Recipe for Disaster/Trivia

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This page contains trivia from the entire Recipe for Disaster Quest.

Miscellaneous Trivia

File:RFD Futurama reference.png
A player making the Futurama reference.
  • In the first cutscene, Duke Horacio and Osman appear to have a random event featuring the Mysterious Old Man. After Duke Horacio is abducted, the Dwarf Guard says to Osman "something has to be done about that old man". Furthermore, once Osman has also been abducted, the Dwarf comments on the rarity of witnessing two random events in a matter of seconds.
  • When informed by Gypsy Aris that the universe could be destroyed, your player exclaims, Not the whole universe! That's where I keep my stuff! This is a reference to the animated comedy series Futurama. The original quote came from the cartoon series "The Tick". Interviewer: Well, can you... blow up the world? Tick: Egad. I hope not. That's where I keep all my stuff.
  • The quest point requirement used to be only 175. It was increased to 176 after the Unstable Foundations tutorial update, which gave an extra quest point upon completion.
  • The cook, after telling you about defeating the Culinaromancer, says, "Did you ever know that you're my hero?" This is a reference to Bette Midler's "Wind beneath my Wings".
  • When you attempt to release Pirate Pete, the gypsy exclaims "Wait a moment, my gypsy-sense is tingling..." This is a reference to Spiderman.
  • When asking the Lumbridge Cook for help on a section of the quest you didn't start yet, the gypsy will stop you, saying that it will cause a time paradox if you don't talk to her about it first.
  • The first subquest is called 'Another Cook' on the "Quest-Complete-Scroll", but is called 'Starting Out' in the Adventurer's Log.
  • When the overall quest is finished (after defeating the Culinromancer), your Adventurer's Log reads "The
    File:I'll be back.png
    The Culinaromancer making a Terminator reference.
    Culinaromancer has been given his just desserts and the Duke's party can go on unhindered.".
  • If you try to drink the dirty blast the player will refuse because it is completely impossible to drink it.
  • After you have freed the last member of the council, Gypsy Aris releases her spell, allowing the Culinaromancer to escape, but not before saying "But you cannot defeat me! I'LL BE BACK!" This could be a Terminator reference.
  • When the Gypsy stops time, she explains that the room appears bigger because time runs from north to south and they trapped in a timeframe. Although this story seems to check out, not objects or people appear bloated or shrunken, but rather spaced out.
  • In this quest, the player takes part in a temporal causality loop.


Evil Dave

  • If you ask her after inspecting Dave, Gypsy Aris will explain why Evil Dave is a member of the secret council: "The council is meant to include one dark wizard, but obviously the other members did not want to include anyone who was a real threat."
  • When you unlock the spoiler on QuestHelp, it will say that either Saradomin is helping an adventurer or Zamorak is helping with an evil stew, and you are thankful for whoever is telling you.
  • It should be noted that in the sub-quest, the gypsy tells you that Evil Dave lives with his mother and stays in the basement. This may be a reference to the common stereotype that all video-game enthusiasts live in their parents basement. Since most of these basement dwellers are young, this can be further emphasized by Evil Dave thinking he is "evil". The gypsy also tells the player that she doesn't judge those people, with your character replying: "oooooooookay."

Sir Amik Varze

  • When you talk to K'klik, you can ask for a horse as one of your options. K'klik will respond, "No horses in RuneScape. Try again." Horses are an extremely commonly requested item for transportation and have recently been removed from the do not suggest list.
  • If you have recently started Swan Song, there will only be two options when speaking to the Wise Old Man - Cleaning out your bank and Swan Song.
  • When asking the gypsy about the recipe she states that one of the ingredients is the egg of the evil chicken to which your character responds 'The evil chicken? Great. He only shows up when I don't want him to.' This is a reference to the now discontinued evil chicken random event.

King Awowogei

  • If you talk to the three monkeys after cooking the stuffed snake, Iwazaru will want to eat it. You'll tell the trio, "Thanks for your help guys! I've had more fun than a barrel of monkeys doing this."
  • When talking to Awowogei after feeding him the stuffed snake, you will persuade him to teach you the Teleport to Ape Atoll spell, but after he has done this, you will apologize to him for forcing him to teach you the spell. He will tell you that it could have been much worse; you could have persuaded him to marry you. This may be a reference to the fact (which the Three Wise Monkeys had revealed to you earlier) that King Awowogei had married the chef who invented the stuffed snake recipe. Interestingly, during this conversation, Awowogei will make the "marry" remark even if your character is male.
  • The 3 monkeys during Awowogei's subquest are a reference to the 3 Wise Monkeys, who can see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.
  • When the 3 Wise Monkeys tell you you have the wrong banana and need a red banana, the character says "Oh yes red bananas are much tastier than blue bananas" to which the monkeys reply that there is no such thing. This could be a reference to an episode of Gilligan's Island where Gilligan asks the Skipper what type of bananas should he pick to which he gets the reply "I don't care if you pick red white or blue bananas, just get away from here!" Gilligan only looks quizzically back and asks "BLUE BANANAS?!"
  • For unexplained reasons, the player can't pick Tchiki nuts until they buy a poor quality nut from the food vendor and talk to the 3 monkeys. The game will tell you that there are no nuts on the bush if you attempt to pick one beforehand.

The mountain dwarf

  • In this part of the subquest, bad grammar is abundant.


  • Originally it was impossible for a player to retrieve his items if he died during the final boss battles. On 16 June 2009 an update changed it so that your items would appear by the portal.
  • The monsters from Desert Treasure may have been used as bosses because of their similarity to kinds of food, and that "Desert" is commonly mistaken for "Dessert".
  • The names of the final bosses are a play on words of some foods and certain quest bosses:



  • When she casts her spells, she says "Semolina-Go!" Semolina is a type of flour. Kamil says "Sallamakar Ro!".
  • Interestingly, Kamil is male while Karamel is female.


  • The name Culinaromancer is a combination of the words culinary and mancer, meaning "one who divines from food".
  • When The Culinaromancer dies, foods like cakes explode out of his body onto the ground and comes with pick up option, but you always get teleported back before you get the chance to get your hands on one.
  • The Culinaromancer's death is reminiscent of the "Autumn Years" scene from Monty Python and the Meaning of Life; in the scene, an immensely fat man (Mr Creosote) eats too much food and explodes, showering everything with half-digested food.



  • It has always been possible for players with 1 defence to complete the sub-quests up until they have Mithril Gloves. However, a recent change to the quest Monkey Madness means that players with 1 defence can now return to Ape Atoll. This subsequently allows those players to complete the sub-quest Freeing King Awowogei and obtain up to Adamant Gloves, providing they have 48 Agility and 70 Cooking, Or 65 with a Chefs delight (m).
  • The Barrows gloves used to be the strongest item to be worn on hands in RuneScape, the Goliath gloves are now the strongest. However, they remain the strongest non-degradable gloves in the game.
  • The gloves cannot be sold back to the shop nor another player. If the player wants to get rid of them for any reason, the gloves can be alchemised or dropped.

Kitchen Equipment

  • The examine text of the Wooden spoon is a cultural reference to a comic and television series called The Tick. The titular character's battle cry is "Spoooooooon!", because apparently it has a nice ring to it.
  • The egg whisk's examine text could be a word play on 'A large risk of death'. If this means it being near useless so the player might die or it's deadly and could slay any foe is unknown.
  • The examine text of the Spork is a reference to the Star Wars phrase, "Use the force".

Food Store

  • The stock resets to full value upon completion of each miniquest. If a player is trying to make money, they may find it advisable to buy the complete stock shop before completing each part.