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Documentation This is a documentation subpage for Template:CiteDevBlog.
It contains usage information, categories, and other content that is not part of the original template page.


{{CiteDevBlog |author= |url= |title= |blogdate= |date=~~~~~ |notes= |name= }}


The author of the blog found in large letters at the top. Include "Mod" prefixes, such as "Mod Mark" instead of simply "Mark".


Make sure to include the full URL, including the http://.


The title of the Developers' blog, found in large letters at the top of the page.


The date the blog was added which appears right after the author's name.


Leave this field as ~~~~~, it will automatically be converted to the proper date and time format. When verifying the reference, delete whatever is provided and change it to ~~~~~.


Optional. If you want to use this reference more than once, you must name it the first time you use it, then whenever you want to use it again, add {{NamedRef|name}} wherever you want it to re-appear.


Optional. This parameter allows you to add text beginning one space after end end of the citation. Having no formatting (meaning you will have to format it yourself), this area can be used for anything you require.