Strange potato

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Strange potato
File:Strange potato.png
Release date 24 November 2010 (Update)
Members? Yes
Quest item? No
Tradeable? No
Equipable? No
Edible? No
Stacks? No
High Alch 2 coins
Low Alch 1 coin
Value 4 coins
Destroy Unknown edit
Store price Not sold
Examine Oddly seasoned and wriggling.
Weight 0.5 kg
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A detailed image of a strange potato.
A detailed image of a strange potato.

A Strange potato is made by using a Juju cooking potion with a baked potato which completes the first step in making juju gumbo. Adding tuna and corn to complete the process gives 50 cooking xp. The strange potato looks like a potato that has been coloured purple.


  • Juju cooking potions are bright yellow and baked potatoes are brown, but a strange potato, despite being the combination of the two, is purple.