Tele-other Falador

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Teleother Falador
Members only? Yes
Level 82
Runes 1 Soul
1 Law
1 Water
Spellbook Normal
Base experience 92
Quest None
Lectern None

Tele-other Falador requires a Magic level of 82. If the target has Accept Aid turned on, then the target sees a screen asking them if they would like to go to Falador. If the target selects yes then they are teleported to Falador Square. Tele-other Falador is very popular when training Magic. The Wise Old Man seemed to use this spell on Olivia in the Draynor Bank Robbery.

This spell may sometimes be used by players who wish to eliminate competition over monsters or resources. This will not break any rules, but is generally frowned upon and will make the offender very unpopular. Players can prevent this by turning Accept Aid "off" (in the Options menu).

This spell is also a great advantage to members during PVP.

A player tele-others another player to Falador.

Remember, you cannot use Ancient Magicks or Lunar Spells if you are using regular Magic.


Spell Costs
Runes Cost
1Exchange:water rune 1Exchange:law rune 1Exchange:soul rune Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.
Staff Cost
1Exchange:law rune 1Exchange:soul rune Staff of water Expression error: Unexpected < operator.  Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.Expression error: Unexpected < operator.

Combination runes Cost

Template:Teleport es:Tele-other Falador fi:Teleother Falador