan members to reopen the clan citadel. These members need to try to enter the citadel, the citadel will be opened when the fifth player attempts to join.


Clan members must pass a probation period of at least a week before they can contribute to the citadel. This is done by entering the citadel after a build tick. The exceptions to this rule are any members of the clan who joined prior to the creation of the citadel, or join the clan before the first build tick. Players on probation can still take part in activities in the citadel, but cannot collect resources. [source needed]


Citadels have a weekly upkeep cost that must be paid in resources, gathered by working at skill plots. If these resources are not collected and the upkeep is not paid, the citadel may downgrade. There are no requirements to work on the plots. If the citadel is maintained and if enough clan members visit the citadel, the citadel may be allowed to upgrade. There are seven tiers, each offering more in layout and customisation.


Clans can choose whether or not they wish to allow people who are not in their clan to enter their citadel by changing the 'Guest access to Citadel' option in the Clan Settings interface. They can specify whether to allow guests just onto the island (ie not though the gate), the citadel and the island, or the keep, citadel and island. If this option is set to 'None' while there are still guests in the citadel, they will receive a 3 minute timer before being kicked from the citadel. Guests also cannot access the citadel interface, which prevents them from using the teleport system to move around the citadel.

To kick (and ban) individual people from the citadel, their name must be added to the Clan ban list. They will receive a 3-minute timeout if they are currently in the citadel before being kicked. They will be unable to re-enter.

Citadel management interface

An example of a citadel management interface.

There are four tabs that can be used to change around the citadel. To access the interface, click on the castle icon next to the minimap while inside the citadel. The third tab requires a PIN to access. There is also a button to access the Job list interface (see below), which also requires a PIN to access.

Across all interfaces, the following information is displayed:

  • Build tick - This is the amount of time left before the citadel updates again. In the interface, it shows the amount of time left until the next tick (it occurs weekly). This is when all changes to the layout and cost of the citadel occur, and also when the citadel dilapidates if there are not enough members.
  • Visitor Count - This value counts the number of eligible clan members that have visited the citadel since the last Build Tick. Each tier level in citadel will require increasing members to visit. If the value is red, there have not been enough eligible clan members visit. Yellow value means not enough to upgrade citadel, and a green value represents all requirements met to upkeep and upgrade.


With the map tab, you can view the layout of the citadel, teleport instantly to the various available plots and features, and (if granted permission) to change the layout. In the centre of the Citadel Management Interface, are the day and night options. Changing these will not update the citadel instantly; it waits until the next build tick, which is weekly. All the layouts contain the same features, but in different locations.

As the citadel upgrades, the layout will contain more hotspots and resource-gathering skill plots.

Tier 1 and 2
  • 2 skill plots
  • 2 2x2 hotspots
  • 2 4x4 hotspots
Tier 3 and 4
  • 4 skill plots
  • 4 2x2 hotspots
  • 2 4x4 hotspots
Tier 5 and 6
  • 8 skill plots
  • 6 2x2 hotspots
  • 4 4x4 hotspots
Tier 7
  • 12 skill plots
  • 8 2x2 hotspots
  • 5 4x4 hotspots
  • 1 Dragon Perch hotspot

The quantity of hotspots above refers only to certain individual hotspots. The customisation section below contains additional information and links to other hotspot choice articles.

Any changes to the citadel layout can be reverted prior to the next build tick by clicking the Revert button. On the map tab, there are two buttons, one with a sun and one with a moon. These can be used to change day and night in the citadel, but like the rest of the layout it will not change until the next build tick.


The building tab is used to view and upgrade the structures inside the citadel. There are four tabs inside the building tab, which do the following:

  • Upkeep - Shows the cost (in resources) needed to maintain the structure. If this cost is not met, the structure may dilapidate.
  • Upgrade - Shows the cost for upgrading the structure, or what it would cost to build it. Clan members with the upgrade permissions may upgrade the citadel, or cancel an upgrade. Like everything else, it will not change until the build tick. The number of structures that may be upgraded per tick is as follows:
    • Your clan can upgrade the keep (this will increase your citadel's tier) AND
    • Your clan can upgrade the storehouse OR the battlefield AND
    • Your clan can upgrade/build up to two skill plots
    • Your clan can build or replace up to three customisation features - small cosmetic changes to your Citadel
  • Downgrade - Shows what the cost of upkeep would be if it is downgraded. Clan members with the downgrade permission may downgrade structures and skill plots.
  • Information - Allows structures or skill plots to be moved by members with permissions. Also contains a button to the job list.

