Free-to-play Firemaking training

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This article gives tips on training the Firemaking skill for free players. Firemaking is often considered to be one of the easiest skills to train in free worlds because of its fast experience rates and often low cost. Logs obtained free from training Woodcutting can also easily be burnt to train firemaking; as well, cutting and burning a log will always give considerably more firemaking experience than woodcutting experience. Members firemaking offers few boosts and extras, and the main methods of burning willow, maple, or yew logs are available in free worlds. When multiple people are adding logs to a bonfire, one additional xp is awarded for every person adding logs to the fire.


These basics of training firemaking are relevant on both F2P and P2P.

  • This guide assumes the use of a single, possibly shared bonfire, and not the creation of multiple fires in a location.
  • Training firemaking typically involves training near a bank for the highest sufficiency, and repeatedly withdrawing banked logs and burning them.
  • A Tinderbox, bow, or familiar is needed to light any fire with the exception of adding Curly roots to a lit firepit.

Level 1-15

With a Firemaking level of under 15, only normal logs, which give 40 experience each, can be burned. Trees, evergreens, dead and dying trees can be found nearly anywhere in RuneScape. On the second floor of Lumbridge castle, there are four logs spawns that can be lit along with logs brought by the player. Purchasing the logs for 1 to 15 Firemaking is not necessary, since achieving level 15 is only several minute's work; only 61 logs have to be burned to raise firemaking from level 1 to 15.

Level 15-30

After level 15, oak logs, which give 60 experience each, should be burned. Oak trees can be cut almost everywhere. Level 15 woodcutting to cut the oak logs may be useful; oak logs also can be easily bought from the Grand Exchange. About 225 oak logs have to be burnt to get from 15 firemaking to 30.

Level 30-45/60/99

After level 30, Willow logs, which give 90 experience each, should be burned. Willow trees can be cut near the River Lum in Lumbridge, near Edgeville, near the sea south of Draynor bank, south of the cabbage patch north-west of Draynor Village, or in Rimmington. You could also go to a crowded world and go to a spot where many woodcutters are, and pick up the logs they often drop.

Willow logs are available at Grand Exchange for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each, or they can be cut with 30 Woodcutting. The power levelling cost is Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per experience. Burning willow logs is essentially the cheapest way to train firemaking.

It would take 143,208 willow logs to get from Level 30 to 99, costing Expression error: Unexpected < operator. gold. Although this is very cheap considering the amount of Experience needed, many players often choose to burn Maple logs instead.

With the current Grand Exchange prices, it is possible to make money by burning the willow logs and collecting the ashes, as ashes have a higher price than willow logs. This slows down the experience rate considerably, however, and it's not as good a money-making method as just collecting the ashes of another person's fires.

Level 45-60/99

After level 45, Maple logs, which give 135 experience each, should be burnt.

Maple logs can be cut in a resource dungeon (30 Dungeoneering required to enter the dungeon), or bought on the Grand Exchange for Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "[". coins each. The power levelling cost is Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per experience.

It would take 96,096 Maple logs to get from Level 45 to 99, much less compared to burning Willow logs, but would cost around Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins.

Maples are perhaps the logs most commonly used to train Firemaking. They are faster experience per hour than willows but are still fairly cheap. Maples actually used to be worth around 100 coins each, but decreased greatly in price because they can be obtained in bulk from the kingdom of Miscellania. Many players burn maples all the way to level 99 Firemaking.

Due to the high amounts of woodcutting powerlevelling players in the resource dungeon of free-to-play servers, one can simply pick up all the dropped logs and burn them there. This way players can earn up to 130,000 experience per hour.

Level 60-99

Free players who want to train firemaking faster than allowed by Maple logs may move up to Yew logs.

After level 60, Yew logs, which give 202.5 experience each, can be burnt.

The power levelling cost is Expression error: Unexpected < operator. coins per experience, which is far higher than willow and maple logs. Fairly rich players may choose to burn Yew logs due to its fast experience.

