Treasure Trails/Guide/Compass

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A compass pointing due North.
A compass spinning when on a different layer than the clue is pointing to. (Click to animate)
A compass spinning when on a different layer than the clue is pointing to. (Click to animate)

A compass is a part of a treasure trail. This update was released on 4 August 2010.

When you click on the elite clue, the screen will centre north and point the direction of next clue. It only gives direction, not distance. Try teleporting to various cities to triangulate the location of the clue. Another method is to teleport to certain locations by using Fairy rings to save money and make the triangulation more precise. When you are standing in the correct location, an X will appear in the middle of the compass interface.

Note: Any of these clues can trigger a dangerous Guthix wizard. Always be prepared! Remember bringing a Meerkat familiar with the scrolls eliminates the need to kill a Guthix wizard if one spawns on the compass location.


The locations in this guide are grouped by region. The following map may be useful in consultation:

Kandarin, Piscatoris and Gnome Stronghold

Location Image
West of Piscatoris Fishing Colony File:Piscatoris Compass Elite clue.png
In the Piscatoris Hunting area between the rabbit holes File:Piscatoris2 Compass Elite clue.jpg
A little bit Northwest of the entrance to Piscatoris Fishing Colony.
In front of the Door of the house south of the Church in Witchaven. File:Witchaven-compass-clue.png
South of Piscatoris Hunter Falconer area File:CompasClue-PiscHunter.png
South of Tree Gnome Stronghold bank File:Gnome Stronghold Compass Elite Clue.png
Kandarin, bridge west of plague sheep.1 File:Kandarian-clue.png
North-east side of White Wolf Mountain. File:TT Compass White Wolf Mountain.png
Hazelmere's island - near bridge north of his hut File:CompassClue-HazelmereIsle.png
In Catherby, south of Candle shop and few squares west of docks. File:Catherby location.png
In Catherby, a few steps from the Obelisk of Water (Entrance by the Taverley Dungeon). File:Obelisk of water.jpg
North of Yanille File:North Yanille Compass Elite Clue.png
At the centre of Seer's Village
And another spot in the sheep pen south-west of the Farming Patches north of Ardougne; go to the far south of the pen, hugging close to the building nearby.
There is a location just west of the Gnome Maze, south of Ardougne, and slightly southeast of a fruit tree farming patch.
Between the Necromancer Tower and the Ardougne Zoo, there's a spot of field that goes into water.
South east of the church south of Ardougne. Next to a broken cart.
North of Camelot Castle and southeast of Sinclair Mansion, between some trees.
South of the combat training camp unlocked in Biohazard, north of Ardougne
Just north of the Phoenix Lair File:Phoenix Lair compass.jpg
Just South-West of the Church where Galahad is, near the log balance to the coal mining area west of McGrubor woods
East of the Grand Tree in Tree Gnome Stronghold. At 10 degrees, 11 minutes North; 1 degree, 31 minutes East.
In the middle of the tortoise pen. File:Tortoise pen compass.jpg
In the mining area near the ZMI altar, just north of the hunting area. File:ZMIaltarcompass.jpg
In the Khazard Battlefield File:Khazard.jpg
In the graveyard near the entrance to the Ourania runecrafting altar. File:Ourania scan location.png
Near the entrance to the ZMI altar. File:Clue Scroll Near Ourania.png
North of the Fight Arena File:Elite-fight-arena.jpg
Yanille; East of Bert the Sandman's House and west of the cooking facility.
Right next to the Legend's Guild on the right side
North of West Ardougne's North Wall
Near the Moss Giants, blue sheep, and Warrior women.
Port Khazard, south of the general store
North of Sorcerer's Tower File:Compas clue.png

Fremmennik area

Location Image
East and outside of Rellekka, west of Keldagrim Mine entrance, at treestumps. File:Rellekka compass location.png
South of swaying tree in Rellekka.
East of the lighthouse, across the broken bridge in the middle of the split in the road. File:East lighthouse compass.png
Next to Otto Godblessed right near anvil at Barbarian Training start File:Otto compass clue.png
In front of the door of the Lighthouse, north of Barbarian Outpost. File:Lighthouse com.png
Just north of the Seers village bank and north-east of the Hops Patch. To access it either head south from the Rellekka Poh or east, north then west from Seers village.

