Penguin Hide and Seek/Spawn locations

- For current locations, see Distractions and Diversions Locations/Penguin Hide and Seek
There are 67 penguin spawn locations and 6 polar bear locations.
• Each week 10 penguins spawn in five 1-point locations and five 2-point locations.
• The 11th invisible penguin teleports to any of the 34 1-point locations every few minutes.
• The polar bear appears in one location inside a well each week.
The map to the right shows the various different penguin spawn locations.
If you're looking for location coordinates then they are listed below.
Penguins worth 1 point in alphabetical order
Al Kharid - CactusSouth: 0 degrees, 3 minutes East: 27 degrees, 7 minutes Near cacti southwest of Ranael's Super Skirt Store; |
Barbarian Outpost - BushNorth: 13 degrees, 20 minutes East: 2 degrees, 52 minutes North of Barbarian Assault building; |
Brimhaven - BushNorth: 2 degrees, 15 minutes East: 9 degrees, 22 minutes Northeast of goldmine; |
Burthorpe - RockNorth: 13 degrees, 48 minutes East: 13 degrees, 9 minutes On path along fence marked above “Death Plateau” on world map; |
Castle Wars - BushSouth: 2 degrees, 3 minutes East: 0 degrees, 33 minutes On the island east outside Castle Wars; |
Central Karamja - BushSouth: 3 degrees, 9 minutes East: 12 degrees, 45 minutes When world map is 200%, next to 1st tree west of “Karamja”; |
Digsite - RockNorth: 8 degrees, 13 minutes East: 28 degrees, 5 minutes Next to first crossroad southeast of glider; |
Draynor Manor - CrateNorth: 5 degrees, 26 minutes East: 21 degrees, 7 minutes Inside Draynor Manor yard, just northeast fence entrance; |
Dorgesh-Kaan - BarrelUnderground East of the large white fern north of the lamp stall; |
Eagles' Peak - BushNorth: 11 degrees, 11 minutes West: 4 degrees, 1 minute Northwest of Eagles' Peak, next to the tree southwest of only boulder trap in view; |
East Karamja - BushSouth: 5 degrees, 43 minutes East: 15 degrees, 33 minutes West of the fence entrance to the glider; |
Entrana - BarrelNorth: 6 degrees, 56 minutes East: 11 degrees, 33 minutes In northwestern corner of Entrana, near the seaweed; |
Feldip Hills - RockSouth: 4 degrees, 50 minutes East: 5 degrees, 11 minutes Northwest of quest start icon, just south of the 3 coastline humps; |
Gnome Maze - BushSouth: 0 degrees, 13 minutes East: 2 degrees, 16 minutes In southwestern part of the maze; |
Gnome Stronghold - BushNorth: 9 degrees, 9 minutes West: 1 degree, 41 minutes Directly west of "Stronghold" on the world map, next to river; |
Goblin Village - BushNorth: 10 degrees, 54 minutes East: 15 degrees, 54 minutes West of the generals' house in the village; |
Ice Mountain - RockNorth: 10 degrees, 27 minutes East: 17 degrees, 54 minuntes South west of the Oracle's tent; |
Lighthouse - RockNorth: 14 degrees, 30 minutes East: 2 degrees, 37 minutes Southeast of the lighthouse, just over bridge and next to round pool; |
Lumber Yard - CrateNorth: 10 degrees, 52 minutes East: 27 degrees, 1 minute In the centre of building area, next to "b" in "Lumber" on world map; |
Lumbridge Swamp - ToadstoolNorth: 0 degrees, 39 minutes East: 23 degrees, 18 minutes North of the Water altar; Northwest of Zanaris shed; |
Mage Training Arena - BushNorth: 4 degrees, 39 minutes East: 28 degrees, 24 minutes West of Mage Training Arena, inside rock wall; |