To build a skill plot, select the type, and click the upgrade tab, click build, and choose which location to build it on.


The customisation tab allows clan leaders to customise individual structures or the citadel itself. Three customisations can take place per build tick. To view the customisations, click on a hotspot in the interface. It will display the resource cost to build the feature.

A clan citadel at night.

For most structures, there are Basic, Medium and Grand versions. There are no requirements to build these besides the resources needed to upgrade them. In addition, the structure can be upgraded to the Grand version without first having to upgrade it through the lower levels.

Some structures require multiple upgrades to different parts of it, such as topiaries, which require a hedge and base separately.

The number of individual hotspots on the map increases with citadel tier level. There are also 5 statue hotspots surrounding the entrance portal. "Blanket" customisations, unlocked at various citadel tier levels, are repeated in multiple places throughout the citadel: keep wall pattern, fireplaces, potted plants, benches, tables, sundials, tapestries, flags, banners, shields, windows and doors.


An example of resource collection

The resources tab shows information about the amount of resources in the clan. The resources are:

Within the interface, there are three colours on the bar. Red shows the amount of resources used to maintain the citadel. If the bar is red only, it means that there are not enough of that type of resource and the citadel is in danger of dilapidation. Yellow shows the amount of resources used to build structures and plots in the next tick. Green shows the amount of resources not being used. Most of these can be saved, although the amount saved is dependent on the resource and the size of the storehouse.

The tooltips display amounts of resources for various counts, as follows:

  • Total: amount of free resources available towards the next build tick, at the current time
  • Upkeep: amount of resources required on the next build tick to prevent dilapidation
  • Upgrades: total amount of resouces to complete all upgrades on the next tick. This has been changed from displaying the full upgrade cost
  • Upgrades pre-paid: resources already paid towards all upgrades over previous weeks. This count is unaffected by wastage.
  • Surplus: remaining resources after all the build ticks are executed
  • Goal: Clan leaders can set objectives for the resources, and designate a primary objective in blue.

There is currently a glitch that resets members who have hit the resource cap's resources to zero. This is due to a glitch where the member is somehow removed from the clan and re-entered into the system. If the clan has had the citadel for over a month then the member is considered Non-full member status. It is unknown why this happens.

Job list interface

The job list interface of the clan citadel
an example of bars being paid for last week in blue, this week in green, wildcard (summon) in yellow, and yet to be paid in red.

The job list interface displays, at a minimum, maintenance jobs for upkeep for the next build tick. It also displays manually entered downgrade, upgrade, and customisation jobs. Clicking on an individual job gives a report of the resources it needs, including how much has already been paid and how much is to be paid at the next tick. There is also a button to switch back to the citadel management interface. It is separated into three tabs:

  • Downgrades - Shows all buildings that have been marked for downgrade within the citadel
  • Upkeep - Shows the upkeep cost of all the buildings currently in the citadel, and whether or not the costs have been met. The order they are shown on the screen is the order of their priority (i.e., resources will first be used for the upkeep of the first building on the list, then the second, etc.).
  • Upgrades - Shows all the buildings that have been marked for upgrade within the citadel, and whether or not the upgrade costs have been met. It also displays any customisations under way.

Building your citadel

Build Tick

The kick out timer starts 3 minutes before the build tick.

The build tick takes place generally every week, exactly one week after the first person enters the citadel after the previous tick. It will take place even if there are not enough members in the clan. Before the tick, everyone in the citadel is given a three-minute warning to perform final operations, such as picking up dropped items. No one is allowed to enter the citadel during this time. After the timer elapses, everyone in the citadel is removed and the changes to the citadel in the past week will take place, in the following order:

  1. Downgrades are executed, lowering or removing structures, and lowering the upkeep cost.
  2. Any upkeep owed is paid, in order of priority.
  3. Upgrades are allocated remaining resources, in order of priority. This includes new structures and customisation.

