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Brewing is members only. All ales require the following ingredients at a minimum:

Name Cost
Bucket of water Bucket of water (2x)   136
Barley malt Barley malt (2x)   474
Calquat keg Calquat keg (2x)   26
Beer glass Beer glass (8x)   424
Ale yeast Ale yeast (1x)   25
Total (Beer glass)   1,059
Total (Calquat keg)   661

Profit/loss for each type of ale:

Name Ingredient Ing. Cost Norm mkt price Norm profit Norm profit(Keg) Mature mkt price Mature profit Mature profit (Keg) 50% Wgt Profit 50% Wgt Profit (Keg) *
Asgarnian ale Asgarnian ale Asgarnian hops Asgarnian hops (4x)   28   306   1,759   23,987   498   3,295   13,283   2,527   18,635
Axeman's folly Axeman's folly Oak roots Oak roots (1x)   118   874   6,213   15,495   31,149   248,413   146,487   127,313   80,991
Chef's delight Chef's delight Chocolate dust Chocolate dust (4x)   580   8,276   64,967   22,397   26,835   213,439   225,861   139,203   124,129
Cider Cider Apple mush Apple mush (4x)   2,176   974   4,955   31,093   4,131   30,211   21,257   17,583   26,175
Dragon bitter Dragon bitter Krandorian hops Krandorian hops (4x)   24   555   3,755   10,339   2,632   20,371   17,559   12,063   13,949
Dwarven stout Dwarven stout Hammerstone hops Hammerstone hops (4x)   136   246   1,171   11,577   25,372   202,179   343,471   101,675   177,524
Greenman's ale Greenman's ale Clean harralander Clean harralander (4x)   1,512   710   3,507   9,243   50,506   401,875   392,687   202,691   200,965
Moonlight mead Moonlight mead Bittercap mushroom Bittercap mushroom (4x)   1,256   16   −1,789   7,701   20   −1,757 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.   −1,773 Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Slayer's respite Slayer's respite Wildblood hops Wildblood hops (4x)   136   20   −637   5,869   1,778   13,427   31,633   6,395   18,751
Wizard's mind bomb Wizard's mind bomb Yanillian hops Yanillian hops (4x)   28   238   1,215   9,267   1,279   9,543   25,407   5,379   17,337
  • "The stuff" allows mature brews to be made with probability 50%. This column represents the expected profit using this probability, i.e. the average between the norm and mature profit.