Money making guide/Smithing (P2P)

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This article is about money-making methods for members. For the free-to-play guide, see Money making guide/Smithing (F2P).
Template:Money making guides
Effectiveness Smithing level requirement Details Other requirements
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Level 4 At this level, you can smith bronze dart tips. 1 bar gives you ten darts, which generates a decent profit margin. Note that the experience gained from it is far below the amount gained by other means. You gain Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar. Requires Tourist Trap
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Level 7 At this level, you can smith bronze throwing knives. 1 bar gives you five knives, which generates a decent profit margin. Note that the experience gained from it is far below the amount gained by other means. You gain Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar.
3***** Level 30 Smithing steel bars becomes an option. Steel bars sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If iron ore and coal are purchased, the profit becomes approximately Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar. For members with Varrock armour, it takes about one minute to retrieve the ore from the Edgeville bank, run it to the furnace, smelt it, and return it to the bank. At nine bars per trip, you can make about Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins and 7,398 experience per hour (540 bars per hour). With the coal bag however, a maximum of 18 bars can be made during a single trip. This greatly reduces precious banking time and maximises profit.
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Level 33 Go to the Workshop in Seers' Village and enter the elemental workshop. Make an elemental bar and go downstairs to make with this bar a primed bar. After that go downstairs again and go in the mind room to make a mind bar. Go up the stairs and go to the anvil. Smith mind bodies. A mind body can be sold to the G.E. for 30195 coins. For one complete inventory you can make around 500k if you buy coal off the Grand Exchange, although it can take a lot of time to prime all the bars.

An alternative would be to smith elemental bodies for a lesser profit, but it is much faster because you do not have to prime the bars.

Elemental Workshop III


Level 35 Smithing cannonballs, although fairly slow, gives a decent profit. Cannonballs sell for about Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each (4 cannonballs per bar) and are in high demand due to the number of people using cannons. Buying the bars and smithing cannonballs to sell gives a profit of Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar. You gain a decent profit every time you smith steel bars into cannonballs. You can make even more money if you start out with the raw materials used for making steel bars, as opposed to buying the bars themselves. It is advisable that you smelt in a furnace near a bank like the furnace in Al-Kharid, Port Phasmatys (If you have completed the Medium tasks for Morytania smithing cannonballs here is double the normal speed.), or Edgeville (Varrock Armour recommended but not required). (Note) Straight smelting cannonballs, per hour with buying steel bars, can result in 11,000 xp and a profit of 111k/hr. Dwarf Cannon completed
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Level 50 Mithril bars sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If the materials (one mithril ore and four coal per bar) are purchased, you can earn up to Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar using the Falador or Al Kharid furnaces. At five bars per trip, you can make about Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins and 9,000 experience per hour (300 bars per hour). 55 Mining (optional)
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Level 60 Unfinished mithril bolts and unfinished iron bolts can be smithed at the Blast Furnace very quickly, resulting in fast Smithing experience as well as the money made on the side (mithril bolts (unf) currently yield small coin loss). Bring either iron or mithril ore (noted), along with coal (noted) and some coins, to world 58, where Ordan the dwarf will unnote them so you can put them in the Blast Furnace while people are operating it, however the people who are running the furnace will more than likely want you to help out.
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Level 50 Preferably 60 Mithril bars can be made with half the coal at the Blast Furnace in Keldagrim. If your Smithing level is lower than 60, then you could pay 2500 gp but still make a good profit. You could also smelt other bars there which you could get the ores for there. The best world for this is 58 (official Blast Furnace world). Started The Giant Dwarf
2***** Level 68 Mithril platebodies can be smithed at the Blast Furnace, and then high alched for a small profit/minimal loss. You will lose money if you buy all the materials, but if you mine the mithril ore and coal yourself, you will make Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per platebody. It would however be more profitable to sell the bars. Started The Giant Dwarf
55 Magic
55 Mining
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Level 70 Adamant bars sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, and require one adamantite ore and three coal per bar if using the Blast Furnace. Purchasing the materials then selling the bars gives a profit of Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per bar. you can make about Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per hour depending on how fast you can smith the bars (the values here take into account that 15 trips were made to the Blast Furnace, smithing 26 bars each trip). You should also make sure that you use world 58 (the official Blast Furnace world).
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Level 85 Rune bars can be smelted at the Blast Furnace. Start out in Edgeville bank with coins, noted coal, and unnoted Runite ore in your inventory, and a charged amulet of glory equipped. Take the agility shortcut to the GE, then take the mine cart to the Blast Furnace, smelt the ores there, then return to the Edgeville bank by using the equipped amulet of glory. The Edgeville lodestone can also be used to reduce the need for numerous amulets, although this method does extend the trip time by several seconds. Using a Pack yak, 56 Rune bars can be smelted roughly every 7 minutes, allowing 8 trips per Pack Yak, giving a net profit of Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins per hour. Started The Giant Dwarf
21 Agility
96 Summoning.\
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Level 85 Arcane spirit shields sell for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. If the materials (one arcane sigil and one blessed shield) are purchased, you can earn up to Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per shield. At five shields per trip, you can make about Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins and 9,000 experience per hour (300 shields per hour). 90 Prayer Summers End
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Level 92 Depending on the prices, you can make Dragon platebodies for a profit by buying a Ruined dragon armour slice, Ruined dragon armour lump, and Ruined dragon armour shard as well as a Blast fusion hammer from the Blast Furnace. You must smith the platebody at the Dragon Forge. While Guthix Sleeps