Pit iron dragon

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The Pit iron dragon features in the Wise Old Man's house during the quest Love Story. Zenevivia redecorated the house adding a dungeon full of traps, as well as many pit creatures to guard the dungeon. It will always drop dragon bones and never drop anything else. At level 204 combat, they are stronger than normal iron dragons.

They may be placed in your player-owned house at a cost of 7,500,000 coins after the quest with 97 construction. You must have a Dungeon pit built to do this. Even though they drop bones during the quest, they do NOT drop bones in player-owned houses.

When challenge mode is not activated, the dragon is shrunk to fit on a 2x2 area (barely larger than a pit dog).


  • Even though it is weaker and cheaper than the steel dragon in the treasure room, it requires a higher level to build.