Flaygian Screwte

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Flaygian Screwte
Release date 22 April 2008 (Update)
Race Human
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Legacy of Seergaze
Location Myreque Hideout in Meiyerditch
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine This person looks like he's always concentrating, always researching things.
Notable features Myreque scientist, helps player make Ivandis Flail

Flaygian Screwte is a member of the Myreque. He can be found in the Myreque hideout in Meiyerditch (not to be confused with the base in Burgh de Rott). He is the scientist and researcher, working directly under Safalaan. He leaves the base during Legacy of Seergaze due to becoming extremely frustrated for not being able to successfully construct an Ivandis flail. This is because he is a theorist and has poor practical skills. Although he supposedly wanted to take a stroll and have some fresh air, he still hasn't returned. This is either an oversight of Mod Ana, or Flaygian has been taken by the vampyres.

Prior to Legacy of Seergaze, Flaygian has made a rough translation of the Haemalchemy book that the player found during The Darkness of Hallowvale. Throughout Legacy of Seergaze, he sends the protagonist on a variety of "missions." They include finding and repairing a furnace, building an Ivandis Flail, and killing a Vyrewatch. Template:MyrequeQuests