Myreque quest series

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The Myreque quest series is a series of quests centering around the Saradominist group, The Myreque, trying to free Morytania from the evil grasp of Lord Lowerniel Vergidiyad Drakan.


In Search of the Myreque

The player is confronted by a mysterious man who wishes for him/her to deliver some weapons to a secret organization called The Myreque, a group devoted to freeing Morytania from the vampyres' grasp. The player manages to find the secret cave and is greeted by Veliaf Hurtz, the group's leader. Suddenly, the man appears and reveals himself to be Vanstrom Klause, an evil vampyre which had been led to the hideout by the player. He kills 2 members before departing and setting a hellhound upon the last of them. After the player disposes of it Veliaf requests the player to help them on their mission.

In Aid of the Myreque

Main article: In Aid of the Myreque

Following the attack, Veliaf Hurtz decides it is too dangerous to stay in Myreque Tunnels and decides to move their headquarters to elsewhere - Burgh de Rott. Surprisingly, vampyres, despite the relative proximity to the Sanguinesti region and wandering vampyres, are unaware of any life in town. The player manages to convince the starving citizens that they're up to no evil. The player then starts patching up the town, resupplying them with food and opening a bank and a furnace. However, smoke of the furnace attracts the attention of Gadderanks who manages to set up a makeshift blood tithing station in town. The player, however, manages to kill him and make his minions flee. Before death, Gadderanks tells the player about a method of how to kill Vampyre juveniles and juvinates and also about the more effective way to kill shades. Following this event, the Myreque moves their base to Burgh de Rott's pub basement. However, Ivan Strom is escorted to Paterdomus temple, surviving vampyre ambush on his way. Finally, player manages to construct a Rod of Ivandis and make Guthix balance potion, allowing the myreque to kill vampyre juveniles and juvinates or to revert them back to human.

Darkness of Hallowvale

After the successful move of the Myreque headquarters, the next step in the plan is to make contact with any surviving Myreque-members inside Meiyerditch. The player is sent out to find a way into the vampyre-controlled slums, and deliver important information. Through the repair of an old sail boat, entrance is granted. After talking to the famished and terrorised citizens, contact is made with Old Man Ral, the Sage of the Sanguinesti. He tells the player where the Sanguinesti-section of the Myreque reside. The maze-like city of Meiyerditch is hard to travel through, but eventually the player arrives at Meiyerditch HQ. There, Vertida Sefalatis is found.

He will hand over a message which is to be delivered back to Veliaf. After arriving back in Burgh de Rott and handing over Sefalatis' message, the player gets the assignment to talk with Drezel in Paterdomus, and King Roald in Varrock Castle. Drezel will say that he heard some mysterious noises outside the Temple, which turn out to be caused by werewolves, who have somehow found a way over the river Salve! The player reports back to Drezel and will be told to inform King Roald of this disaster. After a long conversation with the king and his advisor, Aeonisig Raispher, it turns out that Varrock is unable to react to the werewolf threat due to the Edicts of Guthix. All the King can do is write out a mercenary protocol.

After bringing Veliaf, and later Vertida the sad news, he will tell the player to talk to Safalaan, the leader of the Sanguinesti division. He can be found on the outer wall of Meiyerditch, making tactical sketches of Castle Drakan. After meeting him, the player gets the assignment to finish sketching the castle. However, Ranis and Vanescula Drakan will spot the player before the task can be completed, and they will send their henchman Vanstrom Klause at him/her. Luckily Sarius Guile stops Vanstrom, apparently because, if Vanstrom kills a friend of Safalaan, the relation between Safalaan and Vanescula will be hurt beyond repair.

After Vanstrom leaves, Guile will give you a long-winded hint where to find a secret laboratory. The player will get the order to find and investigate this lab, resulting in the finding of the Haemalchemy book.

Legacy of Seergaze

Main article: Legacy of Seergaze

The mercenary protocol draws many humans from Misthalin to fight against the vampyres. One of them, a mercenary adventurer, tells the player he noticed some suspicious activity in Paterdomus. Meanwhile, Drezel has discovered a Columbarium below the mausoleum which contains strange tombs. The player goes to investigate the top floor of upper Paterdomus, only to find three saradominists and three zamorakians discussing a way to take out the Edicts of Guthix. After discovery, four of the conspirators teleport away, while two of them stay to fight, but eventually, seeing their defeat, teleport away too. After collecting the evidence, Drezel is informed about the conspiracy. He will advise to reward the alert mercenary adventurer with an escorted trip to Burgh de Rott. When the trip is over, he reveals himself to be Ivan Strom. After guiding Ivan into the Myreque base in Burgh de Rott, the player gets a new task: bringing a crate of supplies to the Sanguinesti section, and, when that's done, to inquire about a new weapon meant to take out the Vyrewatch.

