A Point or Points can refer to many things in RuneScape:
Skills and Quests
- Experience points - When a player gains enough experience points, they gain a level, and possibly the ability to do new things.
- Life Points - Points used to withstand damage; if they reach zero the player will die.
- Prayer points - Points used to activate and maintain prayers.
- Summoning points - Points used when Summoning familiars.
- Quest points - Points given upon completion of quests.
- The Helmet of Trials, Quest point cape and hood, items available for users who have earned enough quest points.
- Musa Point - The Free-to-play area of Karamja.
- Mudskipper Point - The spit of land where mudskippers can be fought south of Port Sarim.
- Respawn (or spawn) point - When a player dies, they will appear at their spawn point (Lumbridge for all free players, but members can change to Falador or Camelot).
- Honour points - Points earned by playing Barbarian Assault; redeemed for improved roles in the minigame, armour or a random reward.
- Costume point - Earned by selecting the option from certain random event gift boxes; redeemable for random event costumes.
- Penguin points - Points awarded to users for playing Penguin Hide and Seek; redeemed for coins or experience.
- Pizazz points - Points earned and spent in the Mage training arena; redeemed for runes, Infinity robes, Wands or a new spell.
- Produce points - Points earned from Livid Farm.
- Slayer reward points - Points granted upon completion of a slayer task, after the player has completed Smoking Kills; redeemed for experience, equipment, new abilities and skipping tasks.
- Stealing Creation points, obtained from Stealing Creation; redeemed for experience boosting tools and armour
- Void Knight Commendation Points - Points earned by playing the Pest Control game; redeemed for robes, helmets, charms or combat experience.
- Zeal points - Points rewarded for participation in the Soul Wars minigame; redeemed for combat experience, charms, pets or a random reward.
- Runespan points - Points rewarded for gathering runes for the runecrafting guild in the Runespan minigame.
- Dramatic Point - an emote obtained during the 2009 Christmas event, and all other Christmas events thereafter
- Point (emote) - a theatre emote only used on-stange in a Clan Theatre
- Point (Sitting) - a theatre emote only used in the audience of a Clan Theatre