At the start of the path to Mountain Camp, east of Rellekka, north of the musician

On the road towards the Fremennik Provence just before the bridge with the Council Workman, and just past the Musician playing a lyre. File:Sinclair compass.jpg
West of the entrance road to the Mountain Camp.
Just southeast of the Rellekka Player-Owned-House portal.
In the middle of the Rellekka marketplace
In the Trollweiss hunter area on the west side.
South East of the Golden Apple Tree.
On the path to the snowy hunter area File:Compass clue Fremennik area Snowy hunter area entrance.png


Location Image
Between the Slayer Tower and Fist of Guthix and north of the Limestone mine.
Near the northwest corner of Daemonheim Castle.
Level 4 Wilderness compass location, just north of the mind altar.
Level 7 Wilderness Northeast of Lumberyard along shore. File:Wildernesscompasslvl7.jpg
Level 12 Wilderness, east of Chaos Temple. File:East of Chaos Temple.png
Level 13 Wilderness East of Dark Warriors Fortress. File:Lvl13wildy.jpg
Level 15 Wilderness, south-east of the red salamander hunter area and south of the green dragons in the same area. File:Level15.jpg
Level 18 Wilderness just south of the Wilderness Volcano's Stairs. File:Wilderness Volcano compass.jpg
Level 19 Wilderness, eastern wall
Level 20 Wilderness in the Southwest entrance to the Wilderness Volcano File:20 Wilderness Compass.png
Level 21 Wilderness, in the Ruins west of the Bandit Camp
Level 23 Wilderness, on hill west of river, overlooking Daemonheim.
Level 28 Wilderness, South of the North-east Wilderness volcano entrance. On top of the cliffs. File:Level 28 Wilderness compass.jpg
Level 30 Wilderness, in the bend of the ^ shaped cliff west of the Wilderness volcano. File:Level30 Wilderness compass.jpg
Level 30 Wilderness, north of the Graveyard of Shadows and the Ruins. File:Compass 30 Wilderness.jpg
Level 31 Wilderness, inside the Forgotten Cemetery. File:Compas Forgotten Cemetery.png
Level 32 Wilderness, east of the North-west Wilderness Volcano entrance. Between the 2 pillars. File:Level32 Wilderness compass.jpg
In the room in the Chaos tunnels with the mummies, next to the gargoyles. File:Chaos tunnels compass.png

Level 35 Wilderness, south-east of the Hill giants.

Level 35 Wilderness, North-west of Corporeal beast lair

Level 40 Wilderness, just south of the lava maze
Level 45 Wilderness, north of Red Dragon Isle at coordinates 22 deg, 22 min north and 23 deg, 35 min east.
Level 46 Wilderness, just East of Demonic Ruins, South of Rogues' Castle

Level 47 Wilderness, east-northeast of the Lava Maze rune rocks, 2 steps north of the small volcano.

File:Level47 Wilderness compass.jpg
Level 47 Wilderness, northeast of the Lava Maze at the top of a hill.
Level 48 Wilderness, near the Greater Demons File:Greaters in wildy compass.png
Level 50 Wilderness, south of the Pirate's Hideout near the Wilderness fence File:Deep wildy compass.png
Level 51 Wilderness, near the teleport lever to Ardougne. A level 110 Guthix wizard may attack. File:Compass Ardy Lever.png
Level 54 Wilderness, on the small peninsula northeast of the Rogues' Castle, 2 paces southwest of the dead tree. File:Level54Wilderness.jpg
Level 55 Wilderness, north-western most corner behind Rogues' Castle. (volcano)
Level 55 Wilderness, north of the Scorpion Pit.
South west entrance from the Wilderness into Daemonheim. File:Southwest Daemonheim compass.png
Southern Daemonheim
41 deg 56 min N, 31 deg 01 min E
Southeast of Daemonheim, near the entrance to the resource dungeon. File:Daemonheim scan location.png
Along the southern rim of the Wilderness Volcano, just north of Stealing Creation File:EliteTrail-VolcanoRim.png
Daemonheim - Near the stairs going to the tents.
Level 31 Wilderness, near the edge of the water.
  • Level 54 Wilderness near the mage arena
  • Graveyard east of the volcano stairs in level 22 wilderness
  • Inside Stealing Creation, three steps east of the musician
  • Inside the Bandit Camp, south of the general store in the small ruins 9 steps from the East wall.
  • The southern end of the abandoned farm used during Spirit of Summer in level 21 Wilderness


