
Gold is a metal mainly used in Crafting. Gold may refer to:
- Gold rock, a rocky outcrop containing gold ore.
- Gold ore, an ore players can mine with a pickaxe.
- 'Perfect' gold ore, an ore used in the Family Crest quest.
- 'Perfect' gold bar, a gold bar smelted from 'perfect' gold ore.
- Concentrated gold rocks can only be found in the Living Rock Caverns located north of the Dwarven Mine. They require a Mining level of 80 to mine ore from them and give 65 experience per ore mined.
- Coins, sometimes referred to as "gold" or "gold pieces"
- Toban's gold, a gold bar used in the Watchtower quest.
- Gold leaf, thin sheets of gold used in Construction to make items for a player-owned house.
- Nuggets, pieces of gold found at the Digsite which can be exchanged for gold ores
- Goldsmith gauntlets, which increase the Smithing experienced gained for smelting gold bars.
- Golden katana, a weapon obtained by purchasing 90 or 180 days of membership from after linking your RuneScape and Amazon accounts.