CoinShare is an optional LootShare ability that converts valuable drops into gold by sending high-value items to the Grand Exchange and selling them. The list of high-value drops is found below. Players who received the drop will immediately get a share of the coins that the item would have sold for at 5% below the guide price. Items not split by CoinShare (low value items) will be divided normally by LootShare. CoinShare can be toggled in the Friends Chat settings.

Note: CoinShare does NOT work in single combat zones any high level drops given out will be to the person that inflcited the most damage, and will not be shared with anyone in the friends chat.
Players receive the coins valued at -5% of the item's Grand Exchange guide price, while the item is placed on the Grand Exchange for the guide price. This acts as a money sink, as the difference in price is removed from the game. Jagex claims the cost is worth the convenience. Players may disagree, as 5% can be a large amount for items worth millions of coins.
Players do receive more "convenience" than just carrying the item to the Grand Exchange and trading it. In addition to immediate proceeds of the sale, they receive the ability to split the value of the item amongst the group. Prior to the Trade and Drop Changes update, on 10 December 2007, a team could sell the item and trade the coins to generate a fair split of the wealth. This is now possible again since the Return of the Old Wilderness and Free Trade update.
CoinShare allows teams to be formed on a temporary basis. LootShare will only generate a fair split of large drops if the team remains together long enough to receive several such drops (at least 1 per member). CoinShare's immediate split lets each member take their share, and walk away after even a single large drop.
CoinShare only works on high-value drops, making it useless for free-to-play players. The list of drops is as follows:
- Ancient armour
- Arcane sigil
- Archers' ring
- Armadyl chestplate, helmet, plateskirt and godsword hilt
- Bandos chestplate, tassets, boots and godsword hilt
- Berserker ring
- Divine sigil
- Draconic visage
- Dragon chainbody
- Dragon claws
- Dragon dagger (Including all poisoned variants)
- Dragon hatchet
- Dragon medium helm
- Dragon pickaxe
- Dragon platelegs/plateskirt
- Dragon rider boots/Dragon rider gloves
- Dragon scimitar
- Dragon spear
- Dragon two-handed sword
- Elysian sigil
- Godsword shard 1, shard 2 and shard 3
- Holy elixir
- Mud battlestaff
- Pernix cowl, body and chaps
- Ruined dragon armour lump, shard and slice
- Saradomin sword and hilt
- Seers' ring
- Shield left half
- Spectral sigil
- Spirit shield
- Steam battlestaff
- Torva full helm, platebody and platelegs
- Virtus mask, robe bottom and robe top
- Warrior ring
- Zamorakian spear and Zamorak hilt
- Zaryte bow