
From Darkan
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Release date 31 January 2012 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Troll Warzone
Location Taverley
Sells items? No
Gender Female
  • Looks injured and in need of help.
  • Back on her feet, rebuilding her life!

Nora is a resident of Taverley who appears during the Troll Warzone tutorial. She is trapped in her burning house, which was likely due to Marcus Everburn having set it on fire. She has sprained her ankle and needs to be carried out the house by the player.

A player saving Nora.


  • Despite living in the Guthixian town of Taverley, when the player finds her she says "Thank Saradomin!" instead of saying "Thank Guthix!"
  • Players cannot run while carrying Nora.
  • If the player takes damage while carrying Nora, she would become invisible.
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