Sample item

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Sample items are items that certain shops give out for free throughout the Free-to-play area. They are always separate from the actual stock of the shop, so if a player would like to sell their sample items back, they will return to the sample stock, unless the samples have respawned.

Sample items are usually low valued, and are offered to help new players obtain supplies. Skill tutors originally gave out sample items, but with their discontinuation, certain stores began offering free items.


Store Items
Lumbridge General Store 1 Tinderbox , 1 Hammer , 1 Bronze dagger
Bob's Brilliant Axes 1 Bronze pickaxe , 1 Bronze Hatchet
Hank's Fishing Shop

1 Small fishing net , 1 Crayfish cage

Varrock Swordshop 1 Bronze sword
Aubury's Rune Shop 30 Air runes , 30 Mind runes
Lowe's Archery Emporium 30 Bronze arrows , 1 Shortbow , 1 Longbow