Hides are the skin of a creature. It could refer to any of the following:
- Cowhide, dropped by Cows
- Snake hide, dropped by Poisonous snakes and Bush snakes
- Swamp snake hide, dropped by Swamp snakes
- Green dragonhide, dropped by Green dragons and Brutal green dragons
- Blue dragonhide, dropped by Blue dragons
- Red dragonhide, dropped by Red dragons
- Black dragonhide, dropped by Black dragons and the King black dragon
- Royal dragonhide, dropped by Grotworms and the Queen Black Dragon
- Circular hide, dropped by Dagannoths
- Dagannoth hide, dropped by Dagannoths
- Flattened hide, dropped by Dagannoths
- Stretched hide, dropped by Dagannoths
- Unicorn hide, dropped by Unicorns during the Fur 'n' Seek quest
- Black unicorn hide, dropped by Black unicorns during the Fur 'n' Seek quest
- Yak-hide, dropped by Yaks
- Mudskipper hide, dropped by Mudskippers
- Suqah hide, dropped by Suqahs
Tannable hides |
Dagannoth hides |
Other hides |