Slang dictionary/S
(Redirected from Super Sets)
Abbreviation | Meaning |
SC | Sacred Clay Armour and Weapons, Stealing Creation, Skill capes |
Safer | Someone who heals at a life points value that is greater than the maximum hit of the opponent or in some cases eating to full lifepoints. Typically used in the context of one-on-one PvP Although, some use it in multi-way combat incorrectly. |
Santa | Santa Claus, Santa hat |
Saph/Sapp | Sapphire |
Sara | Saradomin |
Scimmy/Skimmy/Scim | Scimitar |
Screenie/Screeny | Screenshot |
SD | Shield down (In reference to the Tormented demons) |
Seers | Seers' Village |
Sgs | Saradomin godsword or Solomon's General Store |
Sg | Soulgazer |
Shilo | Shilo Village |
Short | Shortsword/Shortbow |
Sister skill | A skill that complements or somewhat relies upon another skill. Example: Firemaking to Woodcutting or Mining to Smithing |
Size x | The layer that the Shooting Star is currently on. Often abbreviated to just SX, such as S5. |
SK | Swiftkit, a commonly used toolkit with many useful calculators. |
Skirt | Plateskirt |
Skiller | Someone who trains Non-Combat skills (can be any Combat level)/More commonly someone who trains non-combat skills primarily or exclusively |
Sof | Squeal of Fortune, the prize wheel in-game. |
Sol | Staff of Light, Scroll of life |
SOS/Stronghold | Stronghold of security |
Solo/soloing | To attempt to kill a boss monster alone who could otherwise be fought in teams. |
Spam Banner | Achievement banner |
Spec | Special attack, Spectral spirit shield |
Spec wep | A weapon (usually slower, but deadlier) that a player uses when their opponent is in low health in the hopes of killing them. Examples: non-members rangers often use a rune 2h sword as a spec wep,while members often use dragon claws, korasi's sword, or dharok's greataxe. |
Sq | Square shield |
Stinky | Aberrant spectre |
Str | Strength |
Str noob | Insulting term used against players with high Strength but low Defence or Attack |
SS | Saradomin sword, SwiftSwitch, screenshot, Santa suit, Super Strength Potion, Spirit Shield, Soul Split, Strange sapling, Steel Sword |
SSH | Shadow silk hood |
Stun | The act of using Emerald bolts (e) to stun the Dark Energy Core spawned by the Corporeal Beast |
Super sets | Super attack potion, Super defence potion, Super strength potion |
SW | Soul Wars |
swh/stat warhammer | Statius's warhammer |
Sword(y) |
SL / SNL | Suicide leech / Suicide no leech (dungeoneering terms, when creating a party) |