Nothing is something that can be examined while in a player-owned house, in the Dorgeshuun Goblin Cave, or in Daemonheim. When examined, it states, "There's nothing there," or, "An eye-wrenching nexus of utter negation!" It is most likely there due to technical reasons which cannot be removed.
Just like most other Constructionglitches, this small glitch is completely harmless and does not really affect anyone in any way.
Also, in the Workshop, nothing can be built, but this will bring up the repair benches' building screen, this is most likely because the "nothing" is the space where the repair bench stool is when a repair bench is built.
It can additionally been seen in the workshop during build mode, near the Clockmaker's table hotspot where the stool would be if the table had been built.
In the Dungeoneering levels mentioned above, you can sometimes find places with the examine option, but nothing to examine. it will produce a blank spot in your chat window if you click on it.
It can happen where a dining bench is supposed to be making it look like the person removed a few benches with "Nothing" there.
It will happen occasionally near skill doors in Daemonheim.
In Daemonheim, in the boss room of Plane-freezer Lakhrahnaz, near the door, there is something similar to "Nothing" ; there is nothing there, but you can still "Examine Rock". The examine text is "I don't see a rock."
This glitch is probably due to the fact that you're actually clicking a rug hotspot, which is invisible outside building mode. Thus; there is nothing there.