Valentina Kaust

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Valentina Kaust
File:Valentina Kaust.png
Release date 31 August 2011 (Update)
Race Vampyre
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? Yes - The Branches of Darkmeyer
Location Darkmeyer
Sells items? No
Gender Female
Examine A middle-ranking vyre.

Valentina Kaust is a vyrewatch citizen in the middle tier of vampyre city of Darkmeyer. When talked to for the first time, she invites player for having a drink of blood with her. If accepted, player receive a bottle of blood, which, when drank, yields 23 Darkmeyer status points. However, player also receives some serious damage (up to 500). This can be done only once. After that Valentina only

File:Valentina location.png
Valentina's location

replies briefly. After drinking the blood, if the player answers "I'm used to the better quality blood" and continues using "proud" responses, he/she can get 2 extra status points.