If resources remain unused after all the above construction costs are taken, they will be spoiled and destroyed after the tick. Some resources may be saved, depending on the tier of the storehouse. Any resources used towards partial upgrade jobs that have not been completed will remain after the tick under the tooltip label "Upgrades part-paid". It is beneficial for clans to set upgrade or customisation jobs for any unused resources.

The maximum capacity of the storehouse is different from the maximum number of resources that each non-probationary clan member can collect. Timber, stone, cloth and rations carry over from one tick to the next; minions, charcoal, ore and precious ore do not. Bars and precious bars have a cap and percentage equal to one-third of the other resources.

To move the build tick to a better time, clan leaders may talk to the Quartermaster to push back the build tick up to six days. This costs the same amount as the total upkeep of the citadel for a week. It cannot be changed again until the new build tick has occurred once.

Six hours before the build tick and later, clan admins are not able to make any changes to the citadel. Only the clan owner may do so.

After the build tick has occurred, all members will be able to enter citadel again. The new build tick will be automatically set to 7 days after the first clan member enters the citadel. This mechanism can be particularly useful if a clan needs to keep their Citadel dormant for some time. As long as no member enters Citadel, the build tick will not be activated: this will prevent degradation from occurring.

Changing features

Before the build tick, members with the construction permission may mark up to four buildings for construction and three customisations for upgrading, and members with the downgrading permission may mark as many features as needed for downgrading or removal.

Upkeep and Upgrade Requirements

Small and medium jobs require enough members to visit for upkeep.
A stronghold upgrade job requires enough members to visit for upgrade.

A certain number of non-probationary clan members must visit the citadel every week. In the citadel interface, if an insufficient number of members have visited for upkeep, the number is displayed in red. If a sufficient number of members have visited for upkeep, but not a stronghold upgrade, the number is displayed in yellow. If a sufficient number of members have visited for a stronghold upgrade, the number is displayed in green.

Citadel Tier Members needed to visit
(current tier)
(to next tier)
1 5 10
2 5 15
3 10 20
4 15 25
5 20 35
6 25 50
7 35 --

If, at tier one, not enough clan members visit the citadel in a week, it becomes locked (essentially destroyed). No one may enter the citadel until five non-probationary clan members re-open it by attempting to visit it. When this occurs, the citadel reopens.

If an insufficient number of clan members visit in the week for upkeep, then upon the build tick buildings become dilapidated. Dilapidation causes the clan's colours to be removed from the wall, the skill plots to function at a lower level, and the clan ring to cease functioning. In addition, any resources that may have been allocated to upgrade jobs or customisations go instead into the storehouse and are subject to spoilage upon the build tick, as if the jobs did not exist. Any payments made in previous weeks for those jobs are not lost, and the jobs themselves are not cancelled. If another build tick goes by and not enough members visit the citadel, it downgrades by one tier and remains dilapidated. Any citadel features, such as skill plots, that require the higher tier are removed. The only exception is a Tier 1 Tree, which never dilapidates.

If an insufficient number of clan members visit in the week for a stronghold upgrade, then resources are not applied to any stronghold upgrade job. They can still be applied to other jobs, such as other upgrades or customisations, that can use those resources. If there are no other jobs that can use them, then the resources go instead into the storehouse and are subject to spoilage upon the build tick, as if the stronghold upgrade job did not exist. Any payments made in previous weeks for a stronghold upgrade are not lost, and the job itself is not cancelled.


To build new structures, there must be enough resources in the pool to pay for upkeep. Every week, the clan may do one each of the following:

  • Upgrade the keep (Main building) and
  • Upgrade either the storehouse or the battlefield and
  • Build or upgrade two skill plots and
  • Change three customisations

To upgrade, select it from the building interface, and click the upgrade arrow. This shows the costs to upgrade, and if there are enough resources and a build slot, the upgrade button will be lit. Clicking it will mark it for building during the next tick. Structures may not be upgraded beyond the citadel tier, and each structure can only be upgraded one tier per tick.


See Build Interface - Customisation

Customisations are also changed upon the build tick. Like structures, there must be enough resources to pay upkeep before they can be paid for. Custom features can be changed, but not downgraded. They are added by talking to Artisan, but can be requested in the interface.