McGrubor's Wood - BushNorth: 10 degrees, 37 minutes East: 6 degrees, 1 minute West of fairy ring A-L-S; |
Mining Camp - CactusSouth: 3 degrees, 18 minutes East: 25 degrees, 31 minutes Northwest of the Desert Mining Camp; |
Mudskipper Point - BushSouth: 1 degrees, 15 minutes East: 17 degrees, 9 minutes Northwest of fairy ring A-I-Q, through line of palm trees; |
Musa Point - CrateSouth: 0 degrees, 9 minutes East: 13 degrees, 24 minutes Amongst trees southeast of the volcano, northwest the shortcut; |
North Ardougne - BushNorth: 6 degrees, 15 minutes West: 1 degree, 18 minutes West of Ardougne's Outpost, at level 1 gnome area; |
Observatory - CrateNorth: 1 degree, 24 minutes East: 0 degrees, 0 minutes North of Observatory, near hill giants; |
Pollnivneach - CactusSouth: 6 degrees, 13 minutes East: 25 degrees, 22 minutes At “h” in “Kharidian Desert” on world map ; |
Port Khazard - BarrelSouth: 0 degrees, 16 minutes East: 6 degrees, 56 minutes East of the store nearby dock; |
Rellekka - RockNorth: 17 degrees, 22 minutes East: 7 degrees, 20 minutes Amongst rock crabs inside town; |
White Wolf Mountain - RockNorth: 10 degrees, 43 minutes East: 12 degrees, 52 minutes Northeast of the Sindarpos glider; |
Witchaven - RockNorth: 3 degrees, 48 minutes East: 9 degrees, 9 minutes East of Witchaven church; |
Wizards' Tower - BushNorth: 0 degrees, 0 minutes East: 20 degrees, 37 minutes Outside tower, west of the dungeon; northwest of fairy ring D-I-S; |
Zanaris - ToadstoolNorth: 40 degrees, 58 minutes West: 0 degrees, 37 minutes Close to wall, northeast of the yew tree and windmill; |
Penguins worth 2 points in alphabetical order
Ape Atoll - BarrelSouth: 14 degrees, 24 minutes East: 9 degrees, 43 minutes Southwest of dungeon; |
Ape Atoll - BushSouth: 11 degrees, 5 minutes East: 11 degrees, 18 minutes Northeast of the temple; |
Arandar - RockNorth: 3 degrees, 24 minutes West: 4 degrees, 30 minutes Rectangle rock cluster amongst trees west of limestone mining site; |
Castle Wars - RockSouth: 3 degrees, 1 minute West: 3 degrees, 7 minutes Southwest of Castle Wars, between the 2 lakes north of rare tree icon; |
South KBD - RockNorth: 20 degrees, 43 minutes East: 17 degrees, 13 minutes Just east of west border of wilderness level 39; |
Dragontooth Isle - CrateNorth: 12 degrees, 31 minutes East: 43 degrees, 15 minutes Northeast near shore east of “Dragontooth” on world map; |
Elf Camp - ToadstoolNorth: 2 degrees, 3 minutes West: 6 degrees, 54 minutes Southeast of the log balance to Elf Camp; |
Feldip Hills - BushSouth: 7 degrees, 52 minutes East: 4 degrees, 18 minutes West of the entrance of the hut north of Oo’glog shortcut; |
Haunted Woods - BushNorth: 10 degrees, 11 minutes East: 36 degrees, 15 minutes Southeast of fairy ring A-L-Q; |
Haunted Woods - CrateNorth: 10 degrees, 9 minutes East: 37 degrees, 24 minutes At first lake west of west entrance to Port Phasmatys; |
Jatizso - BushNorth: 21 degrees, 28 minutes West: 2 degrees, 39 minutes On the second island north of Neitiznot; |
Jatizso - RockNorth: 21 degrees, 24 minutes West: 0 degrees, 50 minutes West from the bridge north of Jatiszo; |
Jiggig - RockSouth: 3 degrees, 28 minutes West: 0 degrees, 3 minutes Southwest of quest start icon at Jiggig; |
Keldagrim - RockUnderground Northwest of Blasidar the sculptor's house. |
