Update:Blog - Community Management: Clan Submissions Page (September 2010)
This blog was written by Mod Timbo and dates to 17 September 2010.
Editor's Note
Welcome to August’s edition of the Clan Submissions Page! This month, we take a look at the Jagex Clan Cup 2010, what happened for clans at RuneFest and what we can expect for next year's Jagex Cup competition. This is a specially themed blog and we will return to a more traditional blog next month with two interviews and many more submissions from the clans.
It has been a pretty amazing past month for us here in Clan Support, with the closing of the Jagex Cup to the finale of RuneFest in London and meeting all of the fantastic players. We have had the first clan competition reward put into the game with the Jagex Clan Cup plaque, clans show up to RuneFest in force (and t-shirts!), and more clan members visiting Jagex HQ in the future through the Big Ticket wins. As summer comes to an end and everyone returns to college or their job, we have a lot to look back on as we get ready for the holiday season.
Mod Timbo
RuneFest Summary

What. A. Night! RuneFest 2010 was incredible, all of the players were great and there were tons of things to do such as ogre wrestling, archery and fighting the J-Mods in Clan Wars. Enough about that for now, lets focus on the clans!
I'm sure that a number of clans were represented at RuneFest by individuals, but the two clans with the most people there were Wilderness Guardians and Skillers Empire!. Dressed up for the occasion in impressive clan t-shirts, and even some cool Wilderness Guardians pens, they were proud to be a part of their clan and showing it off to the world.
As the morning of the day drew to a close, the queue outside the venue was growing larger and larger by the minute. Not to be outdone by the huge number of players waiting alongside him, His Lordship started to rally the troops with his now infamous rant. I'm not sure if it worked that well for everyone else, but I'm sure it riled up the WG guys - be sure to check it out on YouTube if you didn't get the chance to see it in the flesh.
The doors were open and everyone rushed inside to check out what there was. After the 99th person handed in their ticket and walked through the main doors, there were, of course, some 99-people-at-RuneFest "fireworks" to celebrate! As people were finding their feet and checking out the swordfighting, Draynor Market and much more, I managed to bump into SE Jazzy and all of the Skillers Empire guys!
Later in the day we had a historical moment: the first ever J-Mod vs The World (oh, okay, RuneFest) Clan Wars battle, in which you can attack and kill your beloved J-Mods. I recognised a lot of the names in-game waiting around the portal, I can only imagine that it's a dream of many people to see "You have proven your superiority over Mod MMG" when you pwn him. With the starting numbers being 37 players versus only 9 J-Mods, we knew that we were in trouble. The war started with a few J-Mods falling quickly to the piles and it ended with 0 kills to the J-Mods! We then restarted so that we could return, and considering it was 52 vs 9 this time the J-Mods did pretty well - we even managed to get the ending kill counts to 165 vs 135. Not bad for J-Mods who weren't allowed to use our powers during the war (except maybe for Mod Hulme).
It was then time for the "Meet and Greet" session with myself to discuss everything to do with clans! After finding a decent spot to sit down in the Poison Arrow and making sure that we all had some drinks, we sat down and discussed some of the things to do with the clan world. We talked about some of the issues that clans have such as Friends List space, briefly about the clan update that is in the works and about the Jagex Cup that finished only a few weeks before. It was very relaxed and a fantastic opportunity to talk to you guys, the clan community, through a number of people face to face.
The rest of the day was filled with Insider Sessions, another J-Mod Clan Wars (where it was even closer!) and the Golden Gnomes. It was a fantastic day meeting the players and the clans, I'm sure none of us will forget it!
Mod Timbo
How did the clans enjoy RuneFest?
It's all very well me telling how awesome RuneFest was and how it was meeting everyone, but let's hear from the various clans and individuals involved with clans about what they thought!
Stokenut - Wilderness Guardians
Hey, guys. I just wanted to make a quick post to thank everybody that made this event possible on behalf of all the Wilderness Guardians members who attended.
I hope you all had a great time and I trust you still have your pens!
The event was fantastic, especially the Golden Gnomes and following party. There were a few things that I'm sure will be done differently next year, but all in all this event was awesome and will never be forgotten.
I won't name names here, but all the guys I was lucky enough to shake hands with know who they are and I'd love to stay in touch. You guys know how to contact me.
SE Jazzy - Leader of Skillers Empire
Well, where can I start? The queue outside to get into the venue was fantastic, so many people had put so much effort into costumes, capes, weapons - even a full-size replica of the RF Banner! [Brilliant!] Fantastic to see everyone so happy an excited, and even more to see random passers-by totally confused!
All the actors/themed role-players were brilliant, really enjoyed bumping into the Drunken Dwarf every few hours! Roaming magician was ace, but he needed a 99 mage cape! The venue itself, the layout and the lighting/sections/props were awesome! Upset not to see Diango himself!
Could not blink without seeing a J mod! Thought I'd never see the day! First time I've ever met one, so was rather surprised to see flocks of them!
Summary: Wow, RuneFest was simply the highlight of my year so far! What a fantastic event, I know I've written a lot, but there was just even more things I've not even mentioned! Really was just an honour to be there, meeting up with old friends of over four years for the first time, to meet new people from the UK/Sweden and even Austria!
Was just simply magical evening - thank you so much!
His Lordship - Leader of Wilderness Guardians
Well, let's just say the clan world will never be the same again...
What I'm trying to get at is...clan-hood has taken a massive turn in a new direction. Not just WG... I mean, there were clans like Skiller's Empire that brought members with their own shirts, and literally a third of the people there were in clans and we interacted so intensely with Jagex.
The buzz at RuneFest signifies one really important thing above all else: we should be playing for the people, not the pixels. Every clan's community is subservient to this honest truth. Call it lame or bad-looking as you wish, but every attendee will agree with me.
This is not JUST a game. It is a game and more. First and foremost, we are a global community and we should see the clan world in the same way. You don't suspend your lives to play this game. You bring your life TO the game.
A great clan is a bunch of friends first, and a bunch of pixels second.
Jagex Clan Cup 2010

