Skullball Boss

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Skullball Boss
File:Skullball Boss.png
Release date 31 January 2005 (Update)
Race Werewolf
Members NPC? Yes
Quest NPC? No
Location Werewolf Skullball, near Canifis
Sells items? No
Gender Male
Examine He's in charge of the Skullball Course.
Notable features Oversees the Werewolf Skullball Course

The Skullball Boss oversees the Werewolf Agility Course. He will teach players how to use the Werewolf Skullball course properly. This course requires a Ring of charos and completion of Creature of Fenkenstrain. If you want to start a "skullball game" you'll have to talk with him and a skull, which acts as a ball, will appear.

What you do as you play the Skullball game, is you tap, kick, shoot or show-goal. If you click one of these your runescape character will kick the skull ball from which ever side he is facing it. Tap will kick the skull ball 1 step. Kick will kick the skull ball 5 steps. Shoot will kick the skull ball 10 steps. Show-goal will get the yellow arrow and point it to where you have to kick the skull ball to. The faster you finish the loop, the more Agility XP you get.