Developer Blogs
Developers' Blogs (formerly Development Diaries) are "diary entries" or blogs from Jagex Moderators that describe the processes behind the development of RuneScape.
One Piercing Note
Clan Updates
- 27 September 2011: Citadel Theatre
- 7 July 2011: Clan Citadels
- 7 April 2011: Wars and Scores
- 18 March 2011: Evolution of Clans
- 7 March 2011: The Clan Camp
- 7 February 2011: Engine Support
- 7 December 2010: Tools for Clans
RuneScape Classic
Design Notes
- 23 August 2011: 'Skulling' Changes
- 5 June 2011: Loyalty Programme
- 17 March 2011: Capes of Distinction
- 21 September 2010: Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?
- 26 February 2010: What's a Grandmaster Quest?
Salt in the Wound
Developer Blogs
Community Management
- 26 May 2011: Clan Submissions Page
- 21 March 2011: Clan Submissions Page
- 11 November 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 27 October 2010: Emergent Gameplay letter
- 17 September 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 4 August 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 3 June 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 30 April 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 26 March 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 25 March 2010: Supporting Clans
- 5 March 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 29 January 2010: Clan Submissions Page
- 18 January 2010: A 2009 Retrospective
- 22 December 2009: Clan Submissions Page
- 13 November 2009: Excl's Visit
- 2 November 2009: Events Support
- 7 October 2009: Player Visits
- 24 July 2009: Volunteer Moderators
- 24 July 2009: Introduction to CM
History of RuneScape
Achievement Diary
Court Cases
Signature Heroes
Love Story
Voice Overs
The Void Knights Series
Halloween 2010
Hitpoints to Constitution
Bonus XP Weekend
Shattered Heart
Animation Update
Holiday Event
Fairy Tale III
Distractions & Diversions
- 24 September 2009: Localisation's Answers
- 17 September 2009: Community Management's Answers
- 10 September 2009: RuneScape Content's Answers
- 3 September 2009: Andrew Gower's Answers
- 20 August 2009: Player Support's Answers
- 6 August 2009: Mark Gerhard's Answers
New Dwarf Quest
- 3 September 2009: Within The Next Few Weeks...
- 30 July 2009: Nearly Finished
- 23 June 2009: Feedback and Blue Blocks
- 28 May 2009: Coding and Writing
- 30 April 2009: Implementation Begins
- 9 April 2009: A Concept is Approved
- 26 March 2009: Revisiting an Old Quest Series (originally titled Reviving an Old Quest Series)
Display Names
Game Engine
Fairy Area Improvement
Mobilising Armies
Run Energy
Tools for Games
World Map Update
Development Diaries
Diary Date Description A New Look RuneScape: Part 2 16 June 2008 This diary contains images of new-look lighting effects, water and the first proper full-screen screenshot from the RuneScape High Detail update. A New Look RuneScape: Part 1 28 May 2008 The pictures shown in the 'Image of the Future' newsposts were just a taster of what is to come with our graphical improvements. In this Development Diary, we get to go into more detail, as well as show you some new impressive-looking images.. Quality Assurance 28 February 2008 This diary takes a look at the Quality Assurance (QA) team. Summoning: Part 4 - Release 9 January 2008 This diary takes a closer look at the release of the new Summoning skill. Summoning: Part 3 - Testing 20 December 2007 This diary takes a closer look at the testing process for the new Summoning skill. RuneScape vs. Real-world Trading 10 December 2007 This diary takes a closer look at the Jagex's approach to tackling real world trading. Summoning: Part 2 - Development 6 December 2007 This diary takes a closer look at the content development process for the new Summoning skill. Summoning: Part 1 - Concept 22 November 2007 This diary introduced the new Summoning skill and discussed the development of the concept. RuneScape Content Team - Game Improvements 1 October 2007 This diary focused on the Game Improvement Project. This project is made up of lots of small updates intended to improve the game – updates such as the Trade Window, Warning System (Doomsayer) and the appearance of magic logs. Audio Team - Music, Sound Effects and the Sound Bank 15 August 2007 This diary involved the Audio development team. The diary looked at what goes into making Music for the game. Graphics Team - NPC Improvement Project 21 June 2007 This diary involved the Graphics team. The diary looked at the graphical updates that were been made to dragons, werewolves, spiders, etc. RuneScape Development Teams - Impetuous Impulses 6 June 2007 This diary showed the complete development of the minigame Impetuous Impulses, from concept to release.
See also
- RuneScape - Developers' Blogs
- RuneScape - Development Diaries
- Local list of Developers' Blogs