Location Image
The north east corner of the Exam Centre, by the tree. File:Northeast exam centre compass.png
West of the Exam Centre, on top of the hill.
In the middle of the Digsite, between some excavation areas. File:Digsiteeliteclue.jpg
East of the Digsite and west of the River Salve. File:Compass digsite east.jpg
Just north of the pillory in Varrock.
Just north of the museum in Varrock.
Northwest in the Grand Exchange.
Lumbridge, slightly North of the Caved-in Mine.
Lumbridge Swamp, east of the Water Altar.
Lumbridge Swamp, Southeast near mine, bridge and fishing spot. File:Compass clue-Misthalin-Southeast Lumbridge Swamp Near Mine.png
Potato farm north of Lumbridge cow farm. File:Ttcompasspotato.jpg
North east of Draynor, inside fenced off area.
North east of Draynor Manor. File:Draynor manor elite clue.jpg
Southern part of the Lumbridge castle courtyard. File:Misthalin Compass (LumbridgeCourtyard).png
There is one on the member's side of the fence, west of the beacon and east of the lumberyard.
Sheep farm south of Varrock File:Sheep farm elite clue.jpg
There is one just north of the River Lum (river to the north of Lumbridge).
In Draynor, exactly two spaces from the witch's door.
Just south of the Lumbridge cow pen amongst the trees. File:Lumby cow clue.png
Just west of the Wizard's Tower south of Draynor Village. File:WizardsTowerCompass.png
In Lumbridge, just outside of the Cemetery. File:Lumbridge grave compass.png
South of the Phoenix Gang headquarters entrance, outside of the city walls, east of the dark wizards/Delrith stone cirle. File:Compass clue - south of phoenix gang west of dark wizards delrith.png
Just east of the pottery building in Barbarian Village. File:Compass clue Misthalin Barbarian Village east of pottery house.png


Location Image
Western Morytania swamp, across river from south of Digsite. File:Compass clue Morytania across river from south of Digsite.png
East of Ectofuntus, North of Velorina along wall. File:Ecto Morytania.jpg
North of the Nature Grotto in Morytania Swamp.
BKR Fairy ring in Morytania Swamp. File:Mort-bkr-elite.png
Southern most road intersection in Mort'ton File:Mort'ton Compass.png
Southern Mort'ton, just north of the bridge to Burgh de Rott. File:Mort'ton Compass Clue.png
3 steps west of the water pump just outside Barrows File:Compass Barrows.png
Haunted Woods Southwest of Fairy Ring ALQ
On the ground floor of the Slayer Tower, in the Crawling Hands room File:Slayer tower compass.jpg
On the ground floor of the Slayer Tower, in the Crawling Hands room File:Slayer tower compass2.jpg
Hunter area in Morytania, at 9 degrees, 0 minutes north and 34 deg, 18 minutes east. File:MoryHuntAreaCompassClue.png
Just outside the North-West Corner of Burgh-de-Rott, NW of the general store. Note: this is NOT inside the city, it is just outside the wall. File:Burghderottcompass.jpg
Just west of the shipwreck north of the farming patches.
On the east side of the swamp path leading into Mort'ton
File:Swamp path compass clue.png
On the west side of the swamp path leading to Mort'ton, south of the musician.
File:Mort'ton path west side.png
In the middle of Canifis, between the quest start point and the Tannery. File:Canifiseliteclue.png
Slightly Southeast of Canifis Bank (behind bank), near water edge. File:Canifisbankclue.png
Just southwest of The Hollows boat to Mort'ton. Between the plants and the swamp water. File:Southofhollows.png
Just south east of the Mort Myre bank chest spot (after Deadliest Catch), at the very west edge of the swamp.

Just outside the entrance to barrows, northeast of barrows walls.

File:Compass location.png


Slightly west of Melzars Maze

  • North of the Warrior Guild
  • Just south of the wall between Taverley and Falador.
  • Between the Falador chainmail shop and the spinning wheel (south of the castle)
Location Image
Rimmington Mine - just east File:CompasClue-RimmyMine.png
Rimmington berry patch. File:Treasure Trail Rimmington Berry.jpg
The southeast corner of Ice Mountain.
Two paces northwest of the Beacon at the Black Knights' Fortress (building), near the wilderness ditch. File:Black Knight fortress northwest compass.jpg
North of Falador wall. West of barbarian village File:North falador compass.jpg
West of Falador, south of the Witch's house. File:Compass clue Asgarnia south of Witch's house.png
West of Falador, by the mine. File:Faladorminecompass.png
West of the Crafting Guild. File:Westcraftguildcompass.png
One step North of the north-centre window of Cassie's Shield shop in Falador File:Falador compass.jpg
In the middle of the White Knights' Castle File:White Knight Castle Compass.png
In the Port Sarim Jail. File:Port Sarim Jail Scan.png
At Mudskipper Point just north of Thurgo's hut. File:Doric clue.png
In the beer garden with Bernald at the Toad and Chicken in Burthorpe File:EliteTrail-ToadChicken.png
South of White Wolf Mountain Cave Entrance File:Compass clue Asgarnia south of gelatinous abomination cave.jpg
South of the Heroes' Guild File:Heroesguildcompasslocation.jpg
South entrance of Clan Camp. File:Scan clue-Clan camp-entrance.png
West of the pet shop in Taverley, in the garden. File:Compassclue taverleygarden.png
Between the Monastery and Ice Mountain. File:Compass monastery.jpg
West of Melzar's Maze File:Compass clue Asgarnia Melzar's Maze.png
Outside the very south-east corner of the Warriors' Guild File:Compass clue Asgarnia south-east of Warrior Guild.png


