(Redirected from Cursors)
A Cursor in RuneScape, if turned on in the Graphics options menu, are by default a simple brown-coloured mouse pointer. However, when hovering certain options (such as eating food) in the game, a "bubble" appears over the cursor, inside which is an image that shows what action will be performed if the user were to click on that option.
Cursor | Action |
Default cursor | |
Link cursor for hovering over links | |
Use an item (or special attack). | |
Attack a monster. | |
Pick an item up from the ground / desk. | |
Talk to an NPC. | |
Enter an area such as a Runecrafting altar or the Stronghold of Security, or go through a portal. Also happens at hovering on the "Exit" word link everywhere, including bank PIN and logging out. | |
Eat any food. | |
Drink any drink. | |
Read a book. | |
Search in some crates, sacks, your bank, etc. | |
Climb up a ladder or a flight of stairs. | |
Climb down a ladder or a flight of stairs. | |
Climb a rope, or a ladder with both up and down ways. | |
Open a door or some drawers, open a casket, or select a tab in your bank. | |
Equip an item. | |
Recharge your Prayer points at an altar, or bury a bone. | |
Chop down a tree. | |
Attempt to catch a fish. | |
Cook food using a fire or stove. | |
Perform any type of Crafting, such as spinning wool or using a pottery oven. Possibly as a glitch related to firing clay products hovering over a Dwarf multicannon to fire it also makes this icon appear. | |
Smelt an ore at a furnace or make an item on an anvil. | |
Mine a rock. | |
Craft a rune. | |
Deposit an item to a tool leprechaun. | |
Use a Dairy Churn. | |
Other actions such as closing a door or following another player. | |
Climbing over obstacle (until 14 September 2011) * | |
Climbing over obstacle (since 14 September 2011) | |
Adding logs to the pot boiler for the Rag and Bone Man quest. Also appears when hovering over a Beacon and choosing "Light" option on logs. | |
Enchanting jewellery using the magic skill. | |
Charging orbs using the magic skill. | |
Casting the Low Level Alchemy and High Level Alchemy spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the telegrab spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the superheat item spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the teleother spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the teleblock spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the binding spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the attack draining spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the defence draining spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the strength draining spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the crumble undead spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the slayer dart spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the strike spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the bolt spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the blast spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the wave spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the Surge spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the Iban blast spell using the magic skill. | |
Casting the God spells using the magic skill. | |
Casting the cure plant spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the monster examine spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the cure other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the stat spy spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the fertile soil spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the energy transfer spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the heal other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the vengeance other spell using the magic skill with the Lunar Spellbook. | |
Casting the rush spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook. | |
Casting the burst spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook. | |
Casting the blitz spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook. | |
Casting the barrage spells using the magic skill with the Ancient Spellbook. | |
Adding a spider web to a piece of furniture in the 2009 Hallowe'en event. | |
Operating a Winch during The Blood Pact. | |
Untying Ilona during The Blood Pact and Zanik during Another Slice of H.A.M. | |
Charging a Dormant Construct during the Magical Construct puzzle and Lodestones during the Stomp boss in Dungeoneering, or when teleporting an urn. | |
Throwing a Firecracker or Confetti. | |
Clearing rubble during Do No Evil, some skill plots in a Clan Citadel. | |
Building a stall during Do No Evil, repair ways to Beacon Keepers and several things in Daemonheim, amonst other things. | |
Set up any attack stone or ballista. | |
Building via a Clan Citadel's customization interface. | |
Examining the areas of a Clan Citadel via its map. | |
Teleporting via a Clan Citadel's map. | |
Wishing someone a merry Christmas using the Christmas spirit jar. | |
Throwing a Waterballoon at someone |
* - this old cursor still used during pit-fall hunting and while jumping over broken plank bridge within Daemonheim.
- Previously, the Twirl emote was called Spin, and hovering a mouse over it caused the crafting cursor to appear, due to the similarity of name to Spinning wool in crafting. Because of this, Jagex renamed the emote Twirl.
- When picking a noted item from ground, the cursor will show "Misc" icon. However, when picking an unnoted item from ground it shows its own icon. This might be a glitch.
- In a hidden update on 2 November 2010, the Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Beacon/Pot Boiler (Fire), and Churning (Cooking) cursors received graphical updates.
- The new firemaking cursor is missing a pixel at its tip, making it seem more rounded than the other cursors.
- The Wind Rush spell does not have a cursor, unlike other combat spells.
- The cursor was changed when the new surface graphics were released (i.e., the more metallic borders on the minimap) to a metallic silver colour.