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Commander Loman is found on the ground floor of the Officer Tower. He offers his services to players whose rank is 100-199. He manages the Rewards shop for players whose rank is 100-199. He sells the Commander Outfit, Poor Locator, and Quest Kit (Medium). His spoils rewards are either of higher level/value than those of Serjeant Cole or are the same reward but with a greater quantity. Certain spoil rewards include pure essence, steel bars, jute seeds, etc. He is also able to enchant sapphire, emerald, ruby, and diamond rings for players.
Commander Loman (Rank 100-199) will yell out, "Hey! Don't walk off until you're dismissed" if you walk away while talking to him.
Commander Loman (Rank 100-199) is more strict than his lower ranked comrade, Sergeant Cole. Sergeant Cole, teaches you to have honor for the ARMS and basic military things. Commander Loman teaches you to salute whenever you speak to an officer, and not to leave before they finish speaking to you. When you reach the next floor, you will use what he taught you in front of your new officer.