Location Image
Tai Bwo Wannai Village, Karamja. File:EliteTaiBoWannaiCompassClue.png
South of Log crossing Karamja River.
East of Shilo Village. File:Shilo village clue.jpg
Karamja, near Jogre dungeon entrance. File:Treasure Trail Karamja Jogre.jpg
Karamja, on the island with moss giants. File:Mossgiantislandcompassclue.png
Brimhaven, north of Brimhaven Dungeon entrance
Directly west from Shilo village on the far western side of the island, 2 steps south of a crate.
Slightly to the south of the General Store at Karamja, south of the Plantation
Between the summoning obelisk on Karamja volcano and Stiles
Slightly north of nature altar.
West of Tai Bwo Wannai Village
Slightly north of nature altar.
South of Tai Bwo Wannai, west of the karambwanji lake and east of the marshy jungle vine.
West of Tai Bwo Wannai village. File:Compass clue Karamja west of Tai Bwo Wannai Village.png

Just north of the glider captain.

Just slightly north of the agility arena and east of the farming patch.

Feldip Hills

Location Image
Feldip Hills Compass location, just east of the fairy ring and by the lake. File:Feldipcompass.png
Feldip Hunter area compass location, next to the tree just south west of the shack, under the tree. File:Feldiphuntercompass.png
Feldip Hills, chompy hunting area west of Castle Wars File:EliteTrail-FeldipCastleWars.png
Feldip Hills, north-west hunting area, north of the cave just west of the Hunting expert
Behind of mobilising armies. File:Elite clue M.A south.png
Just north of mobilising armies command centre. File:Compass clue- Feldip Hills - north of Mobilising Armies.png
East of the Feldip Hills hunter area, near the Red Chinchompas File:Elite-chinchompas.jpg
Inside Oo'glog, south of Snurgh File:Ooglogscanlocation.png
Outside of Oo'glog north wall, between the saltwater spring and the sulphur spring. File:Compass - Feldip Hills - north Oo'glog saltwater sulphur.png
South of Jiggig, west of Gu'Tanoth, near the coast and some achey trees File:Compass - Feldip Hills south of Jiggig west of Gu'Tanoth.png


  • One can also be found near a cactus just to the east of the Bedabin Camp
  • 3 steps west of DLQ fairy ring, near the desert lizards
  • Infront of the Cave near the Desert Phoenix.
  • East in the middle of the building involved in Missing My Mummy (East Desert opposite Mos Le'Harmless
Location Image
East of desert Agility Pyramid File:East Agility Pyramid Compass Elite Clue.png
South of ruins of Uzer in the desert. File:South Uzer compass.png
East of Sumona's House File:Compass-East-of-Sumona.png
Directly east of Uzer File:UzerCompass.png
West of the pub in Pollnivneach File:Compass Pollnivneach.png
West of the Ruins of Uzer.
South of Al-Kharid bank File:South of Al-Kharid bank compass treasure trail.png
West of the Duel Arena hospital
North-west of the summoning obelisk in Pollnivneach. File:Pollivneach Compass Clue.png
South of Shantay Pass, near the desert wolves. File:Desert Compass Clue.png
North of Sophanem. Crocodiles are other side of the river. File:Desert compass map.png
South of the granite quarry, west of the Pyramid.
North of Uzer. File:Scan clue-Kharidian Desert-North of Uzer.png
Just outside NE corner of Desert Mining Camp.
Between the Bedabin Camp and the Desert Mining camp. File:Desert compass.png
West of the Summoning obelisk.
Behind the pyramid south of Uzer.
South of the Agility Pyramid and East of Sophanem
On the path to Desert Strykewyrms
Near the archeologists camp.
In Bedabin camp, inside the tent with Al Shabim.4 degrees, 9 minutes south
22 degrees, 50 minutes east
File:Compass clue Bedabin tent.png
North of Pollnivneach. File:Desert river compass.png
A short distance north of Pollnivneach. File:Desert compass north pollnivneach.png
Inside Shantay Pass File:ShantayPass.png
Just southeast of the quest tent to the EAST of Sophanem. File:Sophanemquesttent.png
West of the Kalphite Hive File:Compass West Kalphite Hive.png
East of the Bandit Camp, at the monkey colony unlocked during Do No Evil. Two to three steps north of Iwazaru. A Guthix wizard will attack. File:Monkey colony.png

There are many other spots as well. Pictures are not available yet for these places.


  • When inside of a Player-owned house, on the Iceberg, on a boat, in Zanaris, or inside any dungeon the compass will just spin in circles.

See also