H.A.M. Guard
(Redirected from HAM Guard)
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Release date | 22 February 2005 (Update) |
Members? | Yes |
Combat level | 12/18/22 |
Life points | 150/200/300 |
Experience for killing | Unknown edit |
Slayer level | Not assigned |
Aggressive? | No |
Poisonous? | No |
Immune to poison? |
No |
Attack style | Melee |
Attack speed | Unknown edit |
Max hit | 26/32/34 |
Weakness | Stab, Ranged |
Always drops | Bones |
Examine text | A guard for the humans against monster group. |

H.A.M. guards can be found in the H.A.M. Dungeon.
They appear to be wearing a old hardleather body, a Blackjack, a wooden shield, and H.A.M. clothing.
In the H.A.M. store rooms below the H.A.M. Dungeon, there are H.A.M. guards that can also be pickpocketed. Thieving loot includes all the possible drops, including the level 1 clue scroll, plus metal keys that can be used to get gems and jewellery from chests in the H.A.M. store rooms. They can also drop extra spins for the squeal of fortune
If you talk to them they will say "How did you get down here?"
H.A.M. guards are very well known for dropping the level 1 Clue scroll.
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Bones 1 Always 105
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Steel dagger 1 Uncommon 20 Leather body 1 Uncommon 17 Bronze dagger 1 Uncommon 44 Damaged armour 1 Common Not sold Rusty sword 1 Uncommon Not sold Slayer's staff 1 Very rare 12,201
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Bronze arrow 1–8 Uncommon 10–80 Steel arrow 4 Uncommon 56
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Bronze hatchet 1 Common 36 Iron hatchet 1 Common 12 Steel hatchet 1 Common 49 Bronze pickaxe 1 Common 66 Iron pickaxe 1 Common 79 Steel pickaxe 1 Common 362 Knife 1 Common 110
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price H.a.m. gloves 1 Uncommon 161 H.a.m. boots 1 Uncommon 179 H.a.m. shirt 1 Uncommon 35 H.a.m. robe 1 Uncommon 83 H.a.m. hood 1 Uncommon 301 H.a.m. logo 1 Uncommon 378 H.a.m. cloak 1 Uncommon 168
Item Quantity Rarity GE Market Price Coins 2–19 Common Not sold Uncut opal 1 Uncommon 26 Uncut jade 1 Uncommon 63 Raw anchovies 1–3 Uncommon 8–24 Raw chicken 1–3 Uncommon 191–573 Cowhide 1–3 Uncommon 291–873 Iron ore 1 Uncommon 216 Coal 1 Uncommon 263 Buttons 1 Uncommon Not sold Needle 1 Uncommon 5 Tinderbox 1 Common 62 Logs 1–3 Common 111–333 Clue scroll (Easy) 1 Rare Not sold Bronze key (H.A.M.) 1 Uncommon Not sold Iron key (H.A.M.) 1–2 Uncommon Not sold Steel key (H.A.M.) 1–2 Uncommon Not sold Silver key (H.A.M.) 1 Uncommon Not sold Feather 1–7 Uncommon 16–112 Thread 1 Uncommon 10 Grimy marrentill 1 Uncommon 41 Grimy guam 1 Uncommon 521 Grimy tarromin 1 Uncommon 56 Watermelon seed 1–4 Rare 1,861–7,444 Strawberry seed 1–4 Rare 92–368 Onion seed Onion seed 1–4 Uncommon 1–4 Cabbage seed Cabbage seed 1 Uncommon 3 Steel studs 1 Rare 698 Spin Ticket 1 Rare Not sold