North KBD - RockNorth: 22 degrees, 1 minute East: 18 degrees, 5 minutes Next to rocks north of lesser demon pen, wilderness level 44; |
Lava Maze - RockNorth: 21 degrees, 7 minutes East: 20 degrees, 52 minutes In southeastern corner of the Lava Maze, level 40 Wilderness; |
Lletya - ToadstoolNorth: 0 degrees, 24 minutes West: 3 degrees, 56 minutes Just west of Lletya's entrance, west of clothes shop icon on map; |
Lunar Isle - RockNorth: 24 degrees, 26 minutes West: 10 degrees, 3 minutes Northeast of town, north of flax area, near the north coast; |
Miscellania - BushNorth: 22 degrees, 11 minutes East: 2 degrees, 56 minutes North of musician, northwest of the path roundabout; |
Mort Myre - BushNorth: 7 degrees, 13 minutes East: 32 degrees, 15 minutes Just southeast of the triangular lake south of fairy ring B-K-R. |
Mort Myre - RockNorth: 8 degrees, 41 minutes East: 34 degrees, 41 minutes In hunter area, just west of south hunter training icon; |
Mort Myre - ToadstoolNorth: 8 degrees, 39 minutes East: 30 degrees, 30 minutes On southeastern edge of the lake where “River Salve” is on world map; |
Mos Le'Harmless - BarrelSouth: 5 degrees, 0 minutes East: 40 degrees, 33 minutes East of the town's east wall near first tropical tree; |
Nardah - CactusSouth: 5 degrees, 1 minute East: 31 degrees, 1 minute North of Nardah, southeast of fairy ring D-L-Q; |
Neitiznot - BushNorth: 21 degrees, 1 minute West: 2 degrees, 43 minutes On green island north of Neitiznot town island; |
Neitiznot - RockNorth: 19 degrees, 52 minutes West: 2 degrees, 35 minutes Near southeastern corner of town; |
Piscatoris - CrateNorth: 15 degrees, 31 minutes West: 3 degrees, 41 minutes Amongst dead trees south of Piscatoris Fishing Colony's cooking range building; |
Port Phasmatys - BarrelNorth: 10 degrees, 18 minutes East: 37 degrees, 56 minutes South-west of the south most market stall; |
Scorpion Pit - RockNorth: 23 degrees, 56 minutes East: 24 degrees, 52 minutes South of Scorpion Pit, level 51 wilderness (near Chaos Elemental); |
Inner Sophanem - CactusSouth: 11 degrees, 22 minutes East: 26 degrees, 7 minutes Just southwest of musician; 3 steps south, 2 steps east of the banana tree. |
Outer Sophanem - CactusSouth: 10 degrees, 52 minutes East: 26 degrees, 3 minutes Just outside Sophanem, next to river west of north entrance; |
Tyras Camp - ToadstoolNorth: 0 degrees, 20 minutes West: 8 degrees, 5 minutes Southwest of the catapult; |
Wilderness Volcano - RockNorth: 15 degrees, 16 minutes East: 22 degrees, 46 minutes Northeast of the pond south of the volcano; |
Polar Bears (Each worth 1 Point)
ArdougneNorth: 6 degrees, 30 minutes East: 6 degrees, 14 minutes In the well south of the windmill north of Ardougne. |
FaladorNorth: 4 degrees, 47 minutes East: 17 degrees, 2 minutes In the well east of the building with the spinning wheel. |
Musa PointSouth: 0 degrees, 34 minutes East: 14 degrees, 53 minutes In the well between the general store and the pub. |
RellekkaNorth: 15 degrees, 36 minutes East: 7 degrees, 8 minutes In the well southeast of the longhall. |
RimmingtonNorth: 1 degrees, 36 minutes East: 16 degrees, 8 minutes In the well in the centre of Rimmington. |
VarrockNorth: 7 degrees, 40 minutes East: 25 degrees, 57 minutes In the members-only part in southeast Varrock. |