Temple library key

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Temple library key
Temple library key
Release date 22 March 2006 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? Yes
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 0 coins
Low Alch 0 coins
Value 1 coin
Destroy You can get another temple key by talking to Drezel.
Store price Not sold
Examine A key for the Temple Library. (In Aid of the Myreque)
Weight 0 kg
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The Temple library key is a quest item obtained during the In Aid of the Myreque quest. It is used to access a secret room under the Mausoleum of the Paterdomus, the Temple of Saradomin on the River Salve. Drezel has the key and is located in room containing the secret trapdoor to the library.

This key cannot be put on the Steel key ring acquired from completion of One Small Favour. Once the trapdoor is unlocked, however, it remains unlocked, so there is little need to keep the key afterwards.
