Attack range

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The attack range of a weapon or spell is the maximum number of "squares" away from a target, both diagonally and orthogonally, from which the player wielding the weapon or casting the spell may attack the target and deal damage or other effects.

Players may use a weapon's attack range to their advantage to avoid possible damage from monsters by hiding behind chairs, small rocks, cages, etc. Such areas are known as safespots where a player stands in a specific "square" and use such weapons to retain Constitution. This tactic is known as "safing" or "farcasting".

Melee weapons

All melee weapons have an attack range of 1 except for halberds which have an attack range of 2.


Halberds are not necessarily ranged weapons because they do not provide ranged attack bonuses and do not require ammunition. But they are useful as they can hit across various objects (such as chairs, small rocks, cages, etc.) allowing a player to safely kill a monster from a short distance by using melee styled contributed damage. Note that not all in game objects can allow this ranged effect to happen so players must be aware when fighting powerful monsters as the game moves the player towards the monster to attack if the object is impassable. This effect is also present in all ranged weapons and spells.

Special attacks

  • The Dragon halberd's has a wide 3x1 range, except in contact with large monsters
  • The Dragon 2h sword's has a 3x3 range, where the player is in the centre of that range
  • The Vine Whip has a 3x3 range, where the centre of it is where the vine has spawned. The vine will spawn adjacent(or under) the player who was attacked.

Magic spells

All combat magic spells have an attack range of 10 regardless of the level of the spell of which to cast it, with the sole exception as the built-in spell of the Polypore staff, which has a attack range of 6 when on accurate stance and 7 when on long-range.

Players using the ice elemental spells from the Ancient Magicks spell book or Binding type spells from the normal spell book can prevent monsters or players from moving, then running a few "squares" away they continue to attack. Particularly useful in areas where there are no safespots or when a player needs to quickly take cover from damage. This tactic is known as "farcasting" and saves a great deal of Life Points as players or monsters usually have a one "square" attack range. Sometimes "farcasting" is deemed "cheap" or annoying by players because normally they do not carry a weapon that has the attack range to attack the "farcaster" with.

  • All Ancient Magicks spells that have a multi-targeted attack have an affect range range that is 3x3 around the targeted square.
  • Telegroup teleport spells from the Lunar Spellbook allow for teleportation of players in a 3x3 range.
  • Some spells will continue to follow their target even after they are outside range (e.g. if someone casts teleblock on a player, but they teleport before being blocked, the block will follow the player to their destination).

Ranged weapons

Ranged weapons have the greatest variety of weapon attack ranges. All ranged weapons (except for Dwarf multicannon) have generally two types of ranged attack modes, Longrange and a normal attack range. Normal attack range is the maximum attack range while using accurate mode or rapid mode.

Longrange, as its name suggests, has an extra attack range of up to 2 squares, or 10 squares if that would exceed 10 squares. Attack speed is slightly slower because of its ability to attack further then normal. Although somewhat useful it only earns 50% of the ranged exp, the other 50% is given to defence experience. This mode is mainly used to safespot monsters.

The ranges for composite bows need confirmation.

Weapon Type Normal Range Long Range
Shortbow 7 9
Composite bow 10 10
Longbow 9 10
Sighted Longbow 9 10
Crossbow 7 9
Knives 4 6
Darts 3 5
Crystal bow 10 10
Dark bow 9 10
Chinchompa 9 10
Javelin 5 7
Thrownaxe 4 6
Salamander* 1 1
Seercull bow 8 10
Dorgeshuun Crossbow 6 8
Comp ogre bow 5 7
Zaryte Bow 10 10

* Unlike melee weapons, salamander users may attack a monster as long as it is adjacent to it. Melee weapons may only attack directly north, south, west, or east.


Combat summoning familiars have their own attack ranges dependant on what combat style the familiar uses. See Summoning familiars for more details.

Other equipment