The Jagex Clan Cup finished in August for the second time in its history. There were a lot of new things, a few improved things and a few things that didn't work. At the end of it all, everyone that I've spoken to about it had fun. Here is a confirmation of all of the winners from the 2010 Jagex Clan Cup (including the sub-divisions):
Combat Cup - RuneScape Dinasty
Skilling Cup - Divination (for the second year in a row!)
Combined Cup - Basedin2minutes
20v20 - Future of Old Style
P2P - Reign of Terror
Over 115 Combat - RuneScape Dinasty
Community Clan - Titans Revolution
Pure - Mayhem Makers
Each of the finals of the Combat, Combined and sub-divisions were fantastic to watch. The majority of them were so unbelievable close that it was difficult to guess who was going to win even with five or so minutes to go!
All that remains is to thank everyone that took part in this year's Jagex Cup. It was a great competition and I had a lot of fun running it. Don't forget to check out the Jagex Cup plaques that are around at Edgeville, Lumbridge and Clan Wars!
Next in the Jagex Cup

Now that the Jagex Cup is over for 2010, we look ahead to 2011 and to more competitions within the clan community. Although it was a success, there is still a lot that can be built upon, things that may not quite have worked this time round, and whole sections that we can add to make it a more enjoyable experience!
The Combat Cup
This year's additions: sub-divisions, live member lists, default rules, no Dungeoneering items
The sub-divisions were a massive success overall. Each had enough activity to warrant their addition with everyone taking part seeming to enjoy the variety. The 20 vs 20 Matched sub-division was by far the most popular, reaching almost the same number of sign-ups as the Combined Cup. It's likely that this will return as a more 'serious' division next year, with more of a reward and emphasis on the competition. As for any of the other aspects of the Combat Cup, I think everything went smoothly overall, but we'll make sure everyone is included again in the planning process.
The Skilling Cup
This year's additions: buddy skills, clearer guidelines on how sessions are recorded, detailed results
The Skilling Cup was certainly the most 'roller-coaster' of all of the major cups that we did this year. Some things worked really well, while others were difficult to understand. The biggest issue was the clarification and re-clarification of the rules, which meant that a number of clans were confused with the rules and either broke them or withdrew from the later rounds. In addition, the number of sessions needed to complete a round may have been too high. A minimum of 5 hours a round is a lot of time to dedicate to a competition for the regular player, especially if their leisure time is limited anyway.
What I aim to improve about the Skilling Cup is a whole bunch of things It needs a bit of a face-lift to make it easier for the players and quicker to process results. One of the considerations is removing the buddy skills or massively reworking the idea with the players when we discuss the plans early next year. Others include the ability to wear and use any equipment that you wish, as this would greatly simplify the rules and give rise to even more tactics and work required to be the best skilling team. Reducing the sessions down from 5 hours to 3 hours would also make the rules a bit simpler and less about how much you can play the game, and what is your best 3 hours of skilling you can do in a week.
The Combined Cup
This year's additions: live member lists
The Combined Cup is extremely simple in structure, following the rules and laws of Stealing Creation means that it's just a case of arranging the games. The only addition this year was the member lists which helped a lot for clan leaders/representatives to manage their Jagex Cup member lists correctly. What I aim to improve is an explanation, from the developer of Stealing Creation, to work out how the points are calculated (if this doesn't prove to be an advantage) and a tool that can monitor connections lost during a Stealing Creation game. Of course, I will be detailing the plans for the Jagex Cup early next year for player feedback so let us know if you can think of any more!
We want your submissions!

If there is anything that you would like to share with Jagex and the clan community here on the Clan Submissions page, then do let us know! The way in which you can do this is by sending us what you have, preferably as an attachment if it’s any artwork, to [email protected], with ‘Clan’ in the subject line. We’ll take a look at what you’ve sent us - be that clan facts, interviews, articles, artwork and much more - and then pick out what people would like to see and put it on the page. I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Clan Submissions page!
To read the previous Clan Submissions page, click here.
To find out more about clans, check out our knowledge base article about them.
To see what’s happening in the clan community, check out the clan forums.

This month, we take an in-depth look at the Jagex Clan Cup and clans at RuneFest. What was said at RuneFest, who was there and what to expect in the Jagex Clan Cup 2011!
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