Pollnivneach tablet

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A close view of a modified tablet.
A close view of a modified tablet.
Pollnivneach tablet
Release date 5 July 2010 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? Yes
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Value 1 coin
Destroy Drop
Store price Not sold
Examine A Teleport to House tablet that has been redirected to Pollnivneach.
Weight 0 kg
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A Pollnivneach tablet is a modified House Tablet that is created by using a chisel on a normal House Teleport tablet. It teleports the caster just outside the Pollnivneach house portal. Love Story must be completed to make this item.

Possible Uses


Nardah or Shantay Pass by Magic Carpet at a cost of 200gp (can be lowered to 100 after The Feud and further to 75gp by using the Ring of Charos(a))

Nearby Locations

Smoke Dungeon, Sumona, Desert Slayer Dungeon, Agility Pyramid

Other advantages

Magic Carpet Network and one of the few Kharidian/Desert teleports.