To build the feature, you must select the hotspot to put it in. If there is already a feature there, it will be replaced by the new feature. In the interface, red dots show hotspots without custom features; green dots show the hotspots that already have features, and brown dots show the hotspots that are already marked for a new feature.

When a spot is chosen and clicked on, it will show the options for building, showing the resources needed. When the next tick comes, after upkeep is paid, the custom features will go into effect.

For a list of individual items that can be built in various places in the citadel, see Clan Citadels/Hotspot customisation
For statues that can be installed around the entrance portal, see Clan Citadels/Statues
For decorations that are repeated throughout the citadel, see Clan Citadels/Blanket customisation


The build priority list shows all downgrade, upkeep and upgrade costs, and which of those can be paid with the current resources. From this location, the jobs' priorities can be reordered or deleted if the player has the permissions.

Skill plots

Skill plots are where clans obtain resources to be able to maintain and upgrade the citadel and its buildings. Working on a skill plot has no level or tool requirement, but the higher the relevant level, the more experience gained per action (e.g. a level 99 woodcutter will get more experience per root cut than a level 70 woodcutter, and so on). The experience rate at the skill plots is often slower than a comparable activity on the surface, but if one may have a low level in Cooking, for example, training at the skill plot would provide excellent experience. As of 6 March 2012, it is now possible to receive strange rocks from skill plots.

Upon creation of the citadel, only one plot will be active - a tier-1 woodcutting plot. Upgrading the skill plots require resources, and increases the efficiency of the plot. Upgrading the citadel itself also costs resources - substantially more than skill plots - but provides more obvious benefits like extra skill plots and decoration hotspots.

Upgrading the citadel also unlocks extra skill plots so that other materials can be gathered or processed.

Citadel tiers and skill plots

Upgrading the tier of the citadel unlocks more skill plots, in the following order:

Citadel tier Unlocked skill plot Cost of Upgrading to Tier
1 Woodcutting plot N/A
2 Mining plot (stone) 12,000 Timber
3 Firemaking plot, Mining plot, Smithing plot 17,500 Timber, 15,000 Stone (upgrade also requires Woodcutting Tier 2 and Mining Tier 1 plots)
4 Mining plot (precious ore), Smithing plot (precious ore) 17,500 Timber, 15,000 Stone, 15,000 Metal Bars (upgrade also requires Woodcutting Tier 2, Mining Tier 3, Firemaking Tier 2 and Smithing Tier 2)
5 Crafting plot, Summoning plot 30,000 Timber, 27,500 Stone, 25,000 Metal Bars, 12,000 Precious Bars (upgrade also requires Woodcutting Tier 3, Mine Tier 4, Firemaking Tier 3 and Smithing Tier 4)
6 Cooking plot 60,000 Timber, 35,000 Stone, 40,000 Metal Bars, 30,000 Precious Bars, 50,000 Cloth (upgrade also requires Woodcutting Tier 4, Mine Tier 4, Firemaking Tier 5, Smithing Tier 5, Crafting Tier 3 and Summoning Tier 3)
7 None 110,000 Timber, 16,000 Stone, 65,000 Metal Bars, 80,000 Precious Bars, 120,000 Cloth, 120,000 Rations (upgrade also requires Woodcutting Tier 6, Mine Tier 6, Firemaking Tier 6, Smithing Tier 6, Crafting Tier 6, Summoning Tier 6 and Cooking Tier 6)

Woodcutting plot

The woodcutting plot is an enchanted Hornbeam tree, of which the roots can be cut for timber for the citadel. A hatchet is not required for this. In this activity each player is shown using what looks like a rune hatchet and one cannot bring a different hatchet to use instead. Timber is either used directly as an upkeep or upgrade resource. Timber is not used to make charcoal.

Upgrading the woodcutting plot provides more timber per root cut.

Mining plot

The mining rock is a large rock with multiple veins or resources - stone (grey vein), ore (silver vein) and precious ore (gold vein) - for the citadel. A pickaxe is not required for this. Stone is used as an upkeep/upgrade resource, however ore and precious ore are not directly used in the citadel - they require processing (into metal bars and precious bars) before they can be used.

Upgrading the mining plot provides more veins to mine and generates resources at a higher rate. Upgrading to Tier 3 unlocks metal ore veins. Upgrading to Tier 4 unlocks precious ore veins.