Once arrived at the base, Safalaan will tell you about the team's new member, Flaygian Screwte, and the discoveries he made. The scientist and researcher roughly translated the Haemalchemy book, and discovered that the Vyrewatch have a limited mindreading ability, which lets them predict and avoid damage. However, the player, together with Flaygian and several other Myreque, figure out that an incredibly unpredictable weapon will render that ability useless, and so the idea for the Ivandis flail is born. While Flaygian perfects the theory, Safalaan will ask the player to go with him and two bodyguards, Andiess Juip and Kael Forshaw, to search the old lab where you originally found the Haemalchemy book.

Inside the underground laboratory, a long winding tunnel is found which leads to caverns directly under Castle Drakan. The tunnels are filled with Zombie hands, Skeletal Hands and Mutated Bloodvelds, as well as old restraining devices and mutilated human corpses. Deeper in the tunnel system, a strange giant rock is found, but before any research can be conducted the group is ambushed by two members of the Vyrewatch, who instantly kill Andiess, while Kael flees in terror. The player's attacks do no good, while Safalaan almost dies from the attacks! Then something strange happens: when Safalaan is knocked unconscious, it triggers a mysterious blue power blast from inside him. The Vyrewatch flee, and Safalaan and the player barely make it back to the base.

Meanwhile, Flaygian perfected the Ivandis Flail, although he wasn't able to build it. Instead, the player constructs the weapon and successfully tests it on a Vyrewatch. After reporting back, the player gets the order to bring the news to Veliaf Hurtz. He will give the advice to talk to Drezel about disposing of the corpse. Apparently, there's a soul trapped inside it, and the player frees it by cremating it in the Columbarium. The key that the spirit left behind fits to the cabinet in the wall containing a Blood Talisman, while the big strange rock is revealed to be the Blood altar. This news of treasure increases the flow of Mercenaries.

Branches of Darkmeyer

Main article: Branches of Darkmeyer

Branches of Darkmeyer is the fifth main quest in the Myreque quest series. In the quest Vanstrom is tasked with killing all of the Myreque. Meanwhile the player must enter the vampyre city of Darkmeyer to search for the Blisterwood Tree and make weapons from it to use against the vampyres.

Related Quests

These quests are not part of the main Myreque quest series, but are requirements in the series.

Priest in Peril

Main article: Priest in Peril

Contact had been lost with the Paterdomus, a temple sitting on the banks of the River Salve. King Roald III of Varrock has asked the player to have a look. It turns out that the temple has been overthrown by Monks of Zamorak. The temple priest, Drezel, is locked in a cell. Drezel says that the holy river Salve that protected Misthalin from the evil of Morytania has been tainted and must be purified. The player rescues Drezel and discusses a resolution. Drezel and the player bind the magic tainting the river into rune essence and the Zamorokian monks are cleared out.

Nature Spirit

Main article: Nature Spirit

Drezel asks the player to look for a druid, Filliman Tarlock, in the dangerous swamps of Mort Myre. After finding him, the player realises Filliman is dead but still a ghost due to the mysterious powers of Morytania. At first he does not believe but is persuaded by the player to realise his true form. The player helps him transform from a wretched ghost of Morytania to a holy Nature Spirit of Guthix. A method of freeing Ghast spirits is also discovered.


Main Locations

The quests mostly take place in these areas, all of which are located in Morytania:

Current Rewards for Series


  • 2,000 Mining experience
  • 27,000 Slayer experience
  • 2,600 Attack experience
  • 2,600 Strength experience
  • 600 Constitution experience
  • 38,000 Magic experience
  • 3,000 Construction experience
  • 2,600 Defence experience
  • 40,000 Fletching experience
  • 20,000 Farming experience
  • 6,000 Thieving experience
  • 29,000 Agility experience
  • 26,600 Crafting experience
  • 50,000 Woodcutting experience
  • 3 times 2,000 experience in any chosen skill level 30 or higher
  • 3 times 2,500 experience in any chosen skill level 35 or higher
  • 3 times 50,000 experience in any chosen skill level 60 or higher


New locations

