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Template:Holiday NPC


Clean Dirty

Release date 20 December 2011 (Update)
Race Goblin
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? A Towering Feast
Location Wizards' Tower
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine A master chef taught by the great Bleston Humenthal.
File:Kringle muddy.png
Release date 20 December 2011 (Update)
Race Goblin
Members NPC? No
Quest NPC? A Towering Feast
Location Wizards' Tower
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine A master chef taught by the great Bleston Humenthal.
File:Kringle chathead (dirty).png

Kringle is the head chef in the basement of the Christmas Wizard's Tower. He is assisted by Kris, the troll in the basement. He can be found in the southernmost room in the basement of the Wizards' Tower, trying to cook with a Dwarf multicannon.


  • Kringle's examine is a play on the name of chef Heston Blumenthal.
  • He seems to use the new Goblin model, which Jagex has yet to fully release.
  • During the event, the alternate version of the Wizards' Tower library holds a book titled Idiots' Guide to Selling Dwarf Cannons to Goblins.
  • Kringle means Pretzel in some languages, including Norwegian and Danish.
  • Kris Kringle is another name for Santa Claus.