Firemaking plot

The firemaking plot takes the shape of a charcoal kiln. By shovelling wood (doesn't require/use up any timber that your clan has chopped) into the kiln, charcoal is produced. Charcoal is not directly used in the citadel - it is used to fuel the furnace in the smithing plot.

Upgrading the plot provides more kilns and generates charcoal at a higher rate. All kilns need to be full for charcoal to be produced.

Smithing plot

The smithing plot is a furnace, where ore and precious ore is smelted into bars. There are three tasks that need to be performed at the furnace in order:

  1. Adding ore to the furnace (moving ore from the resource crates to the furnace) - once full the next stage becomes available
  2. Cooling the bars (moving bars from furnace to water trough) - once the mould is empty and the trough is full the next stage becomes available
  3. Depositing the cooled bars (moving the bars from the trough to the hatch) - once the trough is empty the resource crate will refill and the process begins again.

Using the furnace requires ore (or precious ore) and charcoal. Precious bars can only be made once the citadel reaches tier 4. Metal bars and precious bars are used as upkeep/upgrade materials.

Upgrading the smithing plot provides more furnaces and generates bars at a higher rate.

Crafting plot

The crafting plot is a skill plot that can be constructed once the citadel reaches Tier 5. It is a loom which generates cloth when interacted with. Cloth is used as an upkeep/upgrade material.

Upgrading the crafting plot adds more looms and generates cloth at a higher rate.

Summoning plot

The summoning plot is a large obelisk with several smaller obelisks, and is used to summon minions. It can be 'bought' for the citadel at Tier 5. Several of the smaller obelisks need to be interacted with in order for a minion to be summoned at the large obelisk.

Minions are not required for any specific task in the citadel - instead, they count as any resource where needed.

Players can only use one tenth of their resource cap at the summoning plot (see storehouse below), and completion of Wolf Whistle is required to use it.

Upgrading the summoning plot generates minions at a higher rate.

Cooking plot

The cooking plot is an outdoor food preparation area, where rations are generated. Three tasks can be performed here, although unlike the smithing plot, they are not required in any order:

  • Preparing raw fish for cooking
  • Cooking fish on the barbecue
  • Making vegetable stew

Upgrading the cooking plot adds more cooking stations and generates rations at a higher rate.

Clan ring

Main article: Clan ring

Clan rings give a 1.5 times experience boost (50% bonus on earned experience) whilst skilling on RuneScape, not in the citadel. If you have gathered enough resources, you get a message to talk to the Quartermaster to claim your ring. He gives an uncharged ring, which can be charged by using it on one of the skill plots. How much extra experience is given depends on your level in the skill and the tier of the resource hotspot associated with that skill. The clan ring is always earned by collecting resources 500 times, which is fewer than 500 mouse clicks, since players collect resources multiple times per mouse click. The amount of resources received by 500 collections is dependent on the type of plot, the tier of the plot, and the player's skill level.


The storehouse is where resources are stored during the build tick. All citadels start with a tier 1 storehouse. Upgrading the storehouse both increases the individual resource cap of every player, so that they can gather more items per build tick, and increases the amount of resources that are carried over to the next build cycle.

Resource Cap
Maximum Capacity
per Resource
Minimum Surplus for
Maximum Carry-over
1 1,000 5% 1,000 20,000
2 1,200 10% 1,200 12,000
3 1,400 15% 1,500 10,000
4 1,700 20% 1,800 9,000
5 2,000 25% 2,100 8,400
6 2,350 30% 2,500 8,334
7 2,700 50% 3,000 6,000

Individual resource cap

Every player has a resource cap, limiting the amount of resource that they can gather in the citadel. The resource cap applies to all resources, not to each individually - a player could use their entire resource cap gathering timber, or they could use some of it gathering wood, some making charcoal, some mining some ore and some making bars. This ensures that if a clan wants their citadel to reach its very best, all the members must work together. The resource cap is reset every build tick.

The individual resource cap is increased by upgrading the storehouse.

interface showing the fealty, and resource amount the member has reached.

While in the citadel the current resource cap, and amount currently used, is displayed at the bottom of the citadel information screen. Clan members can see how much each person has gathered if they have been granted the privilege and are on the same world.

