Server-wide Announcements
Server Wide Announcements (also known as the News Feed) are a feature that allows certain news as well as player accomplishments to be displayed to all other players in the Chat box. Certain messages are only broadcast across the server on which the player is logged in while others are displayed across every server. Any achievement is displayed to the player's friends. Messages that are server specific are displayed in orange, worldwide messages in red, and messages to friends in green.
A player's achievements are only displayed to everyone if they have their private chat set to on; they are displayed to any friend so long as their private is not set to off. On the other hand, players will only receive messages of any type from the news feed if they have their game filter set to all.
Game announcements
The announcements are game-related news that inform the player of an upcoming event:
- Goblin raids starting
- Holiday related announcements:
- Gielinor Games events (discontinued)
- Egg hunts (discontinued)
- Players finding a ghost during the 2012 Hallowe'en event (discontinued)
Server-specific achievements
These announcements will appear to everyone who shares the player's server at the time. They will also appear to all of the player's friends.
- Certain valuable drops
- Spirit sigils: Divine sigil, Arcane sigil, Elysian sigil, Spectral sigil
- Any piece of Torva armour: Torva full helm, Torva platebody, Torva platelegs, Torva gloves, Torva boots
- Any piece of Pernix armour: Pernix cowl, Pernix body, Pernix chaps, Pernix gloves, Pernix boots
- Any piece of Virtus armour: Virtus mask, Virtus robe top, Virtus robe legs, Virtus boots, Virtus gloves
- The Zaryte bow
- Receiving any piece of Third-age armour from a clue scroll
- Gaining 99 in a skill
- Buying the quest point cape for the first time
- Getting a combat level of 138
World-wide achievements
These announcements will appear to everyone on all servers across the game:
- Achieving True skill mastery in the Dungeoneering skill
- Achieving 99 in every skill
- Earning the Completionist cape
- Earning the trim for the Completionist cape
Achievements that will only appear to friends
These announcements will only appear to the player's friends even if their private is set to on:
- Completing a task set
- Achieving all skills above a milestone in increments of 10; i.e. all skills above 50
- Certain valuable drops:
- Glacor boots: Ragefire boots, Steadfast boots, Glaiven boots
- Godsword hilts: Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zamorak
- Dragon items: Claws, Full helm
- Draconic visage <ref>only when received as a drop; obtaining one from the Queen Black Dragon will not display a message</ref>
- Bandos armour: Bandos helmet, Bandos chestplate, Bandos tassets, Bandos warshield, Bandos gloves, Bandos boots
- Armadyl armour: Armadyl helmet, Armadyl chestplate, Armadyl chainskirt, Armadyl buckler, Armadyl gloves, Armadyl boots