It would take 63016 Yew logs to get from Level 60 to 99, although it is extremely costly (26,214,656 gold pieces).

Maximising number of logs burnt per hour

To maximise the logs burnt per hour, it is recommended that firemaking training is done near a bank or bank chest for quick withdrawal of logs. A good place for this is the Grand Exchange.

You can also burn logs in the back of the Lumbridge Castle bank(the area with the cannons). You can burn 23 logs there and it is also very hard for other players to steal your ashes if they don't know your pattern. Make sure you collect the ashes first or you will have a difficult time burning logs and collecting ashes.


With the update on 10th May 2012, players can now add logs to an existing fire to create a bonfire. This provides more xp per log, however a log is burnt every 6 game ticks (3.6 seconds) rather than every 4 game ticks (2.4 seconds) when lighting fires the normal way. The experience is increased per log and is further increased by up to 4% for every other player adding logs to the bonfire. With the maximum boost from extra player, the xp/hour for this method is slightly lower than regular firelighting, however it has the bonus of being semi-afkable and with the added bonus of not having to run as far to bank between inventory.

Combining Woodcutting and Firemaking

Woodcutting and Firemaking can be combined by cutting an inventory of logs, then burning them into a fire. The most effective Free-to-Play logs to perform this method on are Willows. A great location for this is the willows south of Port Sarim. This location is usually almost never crowded because there is no bank nearby, but there is plenty of space to burn logs. Another great spot to perform this tactic is Lumbridge. On the east side of the River Lum, slightly west of Farming Patch and slight South-east of the Champion's Guild you can find three Willow Trees. When you stand between the most Northern Willow Trees and go all the way East until the fence, you can burn exactly 27 logs.

Cutting and burning Yews would result in slower Woodcutting and Firemaking Experience per hour because of reduced Woodcutting speed.

Also, you can cut and burn Maples and Willows in the Daemonheim Peninsula. The only requirement is 30 Dungeoneering. It is another very effective way to train Firemaking. Cutting and burning willows at level 75 Woodcutting yields around 70k xp/hr (40k fm, 30k wc). It's recommended to swap to Maples at level 90 Woodcutting as this yields about 90k xp/hr.

"Droppers" and "Traders"

"Droppers" and "Traders" are unofficial terms used by an extremely low amount of players. If one sees a player dropping logs (a.k.a. a "dropper") (most commonly on the Daemonheim Peninsula), they should quickly run to the logs and take as many as possible before others can get to them. A "trader" could be any player skilling or having a bank full of logs willing to help the player get Firemaking Experience. These methods are very popular among low-levelled woodcutters who have a higher amount of Firemaking. Due to the Free Trade and Wilderness update, "traders" are no longer limited to just 10,000 gold or lower and is now very popular to those who can find them.

"Burning and Selling" Method

One less popular method of gaining firemaking experience is by obtaining a relatively large amount of either willow or maple logs. You can continuously burn the logs in the Grand Exchange burning east first then backwards burning west between the two banks. Once your full inventory of logs has been burnt you then pick up the ashes that the fires left behind. These ashes can be sold at the Grand Exchange that you are already at for a higher price that the logs can be bought at. This method of selling the ashes to create an income high enough to buy back the logs you just burnt creates a neverending supply of logs for your player to burn. The market can vary the income created, and the time elappsed picking up the ashes can be costly to your xp per hour. This method is most useful for people who are mainly trying to only increase their firemaking level only a few levels. The main perk of this method is the fact that no money is wasted buying logs. In a sense it is "free fm experience".

"Lumbridge Castle"

A very unpopular but highly effective method is burning logs at the top of Lumbridge Castle. Buy maple logs (or cut them) and put them in the bank. Withdraw 28 at a time from the bank at the top of the castle and go light on of the logs that re-spawn up there. Add your maple logs to the bonfire for 4810 xp per pack full. Using this method you can get about 144,000 xp per hour. You can get this much because lighting those logs that re-spawn gives 40 bonus xp.