There was a glitch previously where people will gain the resource maximum cap, and then the glitch occurs and it resets their personal resource cap back to 0. The resources they have already gathered still count towards the clan's total and are 100% good and usable, but your personal still gets reset to 0. This can happen more than once per building tick. It is currently unknown how or why this glitch occurs.

Resource spoiling

When the build tick occurs, most resources that are left over will spoil and be lost. The amount that is carried forward is the lower of the maximum percentage of resources or the maximum capacity of that tier of storehouse (see table in previous section).

For example, if a clan has a tier 1 storehouse (maximum capacity of 1,000) and they have 10,000 surplus wood, they keep the lower of 1,000 or (5% of 10,000) 500 wood. Similarly, if a clan has a tier 7 storehouse (maximum capacity of 3,000) and they have 10,000 surplus wood, they are only able to keep 3,000 despite 50% of 10,000 being 5,000.

The following resources are subject to the above percentages and caps:

The following resources are subject to one third of the above percentages, as well as one-third of the caps:

The following resources will always spoil regardless of how many are available or how large the storehouse is:

Thus, a tier 1 storehouse may hold a maximum of:

  • 1,000 Timber, Stone, Cloth, Rations
  • 333 Metal bars, Precious bars
  • 0 Charcoal, Ore, Precious ore, Minions

And similarly a tier 7 storehouse may hold a maximum of:

  • 3,000 Timber, Stone, Cloth, Rations
  • 1,000 Metal bars, Precious bars
  • 0 Charcoal, Ore, Precious ore, Minions


Welcome Area

The Welcome Area

Clanmates and visitors are welcomed to the citadel inside the welcome area. Avalani will give players a handbook about the citadels if asked for them. There is a meeting room inside the tent, which can be set to public or private.


The signpost can be used by clan members to mark other clans as friends or enemies. To set up a relationship with another clan, search for the clan and modify the status of their relationship. If the other clan has a citadel, an icon will appear to teleport to their citadel.


Main article: Clan Noticeboard

Members of the clan can view the noticeboard, which shows the logo and colours of the clan, messages, and any upcoming events. It is similar to the noticeboard found in the Clan Camp.


Main article: Keep
The Keep.

The keep is the central structure of your citadel. In it, clan members can hold meetings and celebrations in a large senate room surrounding a central podium. Within it is the head guard, the quartermaster, and (at higher tiers) a prayer altar (the closest one to a bank).

Party Room

From tier three and above, a party room can be found in the keep. There is a dancefloor, places to sit, and a lever which will drop balloons (with party items such as fireworks and confetti). Unlike the Falador Party Room, it cannot be used for drop parties.

Meeting Rooms

The Town Square.

There are four meeting rooms inside a citadel:

  • A large tent in the welcome area
  • Two small meeting rooms next to the party room
  • A senate on the ground floor of the keep

10 visitors can enter the small meeting rooms and tents. Meetings can be set to public or private; public meetings allow any clanmate to enter and talk, while private areas restrict access.

The first member to set up the private meeting will be able to decide which ranks enter, although they may not restrict access to those with higher ranks then themselves. There is also a ballot box where clan members may vote. If all clan members leave, the meeting will end.

The player who started the meeting may invite others to it, using the master invitation which expires after 15 minutes. To invite them, use the master invitation on them, and they will receive a meeting invitation, used to access the meeting. While any number of players may be invited to the meeting, only ten may be inside at any given time. These players do not have to be members of the clan, but they must have membership.

The senate is a place for big public meetings, with rows of benches and a podium for a speaker. Players may come and go as they wish.

Clan Theatre

Main article: Clan Theatre

The Clan Theatre becomes available when the Citadel reaches tier 5. Players can perform a variety of unique emotes either whilst performing on-stage or when sitting in the audience.


There are two locations with a bank, although they both require a right-click to access. The cape box at the battlefield is a bank chest, and the head guard in the keep is a banker. The head guard is the closest banker to a prayer altar.


The entrance to the battlefield.

