Reward box

The Reward box is found in the Dominion Tower and can be accessed after finishing a fight in the tower. Two others are found on the ground floor on either side of the Strange face. Rewards received from the box is determined by the amount of Dominion Factor the player has, which is determined by the particular fight and the mode being played. After a game has finished, players can look in the reward box to receive item rewards based on their current Dominion Factor (only that which was received in the most recent game). The interface allows players to directly bank these items, take them into the inventory, or discard them (the effect of which is dropping them on the floor next to the box). A right-click "Check-DF" function allows players to check how much Dominion Factor they have without claiming the rewards.

Possible items received from the box include:
- Scorpion meat - can be used as food in Dominion Tower games, healing 220 life points in one bite.
- Xp book - gives experience in a combat skill of the players choosing, based on the current Dominion Factor when the book was received.
- Dom super restore - A two dose super restore potion for use only in the Dominion Tower arena.
- Dom saradomin brew - A two dose saradomin brew for use only in the Dominion Tower arena.
- Dom super antipoison - A two dose super antipoison for use only in the Dominion Tower arena.
- Dom super prayer - A two dose super prayer potion for use only in the Dominion Tower arena.
- A journal page - Part of a journal telling the story of the tower. A requirement for three achievements.
- Power-ups after they have been unlocked through achievements (such as Dominion sword and help horn)
- Blood runes
- Soul runes
- Death runes
- Nature runes
- Rune arrows
- Rune bolts
- Big bones
- Dragon bones
- Dagannoth bones
The Reward Box will only give players up to 20 of any individual item at once, excluding scorpion meat.