Battlefields are safe. If players die during a match, they will not lose anything. They can be accessed by speaking with the Battlemaster. He will let players with the appropriate permissions edit, initiate and enter battles. Beside the Battlefield there is the crate of capes that players may search to find a Battlefield cape, Players may also use the crate of capes to access their Bank and collect the items from the Grand Exchange offers. The bank is particularly useful for players who are going to use the Battlefield or who are gathering for events in their citadel.


  • Avalani - Helps create citadels. Gives players a handbook and gives information about their history.
  • Artisan - Customizes features in return for resources.
  • Battlemaster - Gives access to the battlefield, and helps organise games. A bank can be accessed via the box next to the him.
  • Quartermaster - Keeps track of all of the changes to the citadel. Changes the build tick on request, and gives clan rings.
  • Head Guard - Head of security. Prevents access to certain parts of the citadel if requested. Gives out clan capes. Also functions as a banker.


Citadel Security

Main article: Clan Settings

Using the Clan Settings interface, clan members with the appropriate permissions may ban lower ranking clan members from the citadel entirely (or just certain parts of it). Players that are banned from the citadel will have a three-minute warning before they are kicked out.

Clan members ranked admin or above can use the permissions tab to set which ranks can do what within the citadel. A list of the permissions available and what they do can be found here.

Clan administrators can also set whether or not guests may enter the clan citadel (and what they can do within the citadel) using the settings tab. Note that any player on the clan ban list will be unable to enter the citadel regardless of this setting.


Frost Clan Dragon
Main article: Clan Dragon

Tier 7 citadels are able to create a customized clan dragon. The ultimate show of wealth, the dragon requires 100,000 precious metal bars, 200,000 cloth, and 500,000 rations. The dragon's colour can be customized, either green, blue, red, black or frost.

Clan Citadels as training

While the weekly resource cap stops the clan citadel from being an efficient long-term training strategy, it can be a good alternative to some other conventional forms of training. The experience rate grows with each tier, and adds 15% up to 45% bonus for fealty. As well as offering a clan ring that can be charged on any available skill plot that gives bonus experience when skilling away from the citadel. There is no competition for stations as each resource is available independently for each player, and it offers a way to train skills, such as summoning or smithing, without having to spend money (or using charms, in the case of summoning). Gathering resources for your clan is also a semi-afk activity; it may not be the highest experience rate available (the rate for crafting can be high, whereas for summoning it is low), but it can provide a welcome break from routine grinding.


  • All worlds associated with the Clan Citadel are worlds 173+. They do not appear in the Lobby screen. You must enter your Citadel from another world to be switched to one of these worlds, and all members of a clan will be brought into the same world as one another when they enter the Citadel.
  • At the release of the Clan Citadels, there was a bug that you and your clanmates may not be in the same "citadel world".
  • The Clan Citadel was the first location in RuneScape to feature skyboxes, even though the RuneTek 5 engine made skyboxes possible in September 2009.
  • During the first few days of the release of clan citadels it was possible to gain combat experience in the battlefield. This led to fast gains in combat experience since players could use the stats power-up to restore the special attack bar and lifepoints almost instantly. It was possible to earn over 600K xp an hour. This is now patched.
  • On the RuneScape homepage in the picture of the Citadels at the top, you can click on the bottom of the cliff with a waterfall, making part of the rock fall off, or on the far right of the citadel, which makes five birds fly away. This background was removed with the release of the RuneFest 2011 background.
  • In the Citadel 's skybox you can see the top of the Dominion Tower.
  • Avalani makes a reference in Cryptic Clue Fest III to "bastions of Armadylian power from an era long lost to us".
  • If a player tries to teleport from the Clan Citadel they will receive a message in the chatbox saying "You cannot teleport from an instance shard world".
  • As of 6 March 2012, it is now possible to receive strange rocks by training in the skill plots.
  • When you leave a clan while in the Clan Citadel, you are still able to walk through the Citadel, although nothing in the citadel will work, when trying to claim your clan ring, it will come up with this message "Your clan profile data is not available at the moment, please try again later."
  • If you complete your quota at the Mining Plot or the Woodcutting plot you will continue to gain experience until the resource is exhausted, this has yet to be fixed.
  • You keep all your items upon death in the citadel.
  • After the update on 19 June 2012, all vexilla were changed to default colours. Clan cloaks were also affected, and all clan citadels appeared to cease to exist.


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nl